20:03 ST
[ACTIVITY] Sweet Sentiments
Posted 02/16/19

From Naolin to King‘s Dusty!

Posted 02/16/19
alephs doing his best!!;;
Posted 02/16/19

To Kiwi <3

To Foxcat <3

drag to the url bar for fullsize <3

Posted 02/16/19, edited 02/17/19

do we have an obligatory Cage joke yet?

Posted 02/16/19, edited 02/16/19

MeiMei got something to SAY

Posted 02/17/19

’ how embarrassing… I cannot give them this… what was I thinking… ‘

Posted 02/17/19

((Sheppard This is your fault.))

Posted 02/17/19
Posted 02/17/19
Posted 02/17/19
Posted 02/17/19

100% the mood rn…. valentines was ROUGH

Posted 02/17/19

Leilani likes this mortal tradition, its very…. adorable.

Posted 02/17/19
peas and thank u!
Posted 02/17/19, edited 02/17/19

Posted 02/17/19


Posted 02/17/19

Ashlar 8)

Posted 02/17/19

Antoinette worked hard on the card for the others, going so far as to stick pressed flowers into it. They were her favorite things, and she had chosen them ahead of time just for this occasion. Evren was surprised when she was included, but she couldn’t hold back the bright smile that spread across her face. The others had always been so kind to her since she had been carved, but they were always so close to each other. It sent a wave of longing within her chest every time.

Maybe one day, she can join their bond.

That day was sooner than expected, as a few days later she was approached by the trio with a pair of gems in their paws. They proposed, requesting that Evren join their lives forever as the greatest set of friends ever. They even had a pair of wings for her, their signature bond item. The tears fell from Evren’s eyes as she accepted, and they didn’t stop until many hours after they completed the ritual.

Posted 02/18/19

Moon made one too :3

Posted 02/18/19

To all my MC friends <3

Posted 02/18/19

So, most people who know me know that I’m about as romantic as a brick wall. Now, excuse me while I go brush my teeth before the sweetness rots them away.

Posted 02/18/19

Be kind, they’re trying their best. ;u;

Posted 02/18/19

Gyver x Xero
Gyver can’t help to tease Xero at every opportunity ;P

Posted 02/18/19
Posted 02/18/19
Posted 02/18/19

¯\_(ツ)_/¯  how dare the coat be so cute

Posted 02/18/19

From Neev to Eluii‘s Elk

Posted 02/18/19

Prism‘s valentine is for the whole Cave. What a bleeding sweetheart.
forever regretting buying the wrong sketchbook paper, my blendy markers won’t blend sobs

Posted 02/19/19

Featuring Chessie‘s Lyker and my Lorn! Someone got honey all over the card, how terrible. :C
drawing this while listening to fata morgana music gave me such emotional whiplash omg

Posted 02/19/19

Devien isn’t the best at writing or being emotionally soft, so her attempt at a card doesn’t hide her frustrations.  She just didn’t know how best to convey her affection… but she figures that a simple ‘I love you’ would have worked in the first place.  Too bad she only had one card… but at least she’s practicing her writing and spelling as much as she can!  Precious taught her well.

...I’d put out those lingering flames though, before the whole card ends up a pile of ash.


Posted 02/19/19, edited 02/19/19