17:31 ST
[Forum Game] Who's that Custom?!? - Ends April 4th at 23:59 ST!

Same here Lena! Next thing you know we’ll be trying to rap the custom names…

What a cute little mini game though, and a great way to show off the artists’ work to people who don’t usually pay much attention to customs.

Posted 03/28/15, edited 03/28/15

I agree, a lovely idea! c:
And suuuch pretty customs, makes me want one of my own!

I have one where I am totally uncertain if I got it right, but I’ve got my fingers crossed! <3

Posted 03/28/15

Well…I spent more time than I care to admit on this. I mean, half of it was just me cooing over some gorgeous customs. But, yeah…some of them were pretty tough. One of them gave me so much grief because it seemed easy to find at first but I just kept missing it. Also I couldn’t tell if some of them were wearing apparel so I got confused??? But at least it was fun!

It’s okay I’m still new…kinda…

Posted 03/28/15

“who’s that custom?”
i search across the caves
big and small
so many great customs
i wanna see them all!

rippling prism, archangel, bird beauty, pirrp
sacred sun, spudface, boy wonder, flurrp

see them, see them, gotta see them all
mycena cave’s
custom pets~

to the tune of the pokemon theme song :p

Posted 03/28/15, edited 03/28/15
I’m so curious as to which silhouette gave people the most trouble. People keep saying that one or two did but they won’t say which ones.
Posted 03/28/15
funnily enough, the two that gave me the most trouble were #9 and #6. i guess my eyes just kept skipping right over them. i had to go through the pages three times to finally find them. u___u
Posted 03/28/15

Ahhh this was really fun :D
I knew all of them except #5 at first glance, not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing orz
Nevertheless, it was really fun to go looking through the custom list to hunt down urls n__n

Posted 03/28/15

So, my keyboard decided to act up just as I was copying my answers from the notepad that I was putting them in and I lost all the answers because notepad is stupid and only likes undoing one thing. =/

Guess I’ll be going through and getting them all again after I’m home from work, since I don’t have the time to do it right now. *sighs*

Posted 03/28/15
I recognized them all right away except number 10. That was fun though.
Posted 03/28/15
;/ have to start all over as my computer restarted last night T.T
Posted 03/28/15

Ouch. *pats natsu* :/

I found #1 to be the most difficult for some odd reason. T_T

Posted 03/28/15

I found number one to be the most difficult, too, but once I got the swing of it it wasn’t too bad. I got it done more quickly than I thought I would :D

This was fun! Thanks so much for hosting it and I hope we get a lot of entries~

Posted 03/28/15
all done now wooo ^.^
Posted 03/28/15

neamatua That was beautiful xD

I admit I knew most of them from the start. I’m a custom lurker, I have a problem /cries ugly tears/ #9 was the one that tripped me up longest until I focused on the hair. Funnily enough #5 was the last one I found even though I knew which custom it was immediately. I just kept looking past it in the list >.<

Posted 03/28/15
Oh Man. I finished that in 5 minutes ono I need to tone down my stalker skills.
Posted 03/28/15
I finished a lot faster than I thought I would.  I also had the fun of showing my nephew the different customs and the site while working on it.
Posted 03/28/15
My apologies to Juney. I clicked send before I saw the format thing…..Otherwise I would have probably been done faster too but no. If you want me to change it to the urls I’ll redo them.
Posted 03/28/15
That was a lot of fun ^_^ and I didn’t even know there was a list of customs before.
Posted 03/28/15

DarkHorse; No worries, it was just a heads up :) I can do them manually, too; If the request I posted yesterday helped just one person figure out what format to use, it was already worth my time ;D! Otherwise I should just, you know, not be lazy :P

Update: We have 138 entries so far!

Go go 150 for a third Glowing Changingshroom!

Posted 03/29/15, edited 03/29/15

/ sends 200062 duplicate entries

Wait, am I doing it wrong?

Posted 03/29/15
This is such a neat idea! A perfect excuse to stare at all the pretty customs. XD
Posted 03/29/15

Goodness that was fun! Yet every time I went through the custom list I kept looking at the staff/mods customs (like the tiny bunny one) and wanted to cry because they are so cute and I can’t have one ;O;

I need a custom of my own so bad <3333

Posted 03/29/15

This was fun!
I hadn’t been to the customs page before now. They’re all so cute.

Posted 03/29/15
This was fun. ^3^
Posted 03/30/15
man, that was excellent! i’ve never been through the customs page, so this was a bit of a challenge, but fun all the same. i kept missing the ones i was searching for because i would expect them to have a certain color scheme based of their silhouette, only to find out that they were actually quite different from the image i had in my head. 
Posted 03/30/15
Posted 03/30/15
This game made me glad I have two monitors. :B
Posted 03/30/15
That was really fun!  Being brand new to the site it was a great way to see everyone’s customs ;)
Posted 03/31/15
This is being extended by a day.. for reasons.. :D;
Posted 04/01/15
Just a heads up! We’re at 172 entries, 3,5 more days to go!
Posted 04/01/15