18:32 ST
[UPDATE] Upcoming Site Rules Revamp

Good evening everyone!

As we mentioned previously, staff has been working hard to craft a more encompassing set of rules for Mycena Cave. We are excited to bring our completed work to you and hope that you will find the new rules satisfactory.

These rules will not be going into effect immediately: we are currently shooting for full release in early November. This should provide plenty of time for you to digest and become familiar with any changes, as well as provide enough time for us to implement the necessary features. We will inform you when the date for release is finalized.

While this is not a debate like the last time we updated our rules and the changes below are the rules we plan to adopt, we nonetheless welcome discussion around them! Please remember to keep your posts courteous and constructive: violation of current rules or disrespect shown to other users or staff in the thread or in chat is not acceptable. As such, please consider what you’d like to express carefully and ensure that it is neither inflammatory nor repetitive.

  • Be aware that these rules are in their final stage of development and are unlikely to be altered in any major way at this time. That being said, we will read over all comments and take your thoughts into careful consideration.
  • Please read every response in this thread before posting your own. If it is apparent that you did not, or if your post is off topic, your post will be removed.
  • If somebody has already said something similar to what you want to say, feel free to express your support but keep it brief. To avoid restating what other people have already said, feel free to link directly to the posts that you agree with or use the quote feature. We want to avoid circular discussion and redundancy.
  • If you disagree with any of our new policies, or with any comments made by other players, you’re welcome to express as much, but all replies should be kept respectful.
  • A better tagging system: content descriptors and content notes
    Instead of tagging the title of your thread with a generic “[M]”, you will be able to select a specific content descriptor from a drop-down.  The official content descriptors are as follows:

    • Language
    • Violence
    • Gore
    • Sexual Content
    • Substance Use

    There will also be a content notes section where players can write personal notes about the contents for more detailed information.  Content descriptors and notes will help other players decide if they would like to view your thread.

  • Hiding any individual thread
    Players will have the ability to hide any thread(s) of their choice so that the thread does not show up in their own Recent Posts.

  • Hiding your thread from recent posts
    A player may choose to keep their personal thread from displaying in Recent Posts so that all other players do not see it in Recent Posts.  The difference between this feature and the previous feature is that in the previous feature (“Hiding any individual threads”), you are hiding threads you personally don’t want to see and it does not affect anyone else.  With this feature (“Hiding your thread from recent posts”), you are preventing your personal thread from showing up in all player’s recent posts.  This gives your thread some added privacy.

  • Flagging posts for spelling/grammar (moderators)
    Moderators will gain the ability to flag a post for spelling/grammar; in addition to the flag, the moderators will also leave a note in regard to what the player needs to fix.  The user whose post is tagged will not be able to post in the forums if they have a flagged post.  The player will regain the ability to post once they have edited their post.  As a note, moderators will be using this feature to educate, but certainly not to nitpick posts.

Completely Revamped or New Sections:


