20:23 ST
[ACTIVITY] Sweet Sentiments
Share Your Sweet Sentiments!

These drab, dreary Drasilli seem to have been struck by Cupid’s arrow! The magic of love is sending a warm glow through their scales, and they look like they’d enjoy nothing more than gazing longingly at some sweet community sentiments!

Toggles: Heart/swirl and glyph/arrow

Show a Little Love!

For this activity, players will be creating Valentine’s Day Cards in order to receive a Lovestruck Mushroom!

  • The creation of one card will earn you one Lovestruck Mushroom. Each player may earn a maximum of one mushroom from participation in this activity. Additional cards may be created for fun, but will not earn the player extra prizes.
  • Cards may be made with any media, physical or digital, but must be original work made for this year’s activity.
  • Humor is encouraged, but remember — all cards should adhere to Mycena Cave’s content rules!
  • Please post all entries in this thread!

Submissions will close at 23:59 on February 21st, and prizes will be handed out as soon as possible following entry compilation. There will be no submission form for this activity — staff will be compiling all entries manually.

Posted 02/14/19

KaralienÄ— sighs, watching Karalius move excitedly from place to place, admiring the Valentine’s decorations. “Let’s just get this over with. Karalius? Would you mind coming over here for a minute?” The younger drasilis’ ears perk up, dutifully padding over at his queen’s command. “What’s wrong sister, are you not enjoying the festivities?”

She scoffs. “Festivities? Bah, this whole event is a waste of time. But while we’re in foreign lands, we may as well play to their traditions. So here.” She holds out a heart-shaped card, a cheap paper thing obviously meant for forgetful or last minute dates. He accepts it, reading it over in moments. He laughs. “Hahahah-awwww. Thanks sis, I love you too.”

He gives her a hug, and she just stands there awkwardly in return. “Uhhh, can you please not.” He shakes his head, holding her tighter. “Not kidding Karalius.” Her tone is sharp, and he immediately drops the hug, backing off with his hands up in a gesture of surrender. “Now go finish looking around or whatever.” Karalius salutes her, running off to continue merrily exploring the town. His sister loosely follows, a clearly irritated guard just waiting for someone to take her annoyances out on.

Posted 02/14/19, edited 02/14/19


Posted 02/14/19

Took the mushroom pictures myself :p wish i had more editted.

Posted 02/14/19
Posted 02/14/19

Alice did her best job on this one. It took her a few tries to get the spelling right, but she finally made it perfect and is ready to give it to the first kid she comes across on Valentines.

Posted 02/14/19

Ilya shuffled forwards, the pink envelope hidden in the folds of her coat. She didn’t want to accidentally drop the precious package, but also wanted to give herself an out by hiding it from sight. She had rehearsed how this whole scene should go down, tried to go through what she’d say, but now her mind was a blank. Why had she decided to do this stupid thing in the first place. What if he said no? What was she meant to do then?

Stop it Ilya, we went over this. Suck it up if he doesn’t want to be your valentine. You can do this. You’re strong enough and even if he says no, it was a ‘learning experience.’ Albeit the annoying and painful kind mum always talks about.

Eyes closing, Ilya crept closer to his house. Her eyes twitched at the corners, doing the stupid thing they always did whenever she was nervous. Taking a deep breath, Ilya slowly slid her envelope underneath his door then raised a hand to knock. Here’s to nothing…

Posted 02/14/19, edited 02/14/19
Posted 02/14/19

The reason why I should not work on event submissions at 3 AM…

Posted 02/14/19

From: Tyrnan.


From: Val.

Posted 02/14/19


I don’t know how to get rid of the watermark at the moment.

Posted 02/14/19

Starla liked the store-bought valentine card well enough; it had space, it had wordplay, and who doesn’t love wordplay? It just…seemed a little impersonal. So she quickly penned in her own note as an addition. Not her finest work, but it was the thought that counted, right? Besides, her beloved starshine knew just how much she loved them already, she didn’t need to give them some silly card to profess her undying love. It was just a little something silly to do because of the holiday.

Who doesn’t love space wordplay? :P Excuse the jagged edge, an attempt was made using Paint 3D and I most certainly do not profess to be an expert at such.

Posted 02/14/19
Posted 02/14/19

” For you, my love.”

Posted 02/14/19

I just couldn’t resist a mushroom pun!

Posted 02/14/19

As the Valentine Day comes, Benedict wakes up and open their cafeteria early. He bakes a small cinnamon pie and puts it in a beautifully looking box. Then he wraps the box with some delicate red colored gift bow along with a little card. Once Ivory wakes up, he offered her the pie in the box and the card~

Posted 02/14/19, edited 02/14/19

Eliot stared at Kennedy with a blank expression, though the faintest hit of pink on his cheeks betrayed him.

Posted 02/14/19

Hadassah got a card from a secret admirer.

Posted 02/14/19

Losty If Eons actually has a personality, it definitely wouldn’t be to send a card, but I thought of this and laughed.

I could have made this punnier, but I couldn’t bear it, so generic we go.

Posted 02/14/19

Decided to make some cards for my friends this year :D didn’t say it had to be on the template so I hope this is okay!

Oxton & Lullaby much love♥♥

Posted 02/14/19

This felt like the perfect time to play with a picture taken at work!

Posted 02/14/19


Posted 02/14/19

I’m very romantic

Posted 02/14/19
A cute in-character note from these two to Lena, eh heh.

Posted 02/14/19

Rowan trying to pretend he’s not madly in love with Aravis.

Posted 02/14/19

It’s romantic to them, okay, I promise!

Posted 02/14/19

Gage is doing her best.

Posted 02/14/19

Piper wishes you all a Happy Valentines (??)
Because her Dad told her to.

Posted 02/14/19, edited 02/14/19
Posted 02/14/19

Using mice to draw isn’t easy ... but it was worth it!

Posted 02/14/19, edited 02/14/19