10:30 ST
Family Connections
Family Connections

We are finally ready to launch some updates and give you some news about family connections!  Here is an overview of the changes:

  1. Changes and additions to Sacred Tree vocabulary and definitions
  2. Addition of a way to create a parent-child bond (& clarification on how this affects unions)
  3. Addition of a way to break a parent-child bond
  4. Making sprouts (3 stage children) more widely available

Note that as of right now, part 1 is complete, parts 2 and 3 will come very soon (before the end of the month) and 4 is scheduled for May. Now, onto the specifics!  We’re throwing a lot of new information at you, so just take it slow and read through it a couple of times. :)

For the past few months, we’ve been discussing new terms for the Sacred Tree, since the ones listed now are not original to Mycena Cave. We’ve finally come up with some terms that we like, and we’re happy to announce them:

Terms that are changing

  • What was called a karass is now a geness:
    a linked group of platonic or romantic equal partners whose destinies intertwine

  • What was called bokomaru is now mihlanaku:
    an act of prolonged contact between the foreheads of two individuals who are platonic or romantic partners; this act creates or adds to a geness

Retired terms

  • Duprass (a partnership no longer has a different name if it only has two members)
  • Foma
  • Pool-pah

New terms

  • Kinnen:
    A ritual of “adopting” a child through an act of prolonged contact between the paw(s) of the guardian Mycenian(s) to the forehead of their charge

  • Sprouts:
    The name for a Mycenian which starts out as a flower, then progresses to childhood and finally adulthood

Breaking bonds

  • Lone Mushroom:
    Eating a Lone Mushroom causes the eater to renounce all bonds with its geness. If this geness was shared by only two Mycenians, the geness is dissolved

  • Shroom of Forgetting:
    Eating a Shroom of Forgetting causes the eater to renounce all bonds with its parents: it ceases to recognize its parents, and its parents cease to recognize it as their child (this includes sprouts). Note that since only Mycenians on adult lines can eat, a sprout cannot be fed a Shroom of Forgetting if it is still in the flower or baby stage.

New Sacred Tree quote
Live each day from your heart, so that you may be brave and kind and happy.

Previously, the only bonds which could be forged were those of a geness (previously known as karass). In order to better reflect the familial structures of Mycenians, we are adding the ability to forge parent-child relationships between existing Mycenians as well. These parental bonds will be formed in a similar manner to those of a geness, through a proposal at the Sacred Tree.

As such, there will be two rituals, and two kinds of bonds:

  • A grown Mycenian (or an existing geness) may propose mihlanaku (previously “bokomaru”) to another grown Mycenian, in order to form or grow a geness (previously “karass”).
  • [center][img]https://www.mycenacave.com/images/site_misc/fam03.png[/img][/center]
  • A geness may propose kinnen to a Mycenian charge, in order to form or add to a family.
  • [center][img]https://www.mycenacave.com/images/site_misc/fam02.png[/img][/center]

When kinnen occurs, the Mycenians within the proposing geness officially become the parents of their charge. The charge is then listed as a child on the parent Mycenians’ profile pages.  If a Mycenian performs mihlanaku with a geness that already has a child, this new Mycenian will also be considered a parent of the child.

Children cannot perform mihlanaku with any member of a guardian geness, and members of a geness cannot perform kinnen with each other. Any Mycenian which is not already listed as the child of a geness may have kinnen proposed to it and become a child of a geness, provided that it is not already in the family tree (i.e. a Mycenian cannot become its own grandfather, etc).

Families and genesses are sacred in Mycena Cave, and so dissolving these bonds is a very big deal.

A sprout (and any Mycenian which has undergone kinnen) is the child of a geness, not of the individual Mycenians. If a Mycenian is a member of a geness which has children, then it cannot leave the geness unless all parent-child bonds are first dissolved (an analogue: you can’t get divorced unless you disown your kids first). If a Mycenian eats a Shroom of Forgetting, it renounces and forgets all connection between itself and its parent geness. As such, a Mycenian who eats a Shroom of Forgetting will no longer have parents, and any Mycenians who used to be considered its parents will no longer have it as a child.

Currently we provide sprouts (formerly called children / offspring / breeding) by raffle only, which results in them being very rare and one has to be lucky to get one.  This is unfortunate, because receiving a sprout becomes difficult and there is nothing you can do to ensure that you get one.

