Tarot I think the lack of solutions stems from the fact that it’s a hard situation to offer a solution for, you know what I mean? I do understand that it’s a raffle and most of it is up to chance, but adding an extra layer of requirement just seems a little odd to me, whether or not users are able to enter the raffle of their own free will or not. I think perhaps a second raffle for just the lovely custom would have been a better idea? And then that entry requirement could be a short description or something like that. *shrugs* (rather than tickets?) I do agree that running a raffle is very difficult though! There are just so many factors to think about that it gets very hard and sticky for staff, so big props to them for trying different things and working hard. I think it’s best that all users and staff work together to think of a good solution that suits the needs of the site while respecting the different play styles of all Mycena’s users. Teamwork is the best work!
Posted 12/08/15, edited 12/08/15
It is a really hard topic to find a good middle ground on. To each his own, guys. If you want to write a description, by all means. If you don’t, that’s perfectly fine too. At the end of the day, whether you RP or not, whether you agree with the rules or not, whether you feel like you’re being left out or not, it’s truly up to you to decide what you’d like to do. If you want the custom, then write a description. If you want the custom but you’re not okay with writing a description, then this raffle just isn’t the raffle for you. There are going to be many more raffles with more options and ideas behind them in the future - so patience is probably the best answer.
Posted 12/08/15
Tarot *high fives* Maybe staff’ll try that one out in the future! :o! I getcha, no worries! It’s always good to see all sides of things.
Posted 12/08/15
Just chiming in to say I really like/support the idea of a second raffle, in case such a thing is implemented another time. I really liked the structure of the last set of raffles, where there was the one ticket per user raffle AND the unlimited raffle. I thought it was a really nice system. I’m very interested to see what other kinds of things the admin will set up in future, given that I assume they’ll continue to experiment to see what works best for the userbase in general. As for the pricing, I thought it was pretty cool. I’m not in a position to really throw in a lot of nuggets this go around, but it’s definitely interesting. Plus the added statistics are also a very nice touch.
Posted 12/08/15
I gotta just chime in and say I both love and hate the “character write-up” requirement thing… On one hand, it’s a cool idea, and (hopefully) will ensure the pretty baby gets to someone who wants it and has a cool idea for it… But on the other hand, a LOT of hurt usually comes from ‘losing’ raffles, especially ones with pre-made customs and GCS’ in the pot… a LOT of hurt. And this just… I don’t know, seems like it will just really compound and intensify that ‘hurt’ caused by ‘losing’? I mean, I put a little blurb, not very descriptive but a cool idea I’d LOVE to flesh out more for this pretty baby should I win, BUT! The inspiration is now there, and would ONLY match another pet with this sort of color pallet/design… And I’m honestly a bit worried about how much I wrote, I can’t help but worry that IF I won, I might get disqualified as having ‘too little’, just because I DON’T want to fully write up more than an inspiration idea on a mere 0.00000000000001% chance of winning, you know? Creative people tend to get ATTACHED to their ideas… I know I do, so I kept my write-up a bit vague, not over much personality and the like in an attempt to keep myself from getting attached to something that would NEVER work on another coat/design… Now, IF by some miracle I won, I’d definitely dote and flesh out the idea and personality, but… While a fun idea of a requirement, too much ‘required’ work is just a REALLY messy recipe for a LOT of pain on the part of everyone who doesn’t win, you know? Though as long as just the vague outline write-up’s are ok submissions to ‘qualify’, I suppose it’s more ok… I mean, I already now feel like I NEED a coat with this color/design and wings to bring my idea to ‘life’, as it were, but it’s not something I’ll cry or loose sleep over if I don’t win. (Hopefully.) ... Unless of course I win but get denied for not typing enough to ‘qualify’. lol I think not knowing how much of a write-up is ‘enough’ is the only part that’s bothering me about this raffle, really. Aside from that, it’s certainly a fun idea! (As long as it’s forgiving.) And the system with ticket purchases this time around is also interesting to try, I can’t wait to see the data/statistics on that afterward! o3o
Posted 12/08/15
I had a kind of idea for the future, and remember it’s only an idea. I want to put it out there for people to ponder on and add to/change/etc. (I’ve had a massive super awful headache for about two days so that is my excuse if anything doesn’t make sense) Super simple though! Some people really do like the written requirement, and a lot of people appreciate the idea and intent of it. The problem is mostly coming from the fact people see the custom, make a character based off what they SEE, and then get attached to the idea that THAT coat is their character. It’s really hard, sometimes impossible, to wait/find a coat that will fit the character too, and getting customs for every character isn’t possible for a lot of people. So! What if in the future there were raffles where the custom was the only prize, and instead of seeing the actual coat we are only given a vague description of what it looks like. Like, “It is an upright fox ineki with wings, and contains a lot of blue” you know? And then we write a possible character for that. I think it leaves a lot more room for character creation and it makes it a lot easier to move the character to another coat since the only image of the custom you have is what you create in your head. And then the fact that the custom is the only prize will remove any indecision about where to place it in your preferences. You either enter or you don’t. Maybe this is a terrible idea but I figure I had an idea, I may as well put it out there. Happy Halloween everyone.