Section 2: Content rules
  1. If you post potentially offensive content, you agree to proceed carefully and be ready to respond with respect and sensitivity to any opposing viewpoints.
    • Understand that our moderators’ jobs are primarily to keep the peace, not to provide you with a place to express potentially inflammatory views.
    • Understand that what is not offensive to you might be offensive to others.
    • Profanity is allowed in moderation, but it may not be directed at another player.
  2. Handle disputes in a mature way
    • In the event of a dispute (e.g. a trade gone sour, taking offense, etc) resolve it outside of public spaces such as, but not limited to, the forums or official chat rooms.
    • Either resolve the issue with the person in question directly via private message, or contact a moderator.
    • Do not try to engage parties not affected by the dispute (e.g. “I told all of chat and they totally agree with me!”).
  3. Be excellent to each other:
    • Be respectful, courteous, and kind.
    • Be direct and forthright.
    • Do your best to be aware of how your words may appear through text — avoid harsh, mean, or aggressive behavior.
    • When posting constructive criticism:
      • Make sure the recipient has stated that they are willing to receive constructive criticism.
      • Make sure that your critique is polite and generally objective.
        • e.g. “The eyes in this drawing look a little lopsided” (good) versus “The shade of yellow you used is really ugly” (not good).
      • Try to include positive remarks within your critique.
    • If someone is posting spam, aggressive comments, and other content not suitable for carrying on a level-headed discussion, do not encourage them, refrain from replying, and report them to a moderator.
  4. Categorize your threads based on type of content:
    • Public and not tagged with a content descriptor.
      Anyone on Mycena Cave can view a public, untagged thread.  An untagged thread should be safe for the majority of our users to view.
      • May contain mild violence, infrequent use of strong language, and/or minimal suggestive content/themes. Liken a public, un-tagged thread to a PG-13 movie.
        • Example of use: If your character gets hit, don’t go into graphic detail. If they curse, then it’s only a couple of times.
      • Avoid topics that discuss anything illegal.
      • Avoid controversial subjects.
    • Public and tagged with a content descriptor.
      Anyone on Mycena Cave can view a thread tagged with a content descriptor, but the viewer is informed that it may contain sensitive content, whether it be topic, themes, or language.  If you tag a thread with a content descriptor, we recommend filling in the content notes to detail why the thread is tagged with a content descriptor, so that other users can make an informed decision about viewing the thread.
      • Strong language, heavy violence, and/or sexual content/themes are allowed. Liken a public, tagged thread to an R movie.
        • Example of use: Your character curses like a sailor and injuries are detailed more explicitly.
      • Respectful discussion, roleplay, art, or creative writing involving controversial or sensitive topics is allowed.
      • Be careful to not sanction illegal activities in discussions or roleplays.
      • Be cautious and respectful when discussing or roleplaying controversial topics.
      • If you do want to broach a controversial topic or discuss an illegal activity, inform users through content descriptors and content notes.
        • Must adhere to section 2.4 of the rules.

    Note: If you have mature content outside of the forums (e.g. profile or geness page), put it under spoiler tags. Include an “[M]” tag and a content descriptor in the spoiler (e.g. “[M for Violence]”).

    Note: If you think your roleplay falls “in between” a category, or if you are unsure of which category, it is best to pick the category that promotes the more restrictive viewing.

    • Anything illegal under U.S. law.
    • Plagiarism.
    • Prolonged, unproductive arguments between two or more opposing parties.
    • Sexually explicit content.
      • This means no descriptions or depictions of genitalia and/or sexual acts (e.g. pornography).
    • Intolerance towards racial, sexual, gender, religious, personal identity, or disability.
    • Incitements or promotion of violence, self-harm, abuse (human, child, animal, etc), or bullying.
      • Bullying is absolutely not tolerated.
        • This applies anywhere you disclose your identity as a member of Mycena Cave, including off-site.
        • If you tarnish Mycena Cave by contributing to and/or allowing bullying posts to an anonymous blog, we will aggressively respond and investigate through legal avenues, and it will result in a ban when we determine who you are.
        • If you believe someone is breaking the rules, report it to a mod instead of inciting other users to treat them badly.
  6. Breaking content rules will generally result in a moderator warning, though a more severe action may be taken in instances where rules listed under 2.4 are broken.  Repeated warnings may lead to temporary or permanent loss of forum privileges or account access.
Section 3: Forum rules
  1. All site rules apply to the forums.

  2. Follow instructions given to you by a moderator.
    • Aggression and/or harassment toward a moderator can result in a temporary or permanent loss of forum privileges.
  3. Use proper spelling and grammar
    • If you’re struggling with spelling, making consistent grammar mistakes, and/or our moderators are having trouble deciphering the content of your posts, our moderators will flag your post and give you information so that you know how to fix your post.
  4. No spam (this includes real life things and trading threads).
    • Posts you make should fulfill at least one of the following:
      • It starts a rational discussion or conversation.
      • It is relevant to and/or contributes to an on-going discussion or conversation.
      • It does not impede or derail an on-going discussion or conversation.
    • Links to places where you sell things are fine, as long as it’s not done in a spamming way.
  5. Thread bumping in moderation is allowed when:
    • A major change has occurred to your thread.
    • Your thread falls off of the first page.
  6. Post new, original content.
    • Copy/pasting material such as your old stories or old roleplays from other sites to our paid forums is not allowed.
    • If it is important to your current characters that an old roleplay is moved on-site, contact a moderator.
  7. Breaking forum rules will generally result in a moderator warning. Repeated warnings may lead to temporary or permanent loss of forum privileges.
Section 4: Official Chat Rooms
  1. All site rules apply to all chat rooms both public and private.