While we will continue to offer sprouts in nugget-based and event-based raffles, we are expanding their attainability and making them available year-round: we are going to open a “sprouts queue”, making sprouts available for USD/Custom Credit.  The sprouts queue and the custom queue will be similar in that they will both be first-come first-served, but will have a few key differences:

  • The two queues will be separate, but you cannot be in both queues at the same time
  • After buying a sprout, players will not be able to re-enter the sprouts queue for a certain amount of time (to be determined after we do a test round of sprouts)
  • Like sprouts raffles, you will not be able to request particular artist(s) to create your breeding, or even know which artist is involved until the flower is delivered
  • Again like sprouts raffles, you will not be able to request features or designs, or request changes
  • All purchased sprouts will have a fixed price: edits on the resulting sprout will not affect the price

Each order will result in one sprout (regardless of how many accounts are represented by the parent geness), which will be received by the user who is paying for the order.  A sprout order, which will result in a three-stage Mycenian (flower, baby, adult), will cost a flat price of $100. When deciding how edited a sprout will be, the artist will look to the members of the parent geness, and estimate an “average editedness” of all of the parents.  For example, if you order a sprout for a heavily edited fox ineki and an unedited cat ineki, the sprout will be either a fox or a cat ineki (artist’s choice), and be moderately edited. An edit does not need to be custom to count: non-custom edited Mycenians (e.g. the Monarch Butterfly ineki) will result in edited sprouts.

The test round of the sprouts queue will open mid-May.  We’ll be releasing more information about the test round next month!

Posted 04/16/15, edited 04/16/15
Oooh! Neat! :D
Posted 04/16/15

BTW these updates involved some fairly extensive changes to the back-end, and I’m pretty sure nothing broke in the process… but if you notice any broken pages please send me an echo :)

Because, you know how it is with code…

Posted 04/16/15, edited 04/16/15

Aw sad to see the Bokononist terms go, but excited for the new additions. :D

Totally headcanoning that my characters are practicing Bokononists however.

Posted 04/16/15
Oh gosh, the new way to form parent and child bonds is fantastic! That makes me so excited and opens a lot more possibility for roleplay and obtaining offspring on the website 8D
Posted 04/16/15

Incidentally, if anyone would like me to a mass search-and-replace in their RP threads for the term changes, please give me a list of thread URLs by echo and I’ll be happy to do it for you. I didn’t just do it automatically because I thought it was best not to edit people’s RPs without permission.

In particular because it may subject you to the, you know, clbuttic mistake of search-and-replace…

Posted 04/16/15, edited 04/16/15

Happy to see you guys using original terms, the old ones were a tiny pet peeve, haha.

I’m excited about the parent/child bonds, it’s making me consider making another expy char to go with mokeo…. we’ll see, haha. I’m even more excited about the changes to sprouts!! I’l glad to see them becoming more available.

Posted 04/16/15

It seems like Geness images aren’t working. Might just be my device though. ;u;

Excited about the possibility to obtain babies through options other than raffles! ... still badly hoping I’ll win a raffle of course. It would be so sad if the twins were no longer twins xD

Btw I’m happy about the word changes. Always felt a little odd to be using words that came from totally unrelated source material.

Posted 04/16/15
I am super excited about the child adoption, I have 2 characters who are a couple and they adopt a daughter! Now it can be official!
Posted 04/16/15

193 days ago: error processing notification type: karass

Cries forever… I never wanted to delete this event AHAAH oh well. But I’m really happy to learn that children can be added to Genesses now!

Posted 04/16/15

-uselessly weeps and waits for that test run- ;O;

And ugh, you have no idea how happy it makes me knowing we’ll be able to set parent/child bonds. I’ve.. been waiting for a feature like that since way back in the days of digis.
A++++++++ on these updates, they make my heart happy.

Posted 04/16/15

I’m really liking this new feature. *_*

Is the “Read about it here!” link supposed to lead back to the Sacred Tree?

Edit #2:
Oh yay. It’s fixed.

Posted 04/16/15, edited 04/16/15
Yoshi: don’t clear it! I can fix that :)
Posted 04/16/15

From the way you wrote the Shroom of Forgetting, it looks like it only works for a child disowning their parents. Is there no way for a parent to disown their children?

EDIT: Also your “read about it here” link on the sacred tree page links to the sacred tree page, heh.

