[@Frey] In the example you provided, the player who received the traded goods has no further obligations once the PP payment has been received. Once the PP is attached to one’s order it is that player’s responsibility to ensure that it is used for its intended purposes. While we can understand how it may be intimidating for the PP to convert to gems, we highly advocate that users do not enter the queue if they have substantial doubts about if they can manage to raise the funds. Once a user is in the queue and has PP attached to their order they are acknowledging that the PP will convert to gems if they cannot pay when the artist claims the order.
Posted 12/14/15
i think i am still sort of hesitant about the system but its more reassuring to know that the saving mechanism is on the side of people who are having trouble saving and not out to punish them, or at least that’s how it is intended. there are almost more points being brought up in this thread than i can follow and i think i might just back out of here and let all the concerns be hashed out.
Posted 12/14/15
Slightly OT: Out of curiosity, was the 1PP:4g rate determined by the fact that gems have been pretty consistently hovering around 1:3000 with nuggets? The discrepancy between the site:user costs for gems (3600:3000) is the same as the USD cost between gems and PP (5:4): 0.8.
Posted 12/14/15
Jacq... what? you don’t get a better return purchasing PP, because you only get 4 gems for your 5 dollars? you lose a dollar… whereas, if you buy gems DIRECTLY, you get 5 gems for 5 dollars… am i missing something? xD i’ve been studying for my finals all evening aha…
Posted 12/14/15
doragon I think they’re referring to those that will purchase PP vs gems to make nuggets in game? Someone wanting to make some nuggets can buy 5 gems for 5 dollars, and sell those 5 gems for around 15k nuggets (at 3k each). However, someone could instead purchase 1 PP for someone for 5 dollars and get about 20k for it. You would make back more nuggets with the PP, which in exchange you could use to buy up the 5 gems you may have wanted and still have 5k left over, so like 1 2/3 bonus gems for your buck! (although I guess the lack of gems being bought could slowly cause gem prices to rise again… Though seeing as no one will ever buy them for more than 3.6k, PP will pay off more because it’s gong to be the equivilent of “$1=4k”) Or if that’s not what they meant/I did some math wrong there oops, ignore me… :’)
Posted 12/14/15, edited 12/14/15
Posted 12/14/15
glitch - Could we possibly still have a way to view the Pricing Guide from the customs page even if we have a current order? I find it’s useful to look at when planning out future customs. :) I’m not sure if this is something you’re still editing in/updating and plan on adding later, but just thought I’d ask! (as it looks like the page is down right now anyway?)
Posted 12/14/15, edited 12/14/15
Thanks for the heads up Kiwi, it looks like I missed updating the link in a few places. They should be all set now :) The new URL for the pricing guide is at https://www.mycenacave.com/order/pricing_guide :)
Posted 12/14/15
Sorry doragon, I meant exactly what Blemy described. Someone who wants to spend real money on in-game stuff (nuggets, items, etc) is always going to get a better return on their investment by buying PP instead of gems. In fact you could way the…. purchasing power of PP is greater ;) I thought it might cause gem prizes to rise, too, but I’m not sure it would happen for a really long time. There’s lots of gems in the system already and the only sink is OotS. Gems are already a disfavoured currency, and this just serves to make them less useful. Though it might even out the huge discrepancy between fr:mc exchanges lol. (still curious as to the reasoning behind the 4:1 rate) edit: I was fiddling with the new thing. It’s neat but I still have the privacy concerns I had before.
Posted 12/15/15, edited 12/15/15
Thanks for the info Condor. I didn’t remember something like that but I don’t think I’ve made low-dollar orders either.
Posted 12/15/15
Jacq Condor It’s there to help offset credit card transaction fees: we pay a fee of “$0.30 + 3%” for the privilege of charging a credit card (paypal fees are, oddly enough, even higher). For orders $10 or more that comes to 6% or less which we’re happy to cover ourselves, but for smaller transactions — 9% of a $5 transaction, 33% of a $1 transaction, etc. — it starts to become significant enough that we need to compensate for it.
Posted 12/15/15, edited 12/15/15
Sage14 unless they are getting an insanely edited custom that is going to cost more then $200, I wouldn’t recommend getting any PP. Remember CC is used first, then PP. So if you don’t use all of your CC any PP you have will be wasted and turned automatically into gems once your order is completed
Posted 12/15/15, edited 12/15/15
Sage14 As an example:
Posted 12/15/15
Did we ever get an answer on whether it was possible to buy PP directly, for EU players? And also, when you have for example 2 pp and you need to pay 8 pp for your order because it’s been picked up by an artist, do you buy pp or do you just pay for the custom? By that of course I mean that if EU players cannot buy pp directly, would we have to go through glitch EVERY time? Because I know that buying a custom directly was fine for EU players, because it was manually delivered. But PP is not, it is instantly delivered, correct? And that wouldn’t be good for EU players? I apologise if this has been answered or if I don’t make sense hahaha!
Posted 12/15/15
Posted 12/15/15
Gabriel [@deddo]: Long Answer: Paying for Paw Prints with a credit card is fine, even if you are in the E.U. Here is the reasoning: Either:
Earlier we announced that players would be able to withdraw their PP as gems while an order is still pending. This would create an odd corner-case in which an EU player could place an automatically-fulfilled order for gems via PP. This feature is not yet implemented. We’ll be talking to a lawyer about this in the near future (sadly “it seemed reasonable to me” doesn’t hold much legal weight). Depending on the answer we get from the lawyer, we may not implement this feature. While we are an American website that optimizes for players located in the United States, I think most of us here (including our American players) would value
TL;DR: EU players can purchase PP with a credit card. It is only gem purchases which carry the restriction.
Posted 12/15/15, edited 12/15/15
I haven’t chimed in yet, but I do like this system! Thanks for the updates, I like the fact that PP will be purchaseable at all times, so it can still be used to save up in a way for a custom. The hold system is a great idea too and the six months on that I think is ample time to save up. As I think was iterated a few times in this thread, if you’re going after a custom you have to do your research and be prepared. Customs are awesome, but in the end they are a financial commitment (be it with IRL money or MC savings). Now that I have a steady job I am excited to sell or give away PP fir people :)
Posted 12/16/15
glitch Not so much a PP issue, but more of.. an issue as a result of the new system? haha. I think when we transferred over to the PP system a couple things got a little borked with orders under the old pricing system. I have a custom order open right now that says “unspecified” for lineart, but I specifically remember selecting active before? I’m… hesitant to edit my order to include this though since I’ll lose my old pricing and, while it’s not a huge difference, I’d rather not lose my old estimate since the only reason he went up in price is because cat lineart was bumped up by $10. lol. Figured I’d just go ahead and post about this vs. sending an echo in case anyone else had a similar issue they needed clarity on. Is it possible this can be fixed somehow, should I just notify the artist when I get picked, or would I have to go in and actually edit my order?
Posted 12/18/15