  2. Follow instructions given to you by a moderator.
    • Aggression and/or harassment toward a moderator can result in a temporary or permanent loss of chat privileges.
  3. Remain peaceful and friendly to other users.
    • If a topic/word makes you uncomfortable, politely request that it is dropped.
    • If a user states that a topic/word makes them uncomfortable, try to not bring topic/word up around the user, and be receptive to reminders if you forget.
    • Utilize the report feature when needed; do not escalate a tense situation with aggressive confrontation.
  4. Move extensive conversations about other sites to a non-official chat room.

  5. For a more personalized space, create your own chat room. User-owned chat rooms can be made private, and may have their own additional rules.
    • All user-owned chatrooms must comply with overall site rules.
    • If relevant, utilize the “[M]” tag in your chatroom name.  More in-depth content descriptors are optional (e.g. “[M]” Chat Room Name and “[M for Language]” Chat Room Name are both acceptable).
  6. Breaking official chat rules will generally result in a moderator warning. Repeated warnings may lead to temporary or permanent loss of chat privileges.
Tweaked Sections:


Addition to Section 1: Account Access
  1. Site bans are not merely for the account but for the person behind it, and ban evasion is a bannable offense.
Addition to Section 6: Trade Rules
  1. Do not inquire, publicly or privately, about a player’s pets or items that are not explicitly listed or marked for sale.

Posted 09/08/15

-reads everything- Okie dokie.  A few little comments from the me.

I’m really digging the new hiding thread things.  Could be useful.

I feel like… these two:
“Be direct and forthright.
Do your best to be aware of how your words may appear through text — avoid harsh, mean, or aggressive behavior.”
sorta… cancel each other out?  Like, idk I know there’s a difference between being rude and being direct but being direct means not mincing words which generally comes out sounds hostile and flat? 

“Be careful to not sanction illegal activities in discussions or roleplays.”
I really hate that this specifies ~illegal~ because like, okay, you’re right illegal things is wrong, but also like, I have gangster characters and murderers and thieves and drug dealers.  Like. Those are all illegal things.  And most of them really dig their life choices.  Uhg this is a really tricky thing. :I Obviously when I rp them I’m not running around like ‘yEHAW GONNA SELL SOME DRUGS TO PEOPLE’ but also like, she doesn’t regret what’s she doing? Is that the same as me myself sanctioning it?

“If you tarnish Mycena Cave by contributing to and/or allowing bullying posts to an anonymous blog, we will aggressively respond and investigate through legal avenues, and it will result in a ban when we determine who you are.”
Whoa whoa whoa whoa, hold up.  Define ‘tarnishing’ Mycena Cave.  Is this just worded poorly and is supposed to mean you’ll hunt them down if they contribute bullying posts or just anything that makes ~mycena look bad~ because if it’s the latter then honestly what the heck.  That’s really not cool.

“Site bans are not merely for the account but for the person behind it, and ban evasion is a bannable offense.”
lol ‘what’re you gonna do?????? ban me again????????????’

Posted 09/08/15, edited 09/08/15

““If you tarnish Mycena Cave by contributing to and/or allowing bullying posts to an anonymous blog, we will aggressively respond and investigate through legal avenues, and it will result in a ban when we determine who you are.”

Whoa whoa whoa whoa, hold up. Define ‘tarnishing’ Mycena Cave. Is this just worded poorly and is supposed to mean you’ll hunt them down if they contribute bullying posts or just anything that makes ~mycena look bad~ because if it’s the latter then honestly what the heck. That’s really not cool.”

