Thanks for doing this mini game!
It was really fun and I quite enjoyed it :3
even though towards the end it way annoying ._.
but only cause i kept skipping over the ones i needed to find xD
thank you though!! I really liked it ;3;
185 users have told me who they think these silhouettes represent..
Maybe 15 of you should ask your friends if they’ve participated in my little game yet, that would add another Glowing Changingshroom to the raffle pile…
Juney has been grading all the entries as they’ve come in so she just has to grade the ones that have come in while she’s been sleeping the past ~8 hours whenever she wakes up and has time! I’m pretty sure that the next GCS benchmark has been met though, just peeking at the Bone Monster account at unread messages. :D!
Gooooddd morning all! The Bone Monster has been rumbling & bumbling about sorting through his stash to get out the Glowing Changingshrooms — The raffle will take place in a few hours, when he’s got it all sorted out :3 At that time, the other rewards should also be distributed.
Rest assured, though, I peeked at his entry list and we ended up with 207 Who’s that Custom?! entries, so that means four Glowing Changingshrooms will be raffled off between the 100% correct entries!
A few people mistook Solori (silhouette #13) for her mother, Papillumi,
- Juney
I knew this was going to happen 8D;; But they are very, very similar - especially since I got Solori her hair edit! (But Papil has a snowflake crown which would have shown up!)