21:13 ST
[RAFFLE] Cran you do the Cran Cran?! Raffle (done!)

Just posting to put my opinion out there for posterity (and to see my new pet in the forums).  I am not a fan of the character requirement.  Some of us want pretty/unique pets but do not RP.  I am already at a disadvantage to RPers every single day, as they can earn more nuggets per day than me via RPing.  In this regard I feel that this event, in its way, punishes the already marginalized. 

It’s long been my view that Mycena Cave would crack wide open as a site if it catered to multiple play styles instead of just the one main one.  Just some food for thought.

Posted 12/06/15

I don’t mind the ticket pricing, but I also have only bought a few tickets so the price hasn’t gone up terribly high for me (yet).

As for the character blurb, I was surprised to see it there and stuck on the page for a little while because I don’t really RP on this site - I adore the art, but I don’t have time or personal motivation to RP. Still, it’s fun seeing characters come to life, and I like having reasons to try and get those creative juices flowing again, even if I know I’m 99.9% unlikely to do anything more than mentally come up with backstory, like I have for all the rest of my pets.

Still, it’s really cool how you guys keep trying all these new ways to make raffles interesting!

Posted 12/07/15
I’m just gonna leave this here:
Posted 12/07/15

Jacq Wow, pretty! :D

I must say that I don’t really like the idea of removing the cap. You see new players are in quite a big disadvantage here which isn’t really fair. Even older players might feel like this. Putting the cap on the tickets seems like more reasonable and fair option.

As for pet requirement, I have kinda mixed feelings about it. It seems fair that we need to give a bit of effort to win the pet but I think it also forces players that aren’t here for RP to do RP and some people who aren’t good at coming up with the backstories will probably just give up, same goes for those who don’t speak English very well.

Posted 12/07/15
Figured I’d throw in my 2 cents. I think the pricing is a pretty clever and equalizing idea! Not into the blurb, because though I have headcanons for my characters I’m pretty uncomfortable writing them out (and thus rarely do so). It kind of made me feel bad? Not a lot but it made me hesitate before entering and I got some anxiety going realizing that someone was going to read what I had written. *shrugs*
Posted 12/07/15
I personally won’t be writing anything. I don’t know. When I write character I tend to get attached pretty quickly, so I don’t want to try and write for something I’m CERTAIN to not win. The pricing is interesting though.
Posted 12/07/15

I personally don’t really care about the write up. Mine took about ten minutes, the requirements are pretty bare bones. I mean, it’s five sentences minimum, I’m not going to get attached to a character that vague. However, it did give me some insight on what I would do with the pet, should I win it - which is pretty cool. I understand some people don’t want to write/etc, but I think this is a unique way to thinning out those who can be bothered to do it. Again though, that’s just my view on it. Saying that, I do feel sympathetic for non-english players, as they are truly out of the loop.

I like the pricing! It’s definitely interesting, and a good way to provide a nugget sink for those who wish to do so. It also gives those who are poorer more tickets than what they can usually afford in the normal pricing scheme! I can see the fact it’s uncapped putting people off, but there is such a huge amount of prizes I think it’s kind of irrelevant - since one person can only win one prize. So technically someone can pour all their nuggets in, but even if they do win they’ll only take one prize out a the pool, and considering the sparsity of users willing to do that anyway… Plus, there is always the chance they win nothing too.

Posted 12/07/15, edited 12/07/15

As a non-rper, the character thing is not a huge problem - although I will say that while I don’t rp, I do come up with characters and relationships for them, backstories, etc. And when I give a pet a character, I get really attached. xD;;; So I can definitely see me getting attached enough for disappointment if I come up with a character for this pet that I won’t likely win, and it’s always really hard for me to transfer characters when a characters was made specifically for that pet.

Now, that doesn’t bother me too much because I haven’t let myself think about a potential character, but what DOES bum me out is to have the glowing changingshrooms tied up in this raffle. Glowing changingshrooms are impossible for users with less funds to get outside of raffles. They’re just too valuable for me to be able to afford (without selling everything else I’ve collected over the years, anyway), so I always max out on raffles with them and hope that it’ll eventually work out - but seeing the way this one is set up, it’s like saying those shrooms will be reserved for people with bigger banks from now on, which is discouraging. The last raffle, I believe, didn’t have a chance at winning those, and I’d really felt the glowing shrooms should have been included in the capped raffle.

