Nine: we’re working to make it possible to buy tshirts with your own pets on them (with whatever items they have equipped, too). There’s a link to the example image I posted on facebook in the giant update, but for the sake of convenience here it is again: While being mostly finished it’s on hold at the moment, because there’s some other things we feel are a lot more important and should take priority — in particular the user shops, and making the trade system complete. I’m glad everyone’s enjoying the faster nuggets from cave in :)
Posted 10/02/13
Aaaand we’re back! Everything’s up and running, so feel free to log back in. It can take up to 48 hours for your ISP to update its nameserver records, which means that over the next 48 hours some of you will be hitting the new server and others will be getting the old one. You may find that your phone gets the new one and your computer gets the old one… that’s sort of how it’s going to go for the next 48 hours. We’re keeping the old instance up until everyone’s migrated over, but since it needs to connect to the new server in order to access the database, it’s going to be a little slow… sorry about that :< But soon your ISP will switch you over, that notice at the top will go away, and everything will be awesome ;)
Posted 10/02/13
There is, but it’s a little technical and involves editing your system’s Hosts file. You’re probably better off just waiting it out. If you really want to get your hands dirty, send me an echo and I’ll walk you through it.
Posted 10/02/13, edited 10/02/13
to order your pets, just drag them on your profile… haikus stole my brain :\
Posted 10/04/13, edited 10/04/13
Hey everyone, your marketplace stalls are finally ready for you to set up! Go click the “shop” button on your profile to start selling things, and click the “shop” button on other people’s profiles to see what they’re selling. We don’t have a search functionality yet, but that’ll come soon ^^
Posted 10/12/13
Character encoding issues have finally been fixed once and for all, which means you can use all of your favorite irritating things like “curly quotes”, curly apostr’phes, that weird ellipsis character … and that long dash —, as well as all of your accented letters and fancy non-american punctuation (á, é, í, ó, ú, ü, ñ, ¿, ¡, etc).
Posted 10/14/13, edited 10/14/13