12:20 ST
[EVENT] Marcy's Harvest Festival (Oct. 31st - Nov. 9th)
...and he’s still at 99%

ehehehe hehehe eh heh yeah he accidentally had approx 10x the morale he was meant to… he is actually at 96%!

Posted 10/31/15
glitch thank the sorceress! I mean I know that we have a whole week to drag this out for. But it was shaping up to look like a very long event xD
Posted 10/31/15
Mycena Cave has defeated 900 scholarcrows so far!

Ooooh,I just defeated Scholarcrow #900, woo!

Posted 10/31/15
Iv’e defeated 3 scarecrows and Dr.Crow is still at 96%. Is this supposed to happen?
Posted 10/31/15
Competitor; Depleting Dr. Crow’s morale bar is a community goal, not a personal goal. With hundreds of players participating and tons of Scholarcrows to defeat, that means only after a sizeable chunk has been defeated, the percentage will go down :)
Posted 10/31/15, edited 10/31/15
I just woke up, looked at MycenaCave saying “Ooh I get ta click a button!” Boom asks me an astronomy question. Uhhhhh…....yeah I guessed. Lol. Got it right though!!!
Posted 10/31/15

*Cuddles the bell.*
I’ve had some really interesting questions so far. OwO Though miles and feet are confusing me, haha.

Posted 10/31/15
Juney ah, thank you! I was confused, I must have read something wrong.
Posted 10/31/15

Well, this was annoying because of auto correct….

Posted 10/31/15, edited 10/31/15
Guys, be careful if you receive any form of ‘server error’ don’t press back and refresh the page or it will take you back to your last answer and you’ll fail the question. (Or maybe pass it,  failed the last question so now I’ve failed this one too)
Posted 10/31/15
Fun event but quick question. For the math portion is the asterisk supposed to denote exponential or multiplication. I would assume the x would be used for multiplication but I haven’t seen one yet, and the way the asterisk is positioned above the number reminds my of the carrot symbol.
Posted 10/31/15
Tigger It denotes multiplication! ^^
Posted 10/31/15, edited 10/31/15

Thank you. That makes the answer considerable shorter. XD

Posted 10/31/15
Uh, I didn’t have my earphones on and missed a bell. The tab name was still saying “Mycena Cave” and not “DING DING DING” like in the past events. Not sure if that would be possible with the automatic refresh that happens though. >w<
Posted 10/31/15, edited 10/31/15

Riddle me this, puny ineki,
He’s the best around and no one’s ever gonna bring him down!

Dr. Crow
Bone Monster

Is this a trick question? |8

Posted 10/31/15
Y’know, if these scholarcrows didn’t insult me, I’d definitely be on their side omg x3c
Posted 10/31/15

-gets a question about final fantasy-
(thanks mycena for dragging me back into my teens)

Posted 10/31/15

Same here. They’d make for cute overlords, but they’re too rude to get my vote. >:c

Posted 10/31/15

Has anyone reached the rank after Pile of Hay yet?
(I wish it told you that you beat x amount of scarecrows.)

Also, is The Bag of Halloweens Past just year one stuff?

Posted 10/31/15, edited 10/31/15

Okay so here’s something super weird…

(ignoring that I suck at math and got this wrong pls omg)

31? Right? Okay but when I copy/paste the problem….

“313 - 45 * 60”

.... 313? What? I’m very confused and a little salty at this scholarcrow. *glares at it*

Posted 10/31/15, edited 10/31/15

I’m curious because it appears the morale bar is stuck again. Now we’re at 1877, well over 1k more then when I posted about it first time and it’s still at the 96% from when glitch corrected it.

*turns to Dr. Crow defiantly*

I do agree with Lycan, a personal tracker would be nice. I’ve lost count of how many total I’ve faced. I know it’s more about the group participation, everyone working together to try and unlock the prizes and defend the cave. But everyone likes that little personal feeling of accomplishment you get when you sit there and count all the dismembered scarecrow heads at your feet at the end of the day.

Still enjoying the heck out of this so far. Whoever came up with this one on the staff BIG THUMBS UP!

Posted 10/31/15
[@Toothless], that happens with all the number questions when you copy and paste. A random number gets added on to the first integer. Perhaps to stop it from being a very easy copy/paste into Google? I’m not sure, but it’s definitely weird. >:| Sneaky scholarcrows.
Posted 10/31/15

Akira:  The bag contains all old Halloween items, both from 2013 and 2014!

Hina:  Oops, yes, it was stuck again!  glitchers fixed it hopefully for good this time! >>;;

Posted 10/31/15
Will there be an option for pets from this event to be be directly purchasable/obtained? I liked that about the last event opposed to having to get mushroom fodder.
Posted 10/31/15

I got Oliver the Ghost from my bag! Perfect for Makena, my reaper :’)

ed it ;; omg he looks so shy, he’s under her wings :’)

Posted 10/31/15, edited 10/31/15
Kind of curious what the drop rate on the bags is. Defeated several ‘crows and still no extra loot. Mayhaps I’m only being attacked be the more wimpy scarecrows. x_x
Posted 10/31/15
Yoshi Yes! Any coats that you win you’ll be able to choose between pet or mushroom like last event. :D
Posted 10/31/15
I keep getting the dumb image ones, I want more trivia )8
Posted 10/31/15
It’s probably a good thing the scholarcrows don’t know I am bribe-able… Gimme a ghost scarf and I will happily welcome our new overlords!
Posted 10/31/15
Very cute event, you guys~ really enjoying it. The ‘crows are adorable. :) Have I mentioned I’d like to keep this banner/theme?
Posted 10/31/15