18:10 ST
August / September monthlies, and earning nuggets

Hi everyone,

So as you’ve no doubt noticed, getting my laptop stolen really pushed us back a bit in terms of site development. Thankfully your data and passwords are all safe, but user shops still aren’t here, nor is a way to buy gems for money, nor are any other ways to make nuggets. As a result, we’ve decided to keep this month’s coloration available through September as well. During the entire month of September, both August and September’s colorations will be available from the pet shop.

In terms of earning nuggets, those of you who can’t or won’t max out at Cave In every day are going to get a couple more ways of making money in the very near future. First, a new game will be in place very shortly (*cheers at daemon*) — we’re just going through the final setup stuff. It’s item-based, but we’ll also be introducing an item sell-back system, so you’ll be able to make a few extra nuggets that way as well. Second, in the near future you’ll start earning nuggets for future posts in Cave Stories, the Canon RP forum, starting once we finish the code to do that (probably about a week or so when I get back to the ‘States).

What is glitch doing out of the US, you may ask (or, more likely, you didn’t, which is why I’m doing it for you ;) ) — well I’m in Greece, and apparently right near(ish) a place called Mycenae, which totally sounds like Mycena :D. So obviously I’m going to try to go see that.

I hope you guys are having a great week!

Posted 08/23/13, edited 08/23/13
Yay! Very good news, Glitch! Thanks for the update and enjoy your trip! Get pics!
Posted 08/23/13

Haha, what a befitting place to go see! Hope you enjoy you’re time there. <3

Looks like a lot of people are heading out for that one big trip before Summer ends, myself included. Time to get your traveling shoes folks.

Looking forward to seeing the new additions to the site!

Posted 08/23/13

Okay, first of all I’m VERY pleased to see that the monthly will be sticking around for another month. I’ve made it known that myself and others have had a difficult time gaining nuggets, so I’m glad to know our feedback has been heard.

Although… I have to say I’m rather letdown that only canon rps will give out money. I’m very excited that some areas of the forum will generate income, but… you have to have a pet to rp in the canon-verse. So how is that going to help us earn money? We need pets to make money, but we need the money to buy the pets in the first place?

That wouldn’t be a problem later on, but right now I only have one pet that I’m not sure fits the canonverse. Not to mention, we know so little about it right now that I don’t feel comfortable playing in that world. Not yet. I understand the site is new, so that part hasn’t been complete. That is my personal preference, really. But… still…

I’m concerned that other rps will be valued less than canon ones. They already seem to be.

I put just as much time, effort, and thought into building my own worlds, characters, and rps. In fact, I’m inclined to say I’ll put MORE effort into my own original works than the Mycena canonverse. Not because I don’t like it (the bit we have so far is very interesting!), but just because those rps come from my heart and from my partners’. They’re very personal and very dear to me. To find they are intrinsically worth less than your own canon is disheartening. Will these stories and characters be barred from other features in the future, such as breedings?


I suppose I do understand why it is the way it is. And I am very glad there was a change at all.

You want your canon to come first. It’s important to the site. It should be important! Maybe you’re worried about people spamming the non-canon rps for nuggets. It’s a valid issue and something to consider.

However, I don’t think totally ignoring those rps is the right move either.

Posted 08/23/13, edited 08/23/13

Yay! :D I’m really happy I’ll get a shot at the August items. c: Thank you!

I hope you have a safe trip around Mycenae!

Posted 08/23/13

I’m sorry you’ve lost your laptop. I hope you get it back safely though. That’s just not right. :/

I’m glad there will be a chance to get the monthly pets. It is hard to get a lot of nuggets to trade in for gems. Plus work getting in the way.

Posted 08/23/13
Thanks so much for leaving the monthlies up!  Now I’m pretty determined to get a Tanuki!  >D
Posted 08/23/13

Like Siren, I’m also a little disheartened to see that we’ll only be rewarded for the Canon RPs.  :/  As someone who will probably NEVER have ANY interest in making a canon RP… Well, that just seems really unfair.

I understand a desire to support your own website’s story line, but I’m not here for the story line.  I’m here to collect virtual pets and occasionally writes stories about the characters I associate with them.  And none of those characters are going to be ‘canon’ characters.

Either way, thanks for the update.

Posted 08/23/13

First off, I’m looking forwards to seeing those games and pleased to hear that there will soon be an option to earn nuggets from writing; it’s good to know that cave in won’t be the only means of doing so. Those other little features should also make nice additions to the site and I hope we get to see them semi soon (but don’t overdo it! I’m guessing you guys are already working hard as it is.)

Second, I feel like I should note that I’m also a little unhappy about the suggestion that nuggets will only be earned from cannon posts, since I can see myself and others doing a lot of non-cannon writing, and foresee future issues should that divide really exist. However, Im also optimistic that were just reading that part of the post wrong, and that youre just bringing earning to cannon roleplay first.
That said, on the off chance that we are reading it right, and the intention is to make earning available only to cannon roleplay, I’d like to leave behind a suggestion that popped up in my head when I read Sirens post. It’s this: instead of making earning exclusive to cannon, perhaps you could code the boards so that nuggets are earned at a slightly lower rate in non-cannon threads, and a slightly higher rate in cannon. That way you would be able to place an emphasis on the later whilst limiting the discontent of those who expect to be, or will be, heavily invested in the former.
I know that this wouldn’t be ideal, and might still cause some upset, and I’m not even sure if it’s possible, but it would be better than nothing, right?