So, basically, I feel like yes, sure, users with bigger banks should be able to benefit from having bigger banks - but I think that raffles should be a means for non-wealthy users to access the expensive stuff as well, since it may be their only chance at obtaining these things. Having the nice stuff reserved for uncapped raffles is just kind of discouraging, I guess. xD and yes, I know that someone with a single ticket could still win something big, but when the raffles are uncapped and there are users out there that could throw 100k+ nuggets into the raffle, the odds of that single ticket winning would be so low it’d stop being exciting

Posted 12/07/15

Ahh, what a cute raffle!  I love this, what a nice way to have a quick prompt for writing and still have a chance to win something nice.  I love the idea of having to be creative to get a reward, that’s always super fun.

I’ll have to pull what few nuggets I have out of my bank… here’s hoping for a lucky draw!!

Posted 12/07/15

I’m gonna chime in that I agree with what Deddo said about the pricing being great for newer players/those who have less saved up. They can get more than they could previously, and in order to get a lot of tickets people who can can really shell out. Seems like a decent a balance.

I remember my first raffle here I was really new and literally scrambled and scraped together to max out my tickets. So I think making the first X tickets kinda cheap is a good system thats fair to the newer!

I also really really like the stats listed on the raffle page, feels like I can make a more informed decision as to how much to spend this time around

Posted 12/07/15, edited 12/07/15

Oh ticket pricing feedback? Okay cool! Well, I like the scaling, that’s cool! I don’t think I like the unlimited tickets though, not so cool. I know that the tickets get pricey like, super fast, but as a user who never ever makes any sort of nugget value worth mentioning, I get a little nervous about uncapped raffles as I can only ever buy 5-10 tickets (with only a few exceptions). D: I dunno. I know that users with lots of gems or nuggets should be able to reap the benefits of it, but raffles should be for all users to have an equal chance to win something nice otherwise playing in a raffle just ends with those unable to buy a lot of tickets being really disappointed at their lack of win chance. And even if a user who pours in tons of nuggets into a raffle and wins gets only one prize, they have a strong possibility of getting the one prize that everyone shoots for + factoring in the possibility of more than one user pouring in tons of nuggets for a lot of tickets… yeah, it’s a little discouraging to me. ^^; (I’m also terribly sorry if this seems whiny. I’m trying to avoid that as best as I can, I promise!)

Edit to the above: Oh hey statistics! :D Looks like most users have 1-10 tickets which is what I expected! Interesting to see the breakdown! :0 Thanks for adding that in~ Hmm looks like there are a small amount of users with a lot of tickets oh man. Wonder if that number will increase as we get near the end! *keeps an eye on the stats*

As for the character requirement. I’m definitely on the fence about this one. While it’s a clever idea to come up with a character to transfer to another pet (in the event that the user gets attached to the idea), it seems sad to the people who aren’t writers because they may not be able to come up with something. For me personally, I don’t mind writing up a character and then just slapping it onto a non-raffle Ineki later if I don’t win, but I can certainly see how others wouldn’t be so keen on the idea no matter their reasoning.

However, I do appreciate the innovation behind this raffle. It’s always nice to try out new things and see how they go! :) I’m interested to see the overall responses to the raffle once it concludes. ^^

Posted 12/07/15, edited 12/07/15
Looking good, Toothless
Posted 12/07/15

Ahh its so cute I’m probably not going to win because of my horrible writing skills though ;-;

Good luck to all!

Posted 12/07/15

The writing requirement seems really neat to me! It prevents people like me, who would only want the premade to sell off for currency, from taking the chance from somebody who actually want the coat. I mean, I could always lie, but then I would feel bad. Gives me more incentive to go for those Glowy Changies isntead. o3o

As for the price system, eh. I’m not too big on non-capped raffles, mainly because I’m pretty frugal and things without limits make me want to buy less things. That being said, I think it’s super neat that Mycena staff listens to the user input and is always willing to try out new ideas like this one. Keep on rockin’, guys.

Also, I wasn’t going to participate in this raffle, but it ends on my birthday. That’s gotta be some sort of cosmic luck, right??