Posted 04/16/15, edited 04/16/15

YAY THANK YOU GLITCH! .u. *clings to event*

193 days ago: Antares (#3681) and Villanelle (#2110) have performed mihlanaku before the Sacred Tree and have formed a geness!

*never deleting this. NEVER*

Posted 04/16/15
Why a gem fee for poly relationships? :/
Posted 04/16/15

Um, when the kinnen is implemented will single Mycenians be able to adopt as well? I have a character (Cirroco who is might not ever ever enter into a geness but is supposed to have adopted another character of mine (Abeni). Will I be able to make that bond official on the site?

Edit: also, will a geness be able to adopt a pet that has not been given it’s adult form?

Posted 04/16/15, edited 04/16/15
From the way you wrote the Shroom of Forgetting, it looks like it only works for a child disowning their parents. Is there no way for a parent to disown their children?Jingles

Nope, it only works from the child’s direction (just like you can’t “kick” a member out of a geness)

EDIT: Also your “read about it here” link on the sacred tree page links to the sacred tree page, heh.Jingles

You’re too fast >:[

Why a gem fee for poly relationships? :/Shima

It’s always been this way (the gem offering portion has not changed). In fact, if you are making a large geness it will be much more than 1 gem: the third member will offer 1 gem, the fourth will offer 2 gems, etc.

Um, When the kinnen is implemented will single Mycenians be able to adopt as well?Nephele

This is not in the current plan, no. It would also not be a simple addition because children are not children of pets but of genesses, and a geness (currently) only operates on two or more Mycenians. So it’s unlikely to happen particularly soon.

Posted 04/16/15, edited 04/16/15
Similar to custom credit, will there be a way to have ‘sprout’ credit?
Posted 04/16/15
I’m going to end up using the old terms for a long time before I finally start using the new terms rofl.
Posted 04/16/15
Similar to custom credit, will there be a way to have ‘sprout’ credit?Miku

You can apply custom credit to your sprout orders!  I know the name is a bit misleading now, hehe. :)

I’m going to end up using the old terms for a long time before I finally start using the new terms rofl.Queen Elsa

We kept doing that in the annoucement post.  XD Because I worked on the post for awhile, I’m already getting used to the new terms!  It definitely takes a few uses to get it into your head though.

Posted 04/16/15, edited 04/16/15
@Myla Because there’s a way to forget parent and sprout bonding will there be the opposites to reintroduce the parent to the sprout again?
Posted 04/16/15
@Myla Because there’s a way to forget parent and sprout bonding will there be the opposites to reintroduce the parent to the sprout again?Alice

If you wanted to make them a family again, then you’d perform kinnen with the parent karassgeness (dskjfaksf) and the child and the bond would be re-formed.  :)

Posted 04/16/15, edited 04/16/15

Awesome updates! It’ll be great to see more babies around.

The term sprout is going to confuse me so much though, it’s the same term WindRose uses for their pets ahaha.

Posted 04/16/15

Yay! This is cool!

Quick question though, if I had 50 CC, and somebody else who I share a pairing with had 50 CC, could we get an offspring by combining? Or does all $100/CC have to come from the same account?

Posted 04/16/15, edited 04/16/15
Arintol: it’ll be the same as with customs, so it will all have to come from one account.
Posted 04/16/15, edited 04/16/15

Will performing kinnen be free, or have similar costs to mihlanaku?

Will there be any limit on how many children one parent can adopt?

Can you make a whole family tree via adoption - for example, have Lasarian adopt Malachi, and Malachi adopt fred, and fred adopt Sour Neon Gummy worm, etc.

Posted 04/16/15
Could I get some clarifications. As I see it there can be no single parents in Mycena, all children must have two or more parents who are part of a geness. A child can not have parents who are divorced, so divorcing would be like disowning your child, and as such a child cannot have two families, if the parents were to divorce and each then entered a separate geness. Also if a individual in a geness of two, with a kinnen, was to leave the geness the remanding parent would also have their ties to the child severed leaving him or her and orphan. Is this correct?
Posted 04/16/15

Oooh new terms!  :D And canon kids!

... uh, how do you pronounce all of the new terms? o3o;;;

Posted 04/16/15, edited 04/16/15

Ok, thanks Glitch!

And another question I just had, but if an ineki is a in a Kinnen, can it be in it’s own geness as well?

Posted 04/16/15