Posted 12/08/15
I sort of like Elsa’s idea, but only in the context of a very limited/capped/free raffle. I’m not sure if I’m in the minority or not, but I only buy tickets for customs I really really love. Just being a custom coat wouldn’t be enough for me to actually spend nuggets on tickets. I adore Cranberry dream and bought as many tickets as I could reasonably handle because I’d love to get it. Previous customs (e.g. sunshine swirl, catpucchino) are cute, but to me their not worth buying tickets for a shot at by themselves. This isn’t to poo-poo those previous (beautiful) coats, just that, well, it wasn’t love-at-first-sight, y’know? Asking people to put in money for a chance at something they can’t even see is… idk, personally, I’m not a fan. Though I agree it might be a good way to reduce the pain for those who would get really attached. I mean, maybe that’s good because I wouldn’t be in the running for that particular raffle and others would get a chance, but I’d sure feel disappointed if the coat was way more beautiful than I imagined and I missed my shot. BUT that goes double for spending a bunch of nuggets based on a description, and winning a coat that’s not nearly as pretty as I had imagined.
Posted 12/08/15, edited 12/08/15
I guess I should also throw out my two cents about ticket caps and stuff while I’m here. I am not really a fan at all of uncapped raffles, at least when they are not paired with a capped/one ticket whatever one. I think uncapped raffles for “high end” prizes (e.g. customs, sprouts) is really helpful because there are people who will put a LOT of nuggets into buying tickets and that’s taking that many more nuggets out of the system. However, uncapped raffles put me off. I really liked the raffle awhile back that had multiple parts, because I felt I was able to participate in the “smaller” ones with ticket caps, meanwhile I could leave the bigger one to the big dogs who could pour a ton more into it than I ever could. And I didn’t end up feeling disappointed for not entering every part, because I know I can’t always do EVERYTHING, and I liked having a chance at SOMETHING. I really do like the variations in raffles, and of course not every raffle is going to always satisfy everyone, and there’s always going to be some sort of problem that makes some fraction of the userbase unhappy, but I truly truly appreciate that we are listened to and changes are made to try and make us happy and do you like my run on sentence? Am I rambling yet?
Posted 12/08/15
Yeah, I definitely think such a thing should be in, like, a free raffle where the little thing you write up is you ‘buying’ your way in. One ticket, no money, no one really lost anything but a few minutes of their time. Simple enough. I alluded to something similar in my original post in this thread, but I didn’t expand on it because… idk it seemed less relevant? However in my mind, the raffle would have ended with you getting an actual customized custom based on the description that you wrote up. There’d be a limit on edits and such, and I’m not sure how the artists would work that into their schedule. Maybe the winner would have to put it into the custom queue with a sort of ‘voucher’ and the caveat that they wouldn’t be able to drastically alter the character description? That seems like an awfully long time to wait without editing the idea, though. Maybe it would have to be done separately from a queue, similarly to how raffle sprouts are done. My only issue with this idea is that customs are harder to do because they require working with the person the custom is going to. The artists COULD take it all into their own hands, but then, as with any premade, you run into the risk of not liking it, despite it being catered to your specific character. There are certainly pros and cons. aNYWAY yeah. My qualm isn’t really with writing a character description for a contest. I just think there’s a time a place for it, and this kind of raffle is not that.
Posted 12/08/15
Hawkins Uh, that’s a TOTALLY COOL idea! I’d love to participate in that sort of thing! Some good possible issues brought up, but I think it’d be a neat little thing to try. c: [@Queen Elsa] I agree with many of your points, so don’t worry about being rambly. You have good ideas and suggestions! ^^
Posted 12/08/15, edited 12/08/15
In hindsight, I’d like to add that, since a lot of people expressed that they would become attached to a raffle pet if they need to write a blurb for it, maybe an acceptable substitute would be any kind of creative event? Maybe similar to the cooking contests and things, but instead of having a golden medallion as a prize and a gem, etc, for participants, that creative what-have-you be the entry for a raffle pet. Just throwing that suggestion out there, in case that’s something people would be interested in.
Posted 12/10/15
Just an idea, but maybe in future raffles, it’s similar to a normal raffle where you buy a ticket and the main prize would be a custom? Not like a custom, but, you know, a customized custom made after the raffle winner is announced, like a full-on custom raffle.