Posted 12/07/15

Hmmm just an extra thought… I think one of the reasons that I don’t like the blurb so much is because it kinda separates the prize pool a bit. In the past the tickets you buy meant that you were eligible for every type of prize. In this if you don’t participate in the blurb writing then you are shut out from one of the prizes, meaning that the tickets you purchase kind of have less value. Its not by a ton… but buy entering the blurb you are tossing in for 51 prizes and if you don’t its 50, but you’re still paying the same price. I know the odds dont change that much but that kinda rubs me the wrong way.

As i said in previous comments I think the idea is cute, but not one i’d really participate in. Perhaps there could be a separate raffle for a pre made custom only with one ticket max and you had to write a blurb?

sorry i keep chiming in with random stuff…. i hope its not a bother or that it seems like i’m ungrateful. i like the way you guys are trying new things! that’s the best way to figure out what would work, and keep things interesting around here

Posted 12/07/15, edited 12/07/15

For the prices, I am not a huge fan, but like others I don’t mind if this shows up every once in a while. Personally I liked the system in the 3 part raffle in Sept. Maybe have a pair of raffles that run side by side? One where everybody only gets 1 free ticket, and the other uncapped fixed price and players have to choose which of the two they want to participate in, and can only join one. Just a thought I’m throwing out, I haven’t analyzed all the pros and cons of it yet, so if there’s some blaring flaw, sorry…

I understand what you’re saying, but I don’t think it’s that much different then a sprout raffle? Many players don’t have genesses to enter in sprout raffles, so that’s one less prize in their personal prize pool.

Posted 12/07/15
Arintol That’s a fair point when it comes to the tickets being eligible for more/less prizes! In the past I’ve never really been prompted to put a lot of feedback into the raffles so perhaps that why I’m just bringing this up/thinking about it now, Though a geness is easy enough to form for non RP reasons, it would just be some extra nuggets… thats what I did last raffle (and i think a fair amount of others did too). People who don’t make characters could toss in for their own reasons that way.
Posted 12/07/15
I agree with Diglett’s take on the RPing/description thing! It’s not too hard even if you don’t RP, anyone can write up a little backstory and personality! I haven’t been on Mycena too long, but I like the pricing system in this raffle! Additionally, I’d like to thank Plasma for the gorgeous custom! It looks so soft, yet so vibrant! Love it!
Posted 12/08/15

Arintol most often with the sprout raffles, the sprout is the ONLY prize being raffled. Whether it’s a single geness being picked or up to 6 offspring being offered, it’s still typically a breeding raffle only. Meaning if you don’t want sprouts/have a geness then you just don’t buy tickets because you aren’t missing out on anything else.

I personally don’t mind the blurb, and I appreciate the attempt to make sure the premade goes to someone who really wants it. But I admit if you’re going to stick requirements on it like that it should be it’s own ticket pool. Even though it’s only “5 sentences” if you’re a new player or not good at English (I know I’ve seen some Russian I think popping up in the forums as late?) it’s a bit of a risk to misunderstand, not meet enough of the requirement, and then miss out if their ticket is pulled and they technically don’t qualify for that prize and have to get bumped to another while someone else gets it instead. A long shot I know but that’s what raffles are, a long shot

Posted 12/08/15

CloudAngele The blurb gives you eligibility, the winner is chosen randomly from those who entered, not based on judging : )

Also I mostly ever RP offsite. For people to say the raffle favors RPers or that RPers get an advantage on site is ridiculous. Write five sentences, I guarantee the eligibility blurb will be shorter than most complaints on this board and take you less time, not to mention be better for your health ;) As for those saying they will become attached to the custom— I think you’re probably just attached to the character you wrote! I’m saving mine for another pet if I don’t win the Cran.

frieza You’re not being marginalized. Trust me. Earning 3000 nuggets via roleplay takes much longer than earning 3k via one of the games. Because you choose not to roleplay, you don’t reap the benefits of roleplaying, that’s all. Just as if I choose not to max out, I’m not entitled to getting 3000 nuggets injected into my bank by virtue of playing the site. If you want the Cranberry Dream, writing a few sentences makes you eligible. If you don’t care for it, opt out and let someone else have a chance to win, and best of luck to you with winning a glowie or something!

