I have exactly four pet tokens, so I can’t do anything with them. Is anything at all going to happen with spare tokens?MegaRose May I second this? I know we were told from the start we wouldn’t have enough for a third pet but for those of us who completed above and beyond, might the extra be applied to a little raffle like extra tokens in other events?
Posted 10/07/15
MegaRose malkav Pet tokens were capped out at 10, so if you completed all activity and investigation days, you should have 10 pet tokens and 14 item tokens. Unused tokens will disappear once the shop closes - the incentive for going above and beyond and completing all activity days was the ability to get extra items.
Posted 10/07/15
NyctiCorax: if you have an entry for a day that says “credit pending…” then it is still being processed. Days for which you have credit are green with a checkmark next to them, and days for which you have no credit are red with a cross next to them. For example, my shop looks like this:
Posted 10/07/15, edited 10/07/15
NyctiCorax yep! If there aren’t at least a couple days between when processing finishes and the shop is scheduled to close, then we’ll extend the opening dates of the shop :)
Posted 10/07/15
deadred92 From my understanding the will have the raffle after the shop closes. It involves a feedback survey so it might be a lil bit before its up, and a lil while before its drawn
Posted 10/07/15
Activity grading has been finished!
Crow pulled a /lot/ of hours finishing up the grading. *feeds her treats of glory* If you notice any errors, ping or echo Crow or Myla and we’ll look into it as soon as we can! ————— While there will be a raffle for this event, it will be the typical feedback survey raffle (we were originally going to do a prompt-based raffle, but we decided to hold off on this due to timing). Additionally, since this event is falling so close to the Harvest Festival, we will be drawing the raffle for Shimmers in the Water following the conclusion of the Festival. Crow We’re trying to simplify things since we had a ton of participants in this event which meant a lot of grading, but at the same time, we’re trying to gear up for the next event, haha. @ u @ *huffhuff*
Posted 10/07/15
Myla [@courier] Oh I see!! I saw something about the raffle that ended on the 1st so I was worried I missed it. Thank you both very much for your responses. Also a big THANK YOU to all those who help put the event together and took the time to grade it all. That was amazing and this is the first game I have ever played where I felt that the mods really put a lot of effort into the events and the players. You guys are phenomenal.
Posted 10/07/15
Crow Thanks for that explanation. I didn’t realize the cap was there, just figured it wasn’t enough to buy something so they’d still show up. Awesome to hear we’ll get a feedback raffle ^^ Also, thanks so much for getting all those submissions graded so quickly as well as all the other hard work you’ve put into this event!
Posted 10/07/15
Thank you so much for the wonderful event! I admit I was rather lost at the beginning and was not going to participate at all, but after reading through this thread and realizing it was a detective type thing where you had to hunt around the site it turned into a lot of fun! I just wish I checked sooner so I had time to participate in all the activities haha
Posted 10/07/15
Runi: I’m glad you ended up trying it out! That makes me happy. :D!! teaunicorn: You don’t need to tell us that verification is needed! It is possible we accidentally missed your entry. I’ll have a look! Edit: teaunicorn: I just checked: you did Hearsay, Spot the Difference, and the Maze and have been awarded credit for those three activities. You should see check marks by those three activities in your journal, rather than x’s (the x’s mean you didn’t do the activity/didn’t receive credit)! I don’t see that any mistake was made, but let me know if I’m incorrect.
Posted 10/07/15, edited 10/07/15
I just made a post on my pet game blog about this, but thank you staff for putting this event together! This is definitely my favorite event I’ve participated in. MODIFY: Just remembered what I was going to ask, too. Will the text from the event be saved somewhere? :o Like, from Ambrose’s journal. I think it would be neat to keep that around for members’ perusal. (The same thing goes for previous events like this, such as the Halloween one.)
Posted 10/07/15, edited 10/07/15
I’m gonna risk sounding like a complete brown nose, but I think it needs to be said! I really enjoyed this event. It was fun. It made me work for the items. haha. Morgan did a beautiful job! One of the biggest bummers for me was having the introduction of new species spoiled (before the event even started, ala the “baby” version. From what I remember, it wasn’t hidden under a spoiler). That said, I can’t wait until the next fall event ?!@!!? :D You admins spoil us. edited for clarification.
Posted 10/09/15, edited 10/09/15
Miranda oonnnee is the loneliest numberrrr I used to agree with that, but then I heard the expression “as lonely as a 9 on a microwave”.
Posted 10/09/15
Swan that baby actually isn’t this species. It was lines that were apparently scrapped they said. Myly and the artists are still working on the sprout/baby lines for the Kelph so it’s still a bit of a surprise! I will agree this was a really fun event. It had a little bit of everything so RPers and non RPers all had a shot at getting prizes. The games were clever and most of the prompts weren’t too hard. I’d definitely like more events like this.
Posted 10/09/15
Hina I think it was more that the fact that there even was going to be a new species came out before the event that was the spoiler. Personally, I had no idea one was even on the cards. But then again, I’m new. Still, it would have been nice to have had a really big reveal!
Posted 10/09/15, edited 10/09/15
[@Tyrian] to be fair though those old lines were posted by the staff months ago, so it wasn’t really a secret that at some point one had been worked on. It probably should have been under a spoiler but it’s understandable they didn’t think it was really a surprise if it was posted publicly at one time
Posted 10/09/15