Jingles: We haven’t decided about having a cost or a limit to the number of children listed under a geness. One of the reasons we have the costs for adding more Mycenians to a geness is because it prevents making giant genesses that break the geness pages, which isn’t as much of an issue with adding children. We still need to think about this a bit more though! As for the family tree, a child can only be adopted by a geness, not by an individual, so it couldn’t work exactly the way you have listed. However, it could work if you did this: The geness containing Lasa adopts Mala, Mala’s geness adopts fred, and fred’s geness adopts Sour Neon Gummy! PyroLuna: In order for a geness to be severed, or for any member of a geness to leave, any and all children must be disowned first. So the child must eat a Shroom of Forgetting, leaving it parentless, and then any member of the geness could leave by eating a Lone Mushroom. Bunnii Edit:
Posted 04/16/15, edited 04/16/15
No problem, toots!! Phage: Yeah, when we put the original code in place, it was specifically designed for “breedings.” Breedings meant that there would always be more than one parent, so we thought doing it by geness ID was a great idea. Now it would require a major overhaul to re-do everything in order to make single parents possible, unfortunately. :| Edit: Next biggest is 6, located here. :D
Posted 04/17/15, edited 04/17/15
Okay, say I have one of my pets enter a geness with the pet of another player. We decide to breed them and other player pays for a sprout, which is then on their account. Other player and I have a fight and other player doesn’t talk anymore, or maybe other player leaves the game entirely. I want my pet to leave the geness - but I can’t, because it’s still in a kinnen with the sprout and as long as other player doesn’t feed the sprout a Shroom of Forgetting, my pet would forever be in that geness I don’t want anymore. What would I do in this case? Also, I really like that the relationship system gets expanded, but like others I really hope there will be more option in the future, like two pets from different geness adopting a child or single parents… (there is always so little love for single parents :C marriages and poly relationships get all the love and single parents are left in the dust…)
Posted 04/17/15
Soleil - At the moment, we’re not allowing single parents primarily because of the way the code is set up. Single parents are well-loved, too, I promise; the Sorceress (and we also) is a big advocate of all healthy relationships :) Zero - If your geness has three individuals in it, the child should be automatically linked on all three parents’ pages.
Posted 04/17/15, edited 04/17/15
That’s good to know, thanks. I’ve heard a lot of hurtful comments hurled around against children of single parents, so I guess I’m a bit sensitive for that topic. I understand code reasons can make it difficult of course, but it’s just that these systems never seem to exist for single parents… oh well, I’ll keep my hopes up o-o
Posted 04/17/15
Posted 04/17/15
What would I do in this case?Soleil The unsatisfying answer to your question is: don’t get into that kind of situation. I know these things sorts of interpersonal implosions happen, but the only way we could deal with this is to also have a way of kicking someone’s child out of a family without permission. Mechanisms / policies for allowing for this sort of thing while keeping things “fair” are something we haven’t even begun to think about, so while this update doesn’t yet solve that potential problem it is at least an upgrade from the current situation (“once a geness has a child, you’re stuck in it forever”). if we have three pets that are already currently in a marriage to replicate being a pair’s “offspring” will we have to use a lone shroom to remove the “child” and re-add as a proper kinnen?Zero Since you did so on our instructions, we’d be happy to fling a Lone Mushroom your way when the time comes :)
Posted 04/17/15, edited 04/17/15
Mmm, code, why must you be so! I would much prefer if there was an option for a single parent to form a geness & perform kinnen, also. Coming from a non-broken, only-child, single-parent home myself, I feel it absolutely shouldn’t be necessary to require two caretakers to perform kinnen & obtain a charge. -flails at the code a little- That said, though, I’m super excited for the update & hope this will at the very least support more families than the previous system did :) And! I’m absolutely excited about the offspring queue! Just for everyone’s clarification: Would it be possible for two players to enter the offspring queue, after which whichever one of the babies comes out ‘first’ is ‘held’ (not uploaded yet) until the second baby is finished, allowing them to be uploaded consecutively & look (in all ways; consecutive IDs, consecutive coat numbers) like twins?
Posted 04/17/15
I know that on the Sacred Tree page it says that genesses can be either romantic or platonic, but if I were to win a breeding in a raffle and wish to present the offspring as an adopted sibling to the two “parents,” would that be alright? I know that’s just semantics, nothing in the code would change or be changed, but according to site canon, do the “parents” in a geness have to be a romantic couple (or poly group) as parents? Or could my geness of a platonic brother and sister duo “adopt” a third sibling? ...Or would all this just be better if I were to “adopt” the younger sibling into the geness instead? I know I’m being needlessly complicated. :( (This issue is primarily why I’m glad I won a GCS last raffle and not a breeding haha.)
Posted 04/17/15, edited 04/17/15
These changes are very exciting. I’m really looking forward to more attainable sprouts! That said, I completely agree with Juney and others — single parent adoptions would be a wonderful, inclusive addition. I understand coding issues, but I’d love to see that made a possibility someday.