I honestly thought the same thing upon reading that haha. It’s worded really poorly in my opinion and just makes it look incredibly self centered on Mycena’s part. Really this should be about tarnishing players more than about tarnishing Mycena itself.

Posted 09/08/15
lol ‘what’re you gonna do?????? ban me again????????????’

I think using guest-passes or account sharing would count as ban evasion as well which might cause another player to be banned in that case.

The way I read that was that bullying other users or contributing to bullying itself was something that ‘tarnished’ MC by hurting the image of the community. I don’t think it implies the site itself.


To be honest, the part that is kind of making me anxious is the flagging thing. It’s not a ban or anything, sure, but I’m positive i’ve made posts in all-caps or poorly spelt or whatnot in the past. Is the flagging mainly going to be on RP forums or all over? In RP (or even posts like this) i’ll try hard to adhere to proper spelling/grammar but honestly I no longer have the mental focus to care to make all of my posts…..‘proper’. Getting flags repeatedly and having to correct posts will probably make me feel really down on myself and that will likely deter me from using the forums (everyone other than me: “GOOD”). Like, how long has it even taken me to write this little paragraph? Five minutes? I’m not even sure if I make sense and maybe im being overly sensitive and am in the super minority but i worry so much about my online persona already and trying to be perfectly correct in my grammar and spelling always will likely be too much for me.

Posted 09/08/15, edited 09/08/15

    Alright, I’ve read through everything, and the one comment, and I just wanted to be clear… Moderators will be able to flag posts for grammar and spelling mistakes and while you have a flagged post you cannot write forum posts till things are fixed?

      I understand that it’s for educational reasons, but there are people who enjoy the writing practice/reading practice offered on the forums, that may have issues such as dyslexia or sentence processing problems, and if they get flagged often for their mistakes they may become discouraged to write, or feel like their difference is being pointed out when it’s really hard for them and they try their best. I’m not saying a moderator would intentionally nit pick them particularly, I’m saying what if a moderator flagged them without knowing of their problem and offended them or discouraged them.

      I feel the flag could be very educational without being demoting. Giving a flag might be better as a “Hey just wanted you to know you have a mistake that you can fix if you want” rather than a “You have a mistake, fix it, until then no more forum posting.”

(not to mention some people use misspelling and grammar “mistakes” to indicate character personality. I do myself, but I figured they would be flagging more “out of context” mistakes. I still find it slightly worrying. After all, Mycena is a place where we have freedom to write despite whatever challenges we face. Being told we can’t post until the problem is fixed just seems a bit harsh.)

  I apologize if I took that wrong, but that’s how I read the new feature and wanted to clear it up. ^.^

Posted 09/08/15


Yes, I do understand what they’re trying to put across in that regard (schools etc use this exact same jargon), however I still think the focus should be about protecting their players rather than Mycena’s reputation - an issue which seems to keep cropping up regarding anon blogs.

Edit; Note that I understand they’re trying to protect players, but I feel the wording of the rules should reflect these to avoid coming off as condescending.


I very much agree, and especially since the rest of the rules are very conforming to everyone’s individuality - potentially (and unintentionally) treating dyslexic people this way seems counterproductive. A ban from posting is not the way forward, in my opinion, temporary or not.

Posted 09/08/15, edited 09/08/15
[@Deddo] oh sorry i wasn’t aware of these blogs and said issues, that makes sense
Posted 09/08/15

“Be careful to not sanction illegal activities in discussions or roleplays.”
I really hate that this specifies ~illegal~ because like, okay, you’re right illegal things is wrong, but also like, I have gangster characters and murderers and thieves and drug dealers. Like. Those are all illegal things. And most of them really dig their life choices. Uhg this is a really tricky thing. :I Obviously when I rp them I’m not running around like ‘yEHAW GONNA SELL SOME DRUGS TO PEOPLE’ but also like, she doesn’t regret what’s she doing? Is that the same as me myself sanctioning it?Dakota Riley

I also have a bit of a problem with this, so far is in that I would like a clear distinction between what counts as you sanctioning illegal activities and what counts as roleplaying illegal activities. I don’t have many characters who I would believe to “sanction” illegal activities, but I would not like to fall into that category by accident. So, yes. :/ Please explain further as to what counts as sanctioning.