Posted 08/23/13, edited 08/23/13
Thanks for the updates! I’m really looking forward to new ways to earn nuggets~ And I’m very glad to hear the Tanuki is sticking around longer. Hope you’re having a fun trip!
Posted 08/23/13

Thanks for the update :3

Still sorry about your laptop :c

Question on the Cave Stories: Any estimate on how soon the first chapter of backstory will be available? I feel uncomfortable trying to roleplay in-canon with so little info about what the canon really is.

Siren: Every user gets a free pet to start with. Even if you give that pet a character/backstory that isn’t feasible for the canon of Mycena, you could give it a slightly altered backstory that does fit, and use that for only canon RPs. For example, if I were to play my Tech-Priest character in the Mycena Cave I’d make him a tinkerer with a passion for trying to make prosthetics and gadgets realistic to the time, materials, and needs of a cave. He’d still be the full on Tech-Priest in space roleplays, but it’s not hard to try him in other settings.
On both of the Digis RP events I was present for I had to modify a character slightly to fit canon - and I’m okay with that. It was still my character, still their personality, they just had slightly different universal rules. I don’t see why that’s wrong.

Posted 08/23/13

Hope you’re having a good vacation. glitch!

I must say that I agree with Siren here in that I think non-Canon roleplay posts should receive nuggets. I see nuggets as a reward for hard work, and people work as hard on formulating their non Canon characters as they do their Canon characters. I would like the idea of giving monetary incentive to cave roleplays only if no one were using that board, but it seems that both boards are active. Therefore, I think we don’t need to have a specific incentive to one type of roleplay over another. Of course, this is simply what I think on the matter, and I totally understand the validity of opposing points.

Posted 08/23/13

These are great updates!
Thanks for listening to us, like always.

Enjoy the rest of your trip!

Posted 08/24/13

@Jingles: It is not possible for everyone to just up and change their characters to fit some other canon. And the implication that I must do that to participate is disheartening.

Right now I have one character. The first pet I obtained is not even really mine as I agreed to trade him with someone else. So to RP, I must use my Mhai. I adore my Mhai, and have been developing her character for over a year now. She cannot be changed.

When I feel comfortable with the provided information enough to RP canon, I will create canon characters. That hasn’t yet happened, so I feel that I can’t RP canon. It is on me, I understand that.

I am absolutely thrilled that our admins are taking our concerns into account, and are making modifications accordingly. But as someone who strives to create complex worlds and host various characters in them, I worry that that type of RP has little place here and it feels silly continuing them if they’re not going to be valued remotely close to the canon RPs. I understand wanting to encourage more Canon RP, and I even understand wanting to avoid RP spam of people just trying to make money. But ultimately RPing is not an unintellective game. And I very much second Siren, Nine, and Grey.

Really, I will continue to RP regardless. My RPs are important to me, and I will continue them wherever I can find a place for them. I don’t RP to make money, but it would be nice to be able to use other aspects of the game.

Posted 08/24/13
I went to this business meeting last week & had to cross a street called “Mycene” :D /randomaddition
Posted 08/24/13

First off, thank you, glitch, for the update!  This makes me very happy since now I may have a chance at getting the August items. c:  And I’m super excited for the new games and ways to make nuggets!!  As much as I love playing Cave In!, it does take a long time hehe~

About rewarding nuggets for canon RPs only…  I’m not sure why everyone is making a huge deal out of it.  I really don’t want to come off sounding rude, and I do apologize if I am (I sometimes struggle to come up with good wording for what I want to say ;-;) but just because we are rewarded for posting for canon RPs and not non-canon RPs, it doesn’t necessarily mean that canon RPs are intrinsically “better” or “more valued.”  I think that this greater value is just a viewpoint.  There is no reason that non-canon RPs should be considered less valuable and not as important.  In the end, you guys obviously really love your non-canon characters a lot — wouldn’t that mean you would roleplay them regardless of a nugget reward anyway?  I think it is unlikely that people are suddenly going to stop roleplaying in the non-canon forum just because they aren’t getting rewarded for posting.  We love our characters, and whether we are rewarded or not, at least for me, isn’t something to be concerned with! (:  Though, I think I might be missing something, so someone please tell me what that is!

I think the nugget reward is just to encourage the canon RP a little bit.  When asked what the site’s focus will be, glitch did say in one of the emails sent out during Mycena Cave’s development that “RPing your characters is highly recommended. We’ve written the backstory to be fairly unique and to put your characters into an interesting setting / situation, and we hope that you run with it and take it places we never even imagined!”  And then later in that email, in response to the question “What? I have to RP in a CAVE?!?!?!” it says, “No. I mean, we’d like you to — the cave is pretty awesome, and you can do pretty much anything you ever wanted to inside of that cave.”  So, coming into the site, we did already know that there would be a bit of an emphasis on RPing in the cave.  Obviously, we are still free to roleplay non-canon, and I expect people are going to continue to do so, but I think it makes sense.