Please let’s all remember that raffles are both random and completely optional! Good luck to all who entered!

Posted 12/08/15, edited 12/08/15

Tarot I think the problem lies in the fact that people like to make characters based on a specific coat, not just a random character. People often draw on the coats for direct inspiration, so reusing a specified character can be extremely difficult.

Also people are allowed to have criticism about things on the site, so please don’t try to dismiss those with valid arguments and points.

(On another note)
There’s also a flaw wherein someone who wants to win can slap down a few sentences about a character, never do anything with them, and then go back and sell the custom. :/

Again, it’s just very sad to become so attached to a custom you created a character specifically for and then have nothing to show for it in the end. I understand why the character creation was added in as a requirement, but I’m not sure if that’s the best way to go about encouraging users who actually want the custom (not those that just sell them) to enter.

Posted 12/08/15

I’m with [@Toothless] on this one. Were I to make a character I would make a character based off of the custom with direct references to the coat. I wouldn’t be getting attached to just the written half of the character but to the character as a whole.

As much as I would love to own her I’m honestly so put off by the required description I dropped her to the end of my preferences list as I don’t want to get attached to her only to lose her.

Posted 12/08/15
Please don’t gang up on people with other opinions. Tarot raises some valid points, and she is allowed to criticise just as everyone else is. I’m not liking this gang mentality over a pet site.
Posted 12/08/15

Hello folks!

There has been a lot of good discussion in regards to the new features in this raffle. I’d like to remind everyone to keep the conversation respectful in the thread. The staff is reading through everyone’s opinions, to which we will take them into account for future raffles.

Thanks! :)

Posted 12/08/15

[@toothless] mosh

Not trying to be dismissive, but i feel like sometimes users don’t understand the difficulty in things like this. I see a lot of criticism and no offered solutions; It IS a raffle and it isn’t a lot of work for those entering. It’s both random and optional. If you are really really worried about being overly attached, create a blurb to meet the requirement and then make a real bio if you win. This is essentially a gift from staff, and again, nobody is forced to enter, and the entry requirements are small and few. The only way to avoid people getting attached is creating a guaranteed prize for people who write the 5 sentence entry. That’s a bit silly, and besides, do you think many people would be as interested in getting the coat if everyone was getting it?

Posted 12/08/15

I wrote a total of 312 words for her description - just as a rough draft. I still go back in every now and then to try and add more to her character with the hopes that I’ll be able to obtain the lovely coloration. I’m fully aware that I might not get her, but as I don’t have a lot of nuggets, I’m really hoping that my description will somehow help for me to raise my chances to get her.

In the event that I don’t get her, I still have this fully fleshed out character now that I can use on a different pet - or even as a future custom. Yes, it was written with her in mind, and yeah, it’d really be a downer to not win, but I feel that as a whole, you get out of this what you put in. If you write a description that’s from the bottom of your heart and you really do try to create the best character for her then there’s not much more you can do.

Also, it’s not as though you would have to keep the description that you created for the custom if you didn’t win, so getting really attached to the coloration wouldn’t necessarily be as much of a problem.

The description is what makes the character in my opinion, and the style that the character has comes later.

Posted 12/08/15

I’m really loving Cran Cran!! Plasma did such a great job ahh I especially love how sparkly the eyes and coat are!
Good luck to everyone who entered! n Q n I’m also interested in what everyone wrote for this character. It reminds me of a game company releasing a new visual for a character and lots the fans trying to come up with head canons for the said character haha or just admiring how pretty the character is! So exciting ^ q ^

Posted 12/08/15

Tarot  Please don’t tag me to tell me how I can or cannot view this site.  We are each entitled to our own opinion.  You’re right that I can choose to RP in order to avoid being marginalized, but that doesn’t change the fact that non-RPers ARE marginalized.  Much of the game design for this site is tailored around RP, and people who do not RP are secondary players, not true MCers.  It manifests itself daily and now in raffles.

” Earning 3000 nuggets via roleplay takes much longer than earning 3k via one of the games”

That’s immaterial.  They daily grind + RP, not RP to replace the daily grind. 

Posted 12/08/15


Mods have asked for polite discussion.

Posted 12/08/15
That is my polite. 
Posted 12/08/15