As for the tarnishing Mycena Cave issue, I read it to mean more that if your actions reflect poorly on Mycena Cave you will get in trouble for that (like how I couldn’t, say, go jay walking all over town while wearing my work uniform), than that you can’t go and directly tarnish Mycena Cave. I can see how that could be read the other way, however.

I’d like to weigh in on Ploo’s comment to say that I too feel that not being able to post once you have a flag is a tad harsh. Perhaps, if it’s a fixed idea, have it so that once you reach X number of flags you are unable to post. Additionally, I am also worried about what that might mean for characters whose accent/education is displayed through their speech.

Posted 09/08/15

“Be careful to not sanction illegal activities in discussions or roleplays.”
I also would like some clarification on this, RP-wise (basically what Riley and Nyfeaena said). o:

Posted 09/08/15

[@Ploo] & Nyfeaena & [@Deddo]: In regards to the grammar flagging, the moderators will not be flagging every post with a typo. That would be highly unreasonable and unfair to those with language disabilities. The circumstances under which we would flag a post would be if it is essentially unreadable and we cannot clearly decipher your intent or purpose. (I describe it earlier as if it looked like a dog or cat had walked over your keyboard). Mistakes happen, typos happen!

Additionally, in the context of a RP, if a character has a typed out accent or a given learning/reading/speech impediment that would be excluded from flagging as that is not representative of your own personal abilities.
(In other news, my professor actually typo’d ‘welcome’ into ‘WeCome’ in an e-mail to us.)

Posted 09/08/15, edited 09/08/15
Amaterasu, thank you for clearing that up! I had hoped it was more of an extreme case than some odd mistakes here and there, and I’m very glad to hear about the “incorrect” character speech.
Posted 09/08/15
Nyfeaena: I’m glad that helped! :D Additionally, if your post were flagged, you would not have to wait for a moderator to ‘unflag it’ - you regain access as soon as you edit the post; it doesn’t have to be okayed by a moderator only your best attempt to fix it.
Posted 09/08/15

I really do not like the flagging for grammar/spelling feature though after reading the previous posts it seems like it shouldn’t be too awful
Many people have already stated good reasons and this may not be contributing to the discussion but we deserve to be able to post and express our feelings when it comes to site changes, redundant or not

Posted 09/08/15, edited 09/08/15

[@Deddo], Hawkins
Tarot summarized our intentions for that particular line well - it is important to us that Mycena Cave maintains a safe and comfortable atmosphere for our players.

Unfortunately, we have had issues with bullying of Mycena Cave users before (both public and private). This is something we absolutely do not want any of our members to experience and so we are taking a stronger approach to eradicating this behavior. The objective of this rule is to make it clear that we will not tolerate bullying. If evidence is brought forth of one of our members engaging in bullying or activity that would otherwise compromise the safety of Mycena Cave for its players, we will take action accordingly. Negative comments about site features or events are permissible, but we draw the line when users are targeted.

In regards to the “sanctioning illegal activities” portion, there is a clear difference between having your character steal something from a house and personally endorsing and instructing other people on how to rob a house. This rule is in regards to the latter.

We’re not trying to police anybody’s characters here - we’re well aware that a character’s views and actions don’t always mirror their creator’s. The important distinction here is user vs. character. We will make note that this wasn’t immediately clear and see how we can make certain it is for the rules release.

Posted 09/08/15

I’m also a little wary about the attempts to police offsite behavior. On one hand, if you’ve seen the aywas tag on tumblr, you’d understand why staff doesn’t want things getting like that. It is a horrible, awful nightmare of a space that is just rife with bullying/trolling, especially given how often people are namedropped directly. On the other hand…yeah I don’t really get the “tarnishing” bit either, it kind of sounds like you want to shut down criticism of the site itself that takes place offsite. Which is a bad idea, if that’s the intent. And you have to be clear that this is not the intent, because that’s a great way to silence people from ever reaching out to each other about things that bother them. I know there are people who take their complaints about the site to other forums because they’re not ready to bring them up here yet or things they have brought up were ignored, or because they want a second opinion. And some people just wanna vent…as long as it’s not something that hurts other people I don’t see why not. The spaces on this site are meant to be kept more copacetic and polite in atmosphere so, here’s not the place for it.
If that’s meant only in regards to bullying behavior though…then good.