Posted 12/11/15
aichime That’d be really, really cool! Plus it’d give users a chance to win their own custom design if they’re unable to purchase it from the custom shop! I’m not sure how that’d work on the artists side considering the queue and amount of work, so guidelines as to edits and whatnot would have to be a stipulation in the raffle, but I think that has great potential! :3
Posted 12/11/15
aichime That sounds like an interesting idea, if the staff could find a way to make it work! As a matter of fact, a user-run species on another site I’m on actually did something similar a few Halloweens back. Most of the adoptables on that site fall into three categories - Purchased with currency from various sites (It’s largely an adoptable site, but with a fairly large number of users in the forums and oekaki boards, so pets on the site are the most common), FCFS, or a tryout where you have to fulfil specific requirements, and whichever form was liked best by the judges would win the character. They had an adoptable during the event that acted as a sort of semi-custom - Users would try out for it, giving an idea of their personality and backstory, but not necessarily their appearance (Though the colors and decorations on their forms could be used as inspiration if the artist wished), and the winner would have a character of that species created around that description. So the artist would have something to base it off of, but they would still have a good amount of control over the final design. It’d be interesting to see something like that as a raffle on here! I’d certainly be interested in entering a raffle like that, if it were to actually happen~
Posted 12/11/15
Actually, what aichime and MasterShortpants describe is definitely pretty interesting to me. That would save people from getting too attached to a character they might not win, but they’ll still be able to do what they want with that character once the raffle’s over. I don’t think it should take the place of premades being raffled off, but maybe it could be just another format to try out, maybe even in conjunction with other raffles, kind of like what we had with the kelph releases. I think some users might be encouraged to develop a character if they know that regardless of whether they win the raffle, the character is still of their own making entirely and they could try the exact same thing by putting in for an artist’s choice custom. Just thinking as I type.. One way to make edit guidelines might be to have multiple artists and runners up who “win” different tiers of edits? The first winner might win, say, $50 in edits, or idk, like the worth of a $180 custom, then runners up would win the equivalent of $150, $100, and maybe a basic custom with only like a $10 edit? That way, multiple artists could pitch in and it might alleviate the worry about how much description is too much?** Idk I just really like the idea. Even if only one runner up was selected, it might add to the idea of having multiple raffle items. Having separate/subsequent raffles for GCSs or capsules might allow the users who don’t even want to attempt a character raffle to receive the chance for raffle items? Edit: **given that more than one artist would want to participate. Don’t know how it would go about with artists selecting amount of edits/winners etc. I’m not a staff member. -big shrug-
Posted 12/11/15, edited 12/11/15
Hawkins aichime and MasterShortpants To collaborate on your guy’s ideas… I love the concept of a semi-custom raffle. Where our ticket is a prompt response, or a personality blurb ect. While we can’t describe any specific details; it would be up to the colourist on how close they want to follow any descriptions written down. Maybe there could be a colour pallet offered in case there was a colour the contestant especially did not like. We do them quite often in Soquili and they are always quite fun and a bit of a breather for the colourists too as they can be inspired by the prompt response but have the freedom to create something of their own flavor.
Posted 12/12/15
i think it would be cool if(piggybacking on the latest ideas) there was an “unfinished” semi-premade being raffled off. so, suppose the image revealed is an uncolored/grey pet image with some distinct accessories or base edits, or an unedited one where it is a pet image in greyscale with patterns. and like people would write up a description based on this, coming up with other visuals as part of the character description. it could operate like a raffle where someone is picked at random or it could be a contest where the most creative description takes the prize, either way it could be neat. i think maybe there is still potential for the disappointment that would make losing sting even more, but at the same time if the custom is unfinished then maybe it leaves people to more easily save their character concepts for another pet in the future. that way there’d sort of a visual incentive/inspiration there but it’s not complete enough to be unique to that pet only. for example, the image presented might be a dog ineki wearing a hood and cape with green eyes, but the rest is totally uncolored so it’s up to the imagination. the winner would get to have their character concept used to finish the custom and anyone who didn’t win could still potentially apply their character to a green eyed dog ineki in the future, even if the pet isn’t wearing the hood and cape anymore. another idea that just occurred to me is that maybe there could be multiple premade customs with the same edits as the base(or no edits but a selection of color pallettes is presented to choose from), so maybe the top three creative entries/three random winning entries get theirs colored, or something similar to that. i think that’d be cute too, because while they’re not entirely unique customs they’d still come out differently with the user’s entry in mind. idk! like if the goal is to inspire creativity, there is so much potential to be had with the concept this raffle introduced even if it doesn’t exactly fit in this particular situation imo.
Posted 12/12/15
The raffle has been drawn!
And the results:
Congratulations to those who won, prizes
Posted 12/14/15, edited 12/14/15