13:32 ST
[EVENT] Marcy's Harvest Festival (Oct. 31st - Nov. 9th)

*looks at thread title*
*looks at date*
*looks at site clock*
*raises scythe in anticipation*

Posted 10/30/15

‘Bag of Halloweens Past’

//excitement intensifies

Posted 10/30/15


I have a need. It is shaped like that bag.

Posted 10/30/15


*Has her things gathered*
*Eyes scarecrows warily* Their gonna do something… I know it…

Posted 10/30/15



Posted 10/30/15
Cannot wait for the harvest to begin… *Also raises Scythe!*
Posted 10/30/15
oh does it start tonight or something?
Posted 10/30/15
The farm is under attack! Those scarecrows… Darcy and I woke up this morning, and they’ve taken over the fields. A Dr. Crow has been going on and on about equality for scarecrows — something about brains and straw and — no, my pumpkins! This is a nightmare. I can’t… He’s destroying all my crops. I don’t know what he wants, but I do know that I need your help again, if you’re willing to come back to the farm. Help me defend our harvest festival!

Some Quick Info!
  • Protect the Cave! The Scholarcrow numbers are overwhelming… once you’ve defeated one, another pops up ready to fight after a half hour!
  • You may use any available resources to outwit the Scholarcrows - friends, calculators, search engines… whatever it takes! Just be sure any secrets revealed are kept under spoiler tags.
  • Dr. Crow is the motivating force behind the Scholarcrow army… if we can lower his morale by defeating enough of his soldiers, victory is assured! To help encourage you, Marcy will give a sneak peak of the prizes he had planned for the festival. The more discouraged Dr. Crow becomes, the more previews you’ll receive!
  • Defeating more Scholarcrows will increase your rank in the war. These ranks will determine what ‘prize package’ you receive at the end of the battle… assuming we all survive!
  • There will be six achievable ranks above the starting point, and the higher your rank, the more unique prizes you will receive.
  • Keep your eyes peeled - if you’re lucky, retreating Scholarcrows might just leave behind some extra spoils of war!
  • As always, be mindful of other players’ experiences and follow all of Mycena Cave’s rules.
    • Multi-accounting is not allowed.
    • You may not participate in any part of this event on any account other than your own.
    • You may not use an auto-clicker or page refresher.
  • There is no need to rush in any battle! Scholarcrow will stick around until you answer their question. :) They are, if nothing else, patient invaders. That being said, your timer will not reset until the battle with your ‘Crow is completed.
  • Stay strong and remember what you’re fighting for!

Good day to you, denizens of the Cave. I am Dr. Crow, elected sovereign of the enlightened Scarecrows.

For too long my people have been oppressed by the cruel and derisive stereotypes your kind wield against us.

For too long young ‘crows have been rejected from Mycenian institutions, belittled by their peers, and denied the opportunity for the pursuit of wisdom and knowledge.

All of these injustices and for what… because our heads are filled with straw? If only you had a brain to acknowledge the supremacy of our intellect.

Today we say no more! Today we stand against your tyranny, your incivility and contempt. Our talents have been underutilized in your society, a grievance we shall swiftly rectify. Yes, today we rise anew. We are not the burlap-brained Scarecrows you have scorned, but Scholarcrows, leaders of the new world order. If your respect will not be freely given, we’ll simply take what we desire by force.

Posted 10/31/15, edited 10/31/15
this is…hard. are these images from onsite or somewhere else? do we have to put what the image is or what website its from? i wasnt prepared at all for this and im kind of stressed out :( ive previously skipped any image identifying events because of the difficulty, i hope the scarecrows ask other questions because im not going to get any of them right if its just guessing an image.
Posted 10/31/15

This is…...fantastic.

Phage, when I first saw your post I was really confused because I got a word scramble, so not all of them are image based for sure!

Posted 10/31/15, edited 10/31/15
Phage All images are from Mycena Cave!
Posted 10/31/15
Is there a bell?
Posted 10/31/15


*Rolls up sleeves and aims scythe*


Posted 10/31/15


how did i mess that up

Posted 10/31/15

@ amaterasu so this is just an image identifying event?

edit: oh…it’s math too…

*cries* i just wanna mow hay

Posted 10/31/15, edited 10/31/15
Phage Nope! This event features a bit of a variety of questions.
Posted 10/31/15

Ho boy.  This is already turning out more stressful than I was expecting. ;;

-rolls up sleeves for a tiresome 10 days-
-can’t wait to see the prizes though!!!!-

Posted 10/31/15

M-Math? I wasn’t expecting this! Oh, the horror!

Seriously though I almost forgot about the order of operations for a moment… Sneaky scarecrows…

Haha, but really, this is super creative and I like it ^u^

Posted 10/31/15
Um… My word scramble had a semi-colon and an question mark, and was supposed to be an item. That… Isn’t answerable.
Posted 10/31/15

Math? DX *dies slowly*

This seems super fun though!

Posted 10/31/15
One question down…  Lots more too go.  Although I’m thinking I got an easy one compared to other people’s posts hahah.  I’m not prepared for harder ones!
Posted 10/31/15

To arms, my fellows! To arms! Oh man, this is such a great idea, I love everything.
(oh my god, schOLARCROWS, I nearly died laughing, dangit)

Posted 10/31/15

[@Courier] don’t copy pasta answers!!
even if you need help from a calculator like me < w >

sorry i pinged the wrong person ;w;

Posted 10/31/15, edited 10/31/15

While the battle rages, Darcy has set up temporary sanctuary in the farmhouse. She’ll be keeping the Sprouts busy with some fun minigames!

If you need a break you can stop in and try Bobbing for Apples or discover the recipe for Sorcerer’s Stew!

Posted 10/31/15

Math? Image searches? Word scrambles?

...It’s a good thing I brought a scythe. That silly pitchfork would’ve never been able to cut through all this knowledge!

Posted 10/31/15

Whaaaaaaat. Not…what I expected…

I am very pleased with this turn of events though. Very much so. I will enjoy these fights. >:)

Posted 10/31/15
@ruori i dont understand why you are saying that to me, i did not copy paste an answer here and i dont know any answers so far because the first challenge was too hard and i got it wrong. or what that has to do with a calculator…
Posted 10/31/15

Phage That was just a kind suggestion for the future moving on because Ruori had copy/pasted a math question but odd things happened as a result

Additionally, to ping someone you need to put the [ ] around the @username for it to work!

Posted 10/31/15, edited 10/31/15
Mori oh dear, that’d be the Espírititas :| Sorry about that! I’ve updated the word scrambles so that it skips them entirely, because typing an í isn’t necessarily easy either.
Posted 10/31/15, edited 10/31/15

I think glitch is sided with Dr. Crow. :|

(you are allowed to copy/paste.. just.. be careful and double check.. :D)

Posted 10/31/15