I like the expansion of content tagging abilities so far as it’s described, don’t see any issues with it since users are gonna be able to add custom descriptors…very nifty. Kinda reminds me of tags on fanfic websites lol. Is the use of those gonna be free for whatever, even if content is not necessarily explicit/sensitive?

And…unfortunately I also have to agree that some distinction should be made between sanctioning illegal activities and just roleplaying them, though it’s possible for there to be an overlap with that. It’s a very wide definition that could bungle up roleplaying opportunities when characters are just. Pirates or assassins or whatever. Like…usually it’s pretty obvious when someone’s rping those that they don’t actually believe in doing those things since it’s just a fantasy. On the other hand, with characters like, pedophiles, or zoophiles, or nazis or something. I don’t see any way to roleplay someone like that without sanctioning it unless the character was a very clear cut antagonist character who isn’t a protagonist in any way and the activities of this person are framed in a negative light. Which is hard to write out clearly as rules to enforce I’m guessing. I’m on both sides of the issue whereas I wouldn’t want roleplays to be ludicrously restricting, but I don’t want there to be loopholes for unsavory people to take advantage of.
Somehow I see another big conversation coming up about that one again unless staff already has distinctions discussed and laid out that aren’t clear yet.

I was also gonna inquire about the flagging thing but it sounds like this will be an okay feature.

edit: and despite my efforts I have missed some posts before mine…

Posted 09/08/15, edited 09/08/15

To add onto what Amaterasu has mentioned, stylistic typing (ie: caplocks) is okay as long as it’s readable and isn’t done all the time. :3 We won’t flag you for that.

Basically, we will likely not flag any posts unless there is an extreme case (ie: evident spamming, your pet walking over your keyboard, etc).

Posted 09/08/15, edited 09/08/15

Just have to say that I love those upcoming new features – especially the change to mature content tagging (just an all-round fantastic idea), and the ability to hide individual threads (I’ve been wanting that for an age, and I’m sure plenty of others have been, too). Looking forwards to seeing them released~

Though I’ll admit the flagging thing worried me a little until its use was clarified >__>

Posted 09/08/15, edited 09/08/15
Thanks for the clear up. I just know that would really make me sad if I couldn’t post because of a mistake I couldn’t fix because I didn’t see the mistake or understand the flagging (over silly spelling issues like w m and d b)
Posted 09/08/15, edited 09/08/15

Crow, you guys are being very speedy with these answers! Thank you!
I always do worry about how character actions and views may be perceived as my own (when about 90% of the time that’s very far from true - it’s far more fun to roleplay something totally bizarre to you), so I’m very pleased that Mycena seems to be taking a clear stance on that issue and having a distinction between the two.

With all the concern, I forgot to mention that I too am very excited about the updated mature content warnings (though going back and changing all old roleplays/other threads will be interesting, if we have to do that) and the potential to hide threads! I also do really like the addition to section 6. I know a few people who have been bothered about pets that they have no interest in selling.

Posted 09/08/15

“Do not inquire, publicly or privately, about a player’s pets or items that are not explicitly listed or marked for sale.”

I haven’t really seen this brought up, probably because there are a lot of people who are perfectly fine with/prefer this rule. However, as someone who has done this exact thing before I don’t think that the rule should be so…. broad?

It’s just that sometimes, people don’t explicitly put something up for sale, but also don’t happen to have an issue trading. For example, I realized that there was a pet, somewhere out there that had the ID of my anniversary and I really wanted it, so I echoed the owner of said pet and they were perfectly fine with trading me the pet if I could perfectly replace them with the same gender/species/ect. This proved of no issue for anyone, and the person I echoed didn’t mind at all, or at least didn’t seem to.

