I think the best bit is reading the TOS. “This website be based in th’ United States o’ Amerrica, and a bottle of rum!” “You may not automate th’ playin’ o’ any game, we’ll keel-haul ye! ” “OUR LAWYERS HAVE TOLD US THAT WE NEED TO PUT THE FOLLOWING TEXT IN ALL CAPS, by Blackbearrd’s sword” “Reversin’ a Mycena Cave charge thrrough yer bank or Paypal will result in an immediate site-ban, and ye will still be liable fer th’ purchase, as well as any fees that we incur as a result, and dinna sparrre the whip! ”
Posted 04/01/15, edited 04/01/15
Chimerical, did you see this bit? XD “PLEASE EXCUSE THE FOLLOWING WALL OF TEXT. WE DON’T USUALLY YELL. Fire the cannons!”
Posted 04/01/15
Givin’ herself one last look she smoothed that comely wench hands o’er th’ dark green fabrric o’ that comely wench cotton dress that matched that comely wench eyes and walked into th’ office. borrowed from an RP
You know if I wasn’t at work I’d totally propose the Mycena Cove drinking game. Starting with “every time he see ‘comely wench’ in an rp take swig ‘o rum”. Of course then we’d know why the rum is always gone
Posted 04/01/15