05:46 ST
[Forum Game] Who's that Custom?!? - Ends April 4th at 23:59 ST!
Who’s that Custom?!?

Ends April 3rd at 23:59 ST! Ends April 4th at 23:59 ST!

Mycena Cave has a lot of very special, colorfully extravagant, and illustriously decorated inhabitants, and as the Cave becomes more populated, more and more unique creatures have caught my notice. With the sheer quantity of you, however, it becomes hard to keep everyone apart. Therefore, I have concocted another little challenge for you… -rubs boney claws- ..You can work out who’s who for me!

I have selected the silhouettes of fourteen unique Mycena Cave inhabitants, and it is up to you to tell me who these creatures are. They are all player owned customs, and they all have uniquely identifying features that are either very obviously, or only subtly noticeable. This means there is always only one correct answer per silhouette!

Of course, I have become aware it tickles your fancy if I offer some bribes -ahum- ...prizes to participants. The following tiers are available to everyone that participates:

# Correct Reward
14 out of 14 correct 1 gem
10-13 out of 14 correct 1000 nuggets
7-9 out of 14 correct 500 nuggets

Additionally, users that get all 14 out of 14 correct will be entered into a raffle for the chance at a Glowing Changingshroom. Because I want to stimulate as many of you to participate as possible, I will add one Glowing Changingshroom to the prize pool for every 50 users that send in their guesses.

To participate, please send your fourteen guesses to the Bone Monster in an echo titled “Who’s that Custom?!”. You have until April 3rd 4th at 23:59 ST to enter. Please keep in mind that it is forbidden to send in a copy of someone else’s answers and anyone caught doing this will be disqualified and receive an official warning.

SAMPLE: If you think Aliza Montaigne, our resident detective, is portrayed one of the silhouettes, please link to her profile. Your entry for that Silhouette # should look as follows:

0. https://www.mycenacave.com/profile/pet/4059

You can find the link to a pet profile in the URL bar of your browser :) Aliza isn’t a Custom, though, so I’ll give you a free hint: She’s not featured in any of the silhouettes!

Easy copying for your entry:

Alright, have you noted all that down? Good! Time to show you some silhouettes that had me baffled — do you recognise all of them?

Posted 03/27/15, edited 04/29/16
That was fun! :3 Regularly stalking the customs list has made it a little easier~ >w<
Posted 03/27/15

This was… embarrassingly easy 8D;
I spend waaaay too much time on the custom list page >>;;;;;;

Posted 03/27/15
This was fun! I got a little frustrated with a couple of them, but now I feel well acquainted with all the customs :P
Posted 03/27/15
That was super fun. And ugh it made me so ready for my custom. *weeps impatiently*
Posted 03/27/15
That was fun…. So many beautiful customs!
Posted 03/27/15
Some were harder than others…. but hey, I got to stare at a bunch of pretty customs as a result :D
Posted 03/27/15
Ooh, I had a bit of difficulty with some of them but this was pretty fun. ^^
Posted 03/27/15
I recognized like 10/14, but my eyes died staring down the custom pages for the last four. xD
Posted 03/27/15

Some were pretty easy! Others, I had to keep going through the pages and stare at each one until I got it.

But they are all beautiful.

Posted 03/27/15

I went through all eight pages three times for one, and once I found it, I was really embarrassed. I don’t think it should’ve been that difficult.

It did make me drool over the art, though. All of them were really beautiful and well-done. I guess I failed to appreciate it as much before.

Posted 03/27/15
yaaass finally an excuse to look through the customs pages (like I needed one hahaha) that was a lot of fun! a lot of them I could name as soon as I saw them, but 3 or so took me a bit to find.
Posted 03/27/15
I knew most of them, there were just 2 or 3 that slowed me down.
Posted 03/27/15
I feel like my eyes were skipping what I was looking for on purpose sometimes, but it was just an excuse to look at all the pretty customs XD
Posted 03/27/15
That was pretty easy, there was only one that I didn’t recognize immediately.
Posted 03/27/15
I’m… kind of embarrassed at how excited I got when I immediately knew the second one, even to who owned it. There was maybe two that had me cycling through about three times each. This was really fun! I like matching silhouettes. *u*
Posted 03/27/15

Lol, sounds fun but, not gunna bother -I rarely look at people’s customs so would take me longer than it would be worth in bribes xD.

Now if it were a DESIGN your own, then I’d enter xD.

Posted 03/28/15

A chance at a glowing changingshroom seems worth the time to me lol
It was fun seeing how many I recognized just from their silhouette

Posted 03/28/15
This makes me realize how much I really do stalk the custom pet page 8’D
Posted 03/28/15

Yea but it’s only a chance Hera.

‘users that get all 14 out of 14 correct will be entered into a raffle for the chance at a Glowing Changingshroom.’

And that’s only if you get all 14 right. If I for sure got one, then I would really try xD. Otherwise with my luck, nah.

Posted 03/28/15

LAsDarkFireWolf: i didn’t recognize any of the customs on first glance (in fact i wasn’t familiar with any of the customs that they ended up being!) but it only took me about an hour to find them all! which may seem like a while but like others have said you get to see all the pretty customs! uwu but if it’s not worth it for you that’s understandable. just saying you don’t have to be familiar with customs to figure it out!

(hinthint: it’s waaaaay easier to just write down descriptions instead of constantly referencing the silhouettes)

Posted 03/28/15, edited 03/28/15
Fun :) I love all the customs on site. Glad there weren’t too many of them though.
Posted 03/28/15
Do you guys want the coat name, or the name of the pet, or the name of the owner, or all three?
Posted 03/28/15

SilverFalcon, you just need to put the URL to the pet. :)

Edit: changed wording.

Posted 03/28/15, edited 03/28/15
Would like to strongly request for you all to please stick to the format presented in the Sample :D I can process formats like the sample very quickly, but if you add anything else (names of pets, owners of pets, extra text, different punctuation) I have to do them manually :P
Posted 03/28/15
Was pretty fun! Probably got something wrong though.
Posted 03/28/15
Whooo, never looked at the customs page before - fun (and sneaky) way to see how amazing all those customs look ;__;
Posted 03/28/15
Wow, I never realized how many customs there were on site! But they’re all gorgeous, I got caught up a couple of times cooing over how pretty they were XD
Posted 03/28/15
Huh, I expected this to be ... harder. xD
Posted 03/28/15
I cannot play this game without hearing the “WHO’S THAT POKEMON?” on repeat. >.>
Posted 03/28/15