So, perhaps, instead of banning the “inquiry”, maybe it would be better to ban hassling someone when they’ve already said no, or the asking for something they say they explicitly don’t want to ever sell?

Just thinking that perhaps a more specific/clear sort of rule might be better….

Posted 09/08/15
Crow Thank you for the clarification. I assumed that’s what was intended, but it’s always best to be sure. :3
Posted 09/08/15
I’m very happy with all of these changes and additions and the way they have been spelled out. Thank you staff for putting so much time into this, and taking feedback.
Posted 09/08/15
Thanks staff for all of the clarification <3 I wanted to echo what some others have mentioned about new features, especially the ability for us to hide certain threads. I think they’re very useful and considerate to the experiences of the players. c:
Posted 09/08/15
Kay Mentrae Hi Kay! We understand that some users are more than willing to trade this way - unfortunately, it’s difficult to tell who is happy to receive echoed offers and who will view it as discourteous. It’s kind of like walking into someone’s house and asking if their tv or xbox is up for sale (though perhaps less sentimental value there!) I think in this case the safest bet is that an individual should explicitly state on their profile or a trade board that they are receptive to offers on pets/items not listed.
Posted 09/08/15, edited 09/08/15
I have a question regarding the spelling on here, and perhaps it doesn’t matter, but do you follow British spelling, or American spelling?  ie colourful versus colorful
Posted 09/08/15

I know that the grammar issue has already been addressed by Ploo, Tarot, and a few others, but I do have something to add. This is a topic I feel very strongly about it. My best friend online had a stroke a couple of years back that caused her to have trouble translating her thoughts to written form. She has a lot of typos, but she’s still a joy to roleplay with. There’s also people who are non-native English speakers who struggle with the language. There are many more situations than just dyslexia that could cause typo issues.

Would it possible to add an addition to the rule that mentions you can (but don’t have to) PM a moderator to alert them of medical (or regional) difficulties that might influence spelling? That way the moderators can at least be aware of some of the population of users who struggles and it makes it less likely that they’ll be stuck in the flagging situation because of the difficulty?

The other changes do not concern me in the least, though. They sound reasonable, and the tagging will be wonderful!

Posted 09/08/15, edited 09/08/15
Thanks for the clarification of the intention of the offsite bullying rule.  However it definitely needs to be re-worded if that’s the case.  As it stands it sounds like anyone tarnishing Mycena’s reputation AND/OR posting bullying content.  Like.  The way the and/or is makes it seem really ambiguous because the word ‘bullying’ comes after it?  So it’s like.  Posting content to an anon blog and/or posting bullying content.  idk if I’m explaining this properly.
Posted 09/08/15

OregonCoast Officially you will see staff utilizing American spelling, but we will not penalize you for using either American or British spelling. :)

Hawkins I think I see what you mean - I am sorry I cannot give you a more detailed response one way or the other right now, but we will consider the phrasing here to ensure its clarity. Thank you for bringing the concern up!!!

Posted 09/08/15, edited 09/08/15

Dove  Oh what a relief!  I’ve been on British virtual pet sites for years and have grown up using the British spelling.  I admit, I panicked when I read about the flagging. 

Also, that’s a very good point about the stroke patient and other non native speakers. I know of several people who utilize posting on pet sites in order to improve their spelling and grammar.  I just worry that this flagging might bring up anxieties in people and prevent them from utilizing this feature altogether?

Posted 09/08/15

Dash & OregonCoast : I understand your concerns and I wish to reemphasize that this flagging feature is really not meant to punish anyone for trying to learn or for having difficulties beyond their control. If anyone wishes to disclose any disabilities to us, they can do so at any time at their own discretion but as of the moment we will not be amending the rule to include that.

To give an example of what I would actually flag for review:

If say, Firkasa was to post in a thread about candy and wrote the following:

ahdaklhd jkhasi cafe salad dream

I would flag that and comment in additional something along the line of:

Hi Firkasa, we are having a bit of difficult understanding your post, would you mind editing it a bit to make your intent clearer?
Posted 09/08/15