19:49 ST
[ACTIVITY] Sweet Sentiments

Posted 02/14/19

Deys never play easy on poor Silo imo

Posted 02/14/19
Posted 02/14/19
Posted 02/14/19

Because it’s the sort of thing one of my pets would say to her mate. XD

Posted 02/14/19

~Njinn and Tempestas~

Njinn was an extraordinary kelphi. Beautiful, graceful, but hardly ever spoke. Why did she fall in love with someone so… simple? So clumsy, so straightforward? Perhaps she saw something in Tempestas that she herself did not, something… beautifully honest. And no matter what, Njinn loved her as she was.


Tempestas loved Njinn. She wasn’t sure why she loved her, or why Njinn loved her back, but it was the best feeling in the world. She did know that she didn’t know a lot of things, and her not knowing why she loved Njinn was probably because there were too many reasons to pick from, and that was overwhelming so she decided not to choose. Njinn made her feel happy, and she was alright with just sticking with that.

Posted 02/14/19
Posted 02/14/19

Kira finally responds with a valentine of her own. Just two elderly people who are experiencing the joys of modern day expenses.

Posted 02/14/19

Posted 02/15/19

Charlotte isn’t desperate. Just… uh… passionate.

Posted 02/15/19
Posted 02/15/19

based on this geness

Posted 02/15/19

Delivered with a yeehaw and also an invitation to meet in a certain
someone’s cargo bay (it’s Akmazian’s cargo bay, he lives there).

Posted 02/15/19, edited 02/15/19
Posted 02/15/19

LOVE this cutie Dras! Wow ;u;

Posted 02/15/19

Shoot. I just noticed mine was similar to someone else’s. I hope it’s still ok? If it’s not, I guess I can change it if I can think of something else.

Edit: Here’s a second one I made, just in case:

Posted 02/15/19, edited 02/15/19

spot may not have a lot to spend on valentine’s day but he loves you nonetheless

Posted 02/15/19

Poor Ash, she’s completely blind so can’t read the card. But she could feel it was in the shape of a heart!
Don’t worry, I fixed it for her <3
Besides, Vaher is also blind, so he won’t know either ;)

Posted 02/15/19

it’s meant to be rock candy, because gneiss is a rock. im a rock nerd. im sorry.

Posted 02/16/19, edited 02/16/19
Posted 02/16/19
Posted 02/16/19

As he threw extra glitter onto the card for good measure, Voltaire couldn’t help but pause to admire just how much the pink, heart-shaped card reminded him of his own, fine butt.

Posted 02/16/19

Here’s my Maf‘s card to her not-named Valentine. The messy upside down text was scribbled on shortly before handing the sappy card over, it reads: P.S.: sorry not sorry for the mushy letter :P

Herz loved Mabel the moment she set eyes on her after getting carved.

Posted 02/16/19, edited 02/16/19
Posted 02/16/19

Jennvin I wanted to make a pun since I know you love them, but also include a reference to Brownman because he’s your favorite streamer!!

Posted 02/16/19

Sumi made a cute little card for their sweetheart! And, uh, for everyone else too!

Posted 02/16/19

For my loves; Lullaby and Gabriel <3

Posted 02/16/19

Posted 02/16/19
Posted 02/16/19
Warning: bad pun and bad art >w<
Posted 02/16/19