Posted 04/17/15
As far as ordering sprouts, I think there should be some sort of communication between artist and user. Because say, I only have $110 to spend, but the artist does $130 worth of work, what is done then? Maybe we can not ask for edits and let the artist decide, but ask for the artist to work within the price range? Or maybe you covered this and I’m too tired to see it x]
Posted 04/17/15
Khaleesi, I believe that’s all covered in the last paragraph there. :) The whole bit about the artist deciding the “average” of the parents’ edits. In any case, it states that it’s a flat fee, so even if the artist did what would normally be considered $130 of work, the straight $100 fee would still apply. Anyway, I think these changes are super exciting! :D I’m excited to be able to kind of form our own little ineki families and I’m super excited about being able to purchase babies—especially since the end result will still be a ~surprise~. That pseudo-gambling aspect alone guarantees that I will enjoy the hell out of this feature. :‘D Also very excited to see the term changes around the sacred tree. It feels much better using original terms than those sourced from elsewhere. I’m sure it’s been said, but thanks for all the work you guys put into this stuff, Staff! :D
Posted 04/17/15
I am 1000% excited about this. :‘D Crow and I actually have a geness with an ‘adopted child’ who can be linked now, and I am so so stoked about baby queue. I probably won’t be using for a while since I still have some customs I need to get from the custom queue first, but man. 8) Just the option being there is exciting gleeeee. Thank you Staff!
Posted 04/17/15
I know that on the Sacred Tree page it says that genesses can be either romantic or platonic, but if I were to win a breeding in a raffle and wish to present the offspring as an adopted sibling to the two “parents,” would that be alright? I know that’s just semantics, nothing in the code would change or be changed, but according to site canon, do the “parents” in a geness have to be a romantic couple (or poly group) as parents? Or could my geness of a platonic brother and sister duo “adopt” a third sibling?raus We define siblings as pets which have the “family” bond to the same geness (i.e “children of the same parents”). As such, if you got a sprout you could add it as a sibling by selecting the geness that is the parent geness of the existing siblings. Crow and I actually have a geness with an ‘adopted child’ who can be linked nowDove Like Zero, please remind us when the time comes so we can fling Lone Mushroom your way :)
Posted 04/17/15
Like Zero, please remind us when the time comes so we can fling Lone Mushroom your way :)glitch Oh, sorry for the confusion! :) I appreciate the offer, but we didn’t actually put the child in the geness with the parents. I was just excited that we can link this relationship in general now!!!
Posted 04/17/15
Juney: Yes, we can hold back a sprout until its sibling is made and upload them at the same time. Once your order is accepted, just echo me, since I am the one who will upload all babies. Keep in mind the babies won’t be identical twins, since all sprouts are unique and the user doesn’t get to specify anything about their appearance. On that note, someone was asking me about identical twins! If you really wanted to have identical or very similar children, you could get one sprout, and then once the sprout is grown, you can go ahead and put an order into the custom queue to have a custom made to look just like the sprout. After you receive the custom, the custom can perform kinnen with the family and, wa-lah, you have twins. :) Fawkes As Crow mentions, sprouts have a flat price of $100 regardless of its edits. Cynderbark: That’s a great question that we did not specify in the first post: a Mycenian can only be the child of one geness!
Posted 04/17/15
Love this update, & definitely hope some where in the future there can be single parents as well. I’m another person who has only one parent, my father died well over a decade ago & wasn’t always there in my family’s lives. Beyond that, I do have a character (Foxy), who is a single parent of an adopted child (Kiwi). With this update, it really expands breeding possibilities. There are a lot of customs on here that I would love to breed with, but wouldn’t want to keep the connections established (I only want my pets married to roleplay* partners forever). How would you guys feel of people about entering a breeding only for a sprout? For example, say I wanted to breed Glitch’s Twinkletoes. I send him a message asking about entering a breeding— forming a union with one of my pets & telling him that once the breeding is completed & the child has grown I would supply the shrooms necessary for disowning the sprout & breaking the relationship so there are no ties. Is this something you guys would be okay with? Also, with making sprouts more available, is there ever going to be a chance to make custom sprouts? The reason why I ask is because I’d like to eventually revert my offspring to his baby form. With a breeding could I do this? I wouldn’t mind paying to get him back to baby form, but I’m really hoping that one day this’ll be a possibility, too.
Posted 04/17/15, edited 04/17/15
Ally: If you form a geness for the specific purpose of producing a sprout with certain qualities, and then break the family apart, that’s fine. It’s not Canon at all, but it’s not something we would prevent anyone from doing! We think it’s a really cool idea to have some sort of “Reversion” Shroom that could transform a sprout back to its baby form. We would consider releasing something along these lines in the future. We will likely not allow requests for a baby + flower or just baby form of a current custom, or for people to request a custom flower + baby + adult in the custom queue. It starts to blur lines, and so the only way to get a baby-form Mycenian will be through the sprout queue or through the luck-based sprout raffles.
Posted 04/17/15, edited 04/17/15