Feedback results here! ![]()
Sorcery Spelltacular Feedback Survey We would love to hear your thoughts about this event! We use these feedback surveys to get an idea of the community’s thoughts in order to make adjustments to future events. Thank you in advance if you choose to help us out! For every 20 survey submissions we receive, we will be raffling off 1 random prize shop item from the event! In order to be eligible for the raffle, please be sure to include your username on your survey form. Of course, you are more than welcome to remain anonymous if that is your preference. This survey will remain open until the prize shop closes at 23:59 ST on November 18th, and the results will be compiled and summarized shortly thereafter, with the raffle soon to follow. Activity Information If you participated in our event activities Bruc’s Mushroom Rottery or Jessamyn’s Spellweaving don’t forget to fill out those submission + feedback forms (forms are located in the first posts of the activities)! If you did not leave feedback about the activities in those forms but wish to, feel free to include your activity feedback in this survey in the general feedback question. The activity Enchanting Expressions does not have a submission form because we are able to collect data on that automatically, and you are also free to leave feedback about that one in the general section of this feedback form.
Posted 11/12/18, edited 11/19/18
Lol contrary from what Ravenpaw experienced, I had issues in this event while playing it on my computer. Pop-up prompts didn’t work for me for some reason nearing the end of the game, so I had to send the words out on my phone (this wasn’t recorded in the survey either; I didn’t remember this when I took the survey)
Posted 11/12/18
Event Wrap Up
We hope you had fun! I’m listing the last few things we need to do to wrap up here:
And that’s a wrap :)
Posted 11/19/18, edited 11/23/18
I’m glad it was helpful for the Enchanting Expressions prizes :) Now I feel like a poop for not having support for that with Bruc / Jessamyn >> but I can try to have that in place for next time!
Posted 11/19/18, edited 11/19/18
Feedback Survey Results Overview In total, we had 156 responses to our feedback survey for this event (about half of players that participated in the event).
Common Comments: Main Event
Pets should send words to pets rather than players to pets. Changing lifestyles makes a time-intensive event like this difficult. The equal probabilities of the items within the bags was generally well-received. The bag prices were a deterrent for trying for the coats. Tweak some event mechanics. Players like the toggleability and variety of event items. Still many fans of the Scrabble-style event. Common Comments: Activities.
General activity feedback: Many players like the idea of recolors as an activity prize. General activity feedback: Many players liked the concept of the activities, but there were various changes that could improve them a lot. General activity feedback: Deadlines should be consistent and easy to find. General activity feedback: Deadlines should be longer/more flexible. General activity feedback: Pings. General activity feedback: There were activities? Enchanting Expressions: Wordlist was especially difficult. Bruc’s: Instructions were confusing. Jessamyn’s: Add pings. Whew! And that’s a wrap! We thank you for taking the time to think about the event and what we can do to make improvements in the future. There were some especially great comments in this feedback round—if you didn’t see your comment referenced here, it’s likely because it wasn’t repeated by others, though that doesn’t mean we won’t take it into account! This new more interactive activity style was an experiment we wanted to try with the fall event, so thank you for being patient with us as we figure out the best way to make it happen. Many of you offered specific ways we can improve on our next attempt, and that is greatly appreciated (and helpful)! Thanks again, everyone!
Posted 11/19/18, edited 11/19/18
I got both a Salt-Kissed Arcane Assortment and Gritty Arcane Assortment.
Posted 11/19/18, edited 11/19/18
Akira I will look into it and send you an echo! If anyone else notices a mistake with the prizes, please send an echo to me or Crow.
Posted 11/19/18
The feedback is always super interesting to read. Can’t wait to see what kind of changes will be implemented for a future Scrabble event. ^w^ Like Rowyn, I’m a bit sad about the auto-buy since I was hoping to just use my tokens for the raffle rather than have something I don’t really need bought for me. ;; I definitely support an “opt out” option for the auto-buy! I know this was already stated on the event page, but even so I still wish I could have kept most of my tokens instead. Regardless, I look forward to the raffle results! :) Hope everyone had a nice event user-side and staff-side!
Posted 11/20/18
On the pinging system: if automation can’t be done yet for whatever reason, one way would be for players to sign up to a ping list and then to just paste that for every event. That way you’ll also be pinged even if you didn’t participate in the last round and it provides an easy way to ping people for new rounds. If admins don’t want to have to manually sift through a forum thread full of requests to be added to the ping list, a submission form can be used for people to submit requests and maintenance will be done from there—or the alternative would be an openly editable doc, though there would then also be a need to monitor to make sure nobody maliciously removes anyone else from the list or something like that.
Posted 11/20/18
Bunnii We put the auto buy in place a couple years back when we had handfuls of players forgetting to spend any of their tokens—it’s surprising, but there are always a few players with 600+ tokens unspent (I actually forgot to spend my 1000 from this year.. cough…)! I can see how it would be an unpleasant surprise if you were keeping some aside for the raffle though, so we’ll try and come up with a happy middle ground. Azurrys Those all sound like great alternatives that wouldn’t be so mistake-prone.. I’m hoping I can bribe glitch into making some sort of on-site type of thing, but until we can find the time for that, one of the ideas you had would work well! 8)
Posted 11/20/18
What a nice surprise, I got a bag! Thank you! It’s nice to read all the feedback and see that some concerns/issues I had were shared (mainly, not having the time for the 15-minute intervals) and that this is being looked at. I did have a thought that I don’t think I placed in the form at the time: What about incorporating site games into events? For example, with a scrabble event like this, Spellstones makes a perfect match. Event tokens could be granted based on cumulative score or score milestones. If the milestone is 1 token per 100 points, the player could obtain x amount of tokens based on the hundreds they make at the end of a game, or they could receive 5 every time they reach 500 points cumulatively, with a potential daily cap on amount of tokens obtainable, or a cap on tokens obtainable per game. Or the reward could be an openable bag containing x amount of letters based on their score; or automatically distributed, with additional letters going into inventory; or simply capped at the amount of letter spaces left on the board. This would allow players to engage more actively in events like this in a more concentrated amount of time. I know some people really don’t like spellstones and item costs would need to be rebalanced, so it’s definitely a rough example, but I think that existing games could be involved in timer events as an additional source of tokens or gatherable items, whether all games are involved in the event or just one per event. Or, with the adventure system, event tokens could potentially be incorporated into that.
Posted 11/21/18
Myla Ahh omg that’s so many! :0!! I can definitely see why it’s a great feature in that case! No matter; I still had tons of fun during the event. :) Also thanks for taking the feedback into consideration. I really appreciate it. ^-^
Posted 11/21/18
Congratulations to the winners!!! =) all in all this was a really fun event for me. I especially enjoyed Bruc and Jessamyn’s activities. Also, I can’t find the thread this morning so we can add missing words to the list, but remembered this one: Sclera Any chance that can go into the Spellstones disctionary too? I found it particularly frustrating as it’s a neat word and we even have the item for sale in the Cave. glitch
Posted 11/25/18