Well, that got a little long, and sorry for being disorganized, but wanted to get my thoughts out there I guess. D;

Posted 08/24/13, edited 08/24/13
I hope these new ways to make nuggets helps with gaining pets fast! Because I don’t even think I’ll have time to get the August color until mid-late September, and I HAVE to get September’s pet since it’s my birthday month :o I’m really just looking forward to the day we can purchase pets for real money.
Posted 08/24/13

Hello again everyone!

This will be a quick update since I’m still away in far off lands and trying to do a bajillion things. Anyway:

canon vs non-canon:
Whether nuggets will be given out (and how many, etc) for non-canon rp posts hasn’t been fully discussed yet. Giving nuggets for things, much like adding new forums, needs to be added extremely carefully: it’s way easier to add things like that than it is to remove them, so we need to be absolutely sure about these things before we go forward. The reason it’s differentiated at all is because of the fact that you can write whatever you want in the non-canon RP section, and we would really like to use this to encourage you to RP your characters. Anyway one possibility that I’ve been kicking around is a sort of “semi canon” RP board, where you have to use your own characters but they needn’t be set in the cave. But again, this is something that I’ve just been thinking about recently and haven’t even mentioned it to the other admins yet, and since it’d be fairly direction-altering it’s something we’d need to discuss very carefully before committing to.

Chapter 1 is essentially what will happen after our first major RP event, which is not yet planned. Essentially as time goes on and RP events happen, the story will become more developed around what actually happens during these events. Future chapters aren’t really a thing you need to worry about at the moment.

Apologies for the terseness, million things to do :D

Posted 08/26/13

I would really appreciate a third board for non-canon with pets. It was my full intention to try to get pets for all of my characters eventually anyway, which is a monumental task. That’s why I started some of them already, minus the characters, because they were highly established already and I wanted to RP again.

Especially coupled with what you said before about being able to move threads between sections, that way we could move our threads over when we DID get corresponding pets for the characters and receive credit/value for them at that point.

Posted 08/26/13
Will nuggets be given for posts in “Musings” because I don’t work well with others…
Posted 08/26/13
I think a semi-canon board would be nice balance since that’s generally what I RP (as well as many others here as well) — not exactly fandom and not entirely canon but still of my own literary creation.
Posted 08/26/13
As I almost exclusively plan to role play in semi canon if such a thing exists, I would love to see that board occur. If that board as well as the canon board received allowed us to receive compensation for our writing, that would be even better. I really hope this goes through. Great idea, glitch!
Posted 08/27/13

A semi-canon board would be wonderful! Don’t get me wrong, I love and adore the concept of Mycena as it is, but most of my characters would not fit into the restrictions of the cave. I don’t mind altering my characters for situational RP (most are deliberately made to be flexible between fandoms), but broadening the options would definitely make my life easier. I also like the concept because it creates a clear distinction and transition between canon and non-canon.

You can RP canon letter for letter as it currently stands in the canon board, or you can RP your Mycena character in situations outside of the cave or in situations that are not considered canon (i.e. maybe your character was left behind outside of the cave when the witch saved everyone [Krelis would fit into this situation when I get him set up here since he’s based off of a death knight]) in the semi-canon board, or you can RP an entirely different fandom in the “everything goes” board. It would create a little of something for everyone. Although, sadly, the “everything goes” board should not receive nuggets since the RP going on in there would probably have nothing to do with Mycena Cave.

Perhaps a progression of diminishing nuggets between the boards? Cave Stories gets the most reward, followed by semi-canon board, Musings (I think that canon and semi-canon should be rewarded for story-mode RP and character stories, just make it 100% clear that re-posting character profiles will not be tolerated, etc.), and then 0 nuggets for Other Stories?

Posted 08/27/13, edited 08/27/13

A new game yay!
I would love to write RPs as well but I’m german so my english might sound a little weird .__.

Posted 08/28/13

The proposed compromise of a semi-canon board would be awesome. Like others have said I think it would be a nice balance. That’s essentially what I was looking for anyway. I intend to gather pets for all of my characters. It was just a matter of not all of them quite fitting into Mycena canon. Which I do still find very neat and I’d love to make some characters for it in the future.

Thank you for all of your hard work!

Posted 08/28/13
I’m sure you can find people interested anyway, Yvaia :3 It’d be a good way to practice English, anyway :D
Posted 08/30/13
Also - your inventory screen just got a little makeover :) I hope you like it!
Posted 09/15/13
Posted 09/15/13

I do appreciate it, but would you be able to re-add the sort by name function? It made things a lot easier to find. Like, it seems like the default is “sort by oldest first”, so could it be able to toggle between that and name?

Thank you either way :D

Posted 09/15/13
oh whoops! that was meant to be the default. Fixed :)
Posted 09/15/13