Yay shiny mushroom! Not sure what I’ve done to be on RNG’s good side recently but yay! \excite
e/ Oh! I forgot to say grats to the other winners oopsies! Congrats everyone! :D
Posted 12/14/15, edited 12/14/15
glitch How do I do it?
In all seriously OMGHOW thank everybody so much for the congrats I cannot even believe this. OAO
Posted 12/14/15
I laugh a bit about Lady winning because that’s the second raffle custom that she’s won. Luck is DEFINITELY a lady!
Congrats to her and to everyone else! I can’t wait to see what colors we get out of the glowing changingshrooms this time.
Also, I am totally with Skye. This is the first time I’m actually really sad that I didn’t win. I had such a wonderful idea going for the Cranberry Dream and not being able to use it because it was so specific to the color makes me upset. I was actually going to post something similar to Skye, until I saw her post.
Posted 12/14/15
Sweet! A Cave Capsule! I’ll update this post when I get it/open it!
And congrats, Lady! You are one lucky duckling XD
Edit: You opened a Cave Capsule 2013 to find a Egyptian Wings!
Posted 12/14/15, edited 12/14/15
I won something? O3O
A changingshroom?? :DD
I can’t afford fodder so it’s gonna be taunting me for awhile but I just KNOW it’s gonna give me something good O:<
Posted 12/14/15
I was like… What is this Changy in my inventory??? How did it get here? Where do you come from, where do you go? Where do you come from, cotton eye joe?
Posted 12/14/15
2 minutes ago: A secret admirer sent you 7 gems! How nice!
O: Thank you whoever you are *runs off to use shroom*
Edit: fgfgfg eats a Changingshroom and suddenly transforms into a Monster Under the Bed ineki!
Oh. Well xD Not bad!
Posted 12/14/15, edited 12/14/15
Aw, what a pleasant surprise. I did noooot think I’d win with the amount of tickets I bought… and forgot the raffle ended today… So yes, very much surprise. ouo /very much tired as well, excuse my typing
Posted 12/14/15
Congrats, everyone! Especially Lady, of course. The idea of a Pastrymancer is too cute. :D
Posted 12/14/15
Ahahah, I was so confused by the loot message at first, what could it mean. That was unexpected!
“You opened a Cave Capsule 2013 to find a Siberian Squill Mushroom!”
And congrats to all the other winners!
Posted 12/14/15
You opened a Cave Capsule 2013 to find a Sake!
I misread that as a “snake” and was confused for a moment.
Congratulations, everyone (: <3
Posted 12/14/15
Congratulations to all the winners!
Posted 12/14/15
Congratulations to everybody that won!
I still can’t believe i won something either though… and i am very, very tempted to use the Glowing Changingshroom right now, but with my luck i’m not sure i’ll get anything good xD
EDIT: Ahhh, i’m so happyyyy. I got the Hamadryad coat which is one of the ones i wanted! ;w;
Posted 12/14/15, edited 12/14/15
Congrats to all the winners! :D
Posted 12/14/15
ahh I won something! yay!
Thank you for the raffle and congrats to the winners and Lady!
ooh one pull off that glowing shroom. ha, tries not to think about it and goes to open my capsule.
I wonder what could be in there?
You opened a Cave Capsule 2013 to find a Brown Wood Owl Mushroom!
sweet! a very cute mushroom! yay
Posted 12/14/15
Glowing…shroom…I’m going to cry ;____;
Also grats Lady, who I am convinced is always decked in horseshoes and lucky items constantly. Lol that’s so awesome.
Edit: sTARDUST FIREWORK I’m gjdkfk the coat I wanted the most… ty raffle ty site time to blubber some more
Posted 12/14/15, edited 12/14/15
Congrats all the winners!!
I used all my money on this raffle and now I don’t have enough for fodder :‘D
I cant wait to see what comes out of my glowing changingshroom!<3 the suspense will kill me!
Edit: Decided to use it on Daisy >:D
Posted 12/14/15, edited 12/14/15
You opened a Cave Capsule 2013 to find a Mycena Kimono Mushroom!
Posted 12/14/15
wow! congrats everyone!
great coats!
Posted 12/14/15
WHAT A THING TO WAKE UP TO. I’m not sure what I’m going to do with the glowing changeshroom yet, but it’s certainly a fabulous thing to get <3
Posted 12/14/15
Congrats to all the winners, and of course Lady especially. Man I need some of that luck. :P *tries rubbing paws in Lady’s luck hopefully*
Posted 12/14/15
Yay, I won something! :D
... *Eyes the capsule with fungal growth inside.* I’m… not touching that. :I *Backs off.*
Posted 12/14/15
Congrats to everyone!! Oh man, Lady, I envy you for such a pretty custom *____*
Posted 12/14/15
I won something? Whoa! What a nice surprise to see when I logged in, considering I just got back from an 8 am final. I feel really happy now!
Also congrats Lady; I’m super envious but also really happy for you :3
Posted 12/14/15
OM Goodness! I can’t believe I actually won something *.* so glad I was seated when I clicked onto the thread. Wooooh, a changy….
@Lady CONGRATULATIONS on Winning Cranberry!!!! ^.^
I’d love to see what others get from the Glowing Changeys =)
Posted 12/14/15
Wow a changy! Thank you!
Also congrats Lady!
Posted 12/14/15
You open your Cave Capsule to find Morning Butterflies!!
Not what I was looking for…but eh.
Posted 12/14/15
:O What? I’ve never won a site raffle here before…and to win one when I’m really dead and struggling with work…great surprise. :D
Posted 12/14/15
single tear rolls down my cheek that i didnt win
cant wait to see what new secret inekis have joined the population!
if any of the winners wanna post how many tickets they had out curiosity i would be interested in hearing. i had 31 tickets im pretty sure
Posted 12/14/15
[@Courier] I think I had 15 tickets. I bought all I could once and then decided to forget about the whole thing, ahah.
Posted 12/14/15