Introducing Paw Prints
After much brainstorming and discussion, we are finally ready to announce most of the details about the successor to our Custom Credit (CC) system. We’ve taken into account our players’ feedback from the many discussions on the topic as well as the responses to our CC survey, and have come up with a solution that will address many of the issues we have been facing with our current system. Please be sure to read this announcement carefully and fully, as there are many changes to go over. While we realize that change can sometimes be intimidating, we are certain that this new system will serve our community much more effectively than its predecessor. We’re nearly finished with the system, but we felt it was important to provide the community with an opportunity to read over and review the changes before we go live. We’ll move forward with this implementation by Tuesday at the latest, though it’ll likely be sooner. In the meanwhile, we’re happy to answer any questions you may have! A new system With the relatively recent addition of the sprout and edit queues, the term custom credit became a bit misleading. With that in mind, and because our new system is very different from the CC system, we are working on retiring the use of Custom Credit as a whole. Previously, although gems and nuggets were relevantly named to fit with site lore, custom credit did not fit the mold. As such, Custom Credit will now refer exclusively to the account-bound USD equivalent collected under the old system. Our new currency will be called Paw Prints (PP for short!), and an explanation of its canonical application can be found below, for those interested! Just as CC before, Paw Prints may be used toward all of our queues — custom, sprout, and edit. You may recognize our Mystery NPC from the custom queue. This paint-spattered ineki was a powerful sorceress on the outside, but has since settled down at the mouth of a very magically charged cavern. Thanks to her expertise, she is able to manipulate that magic to a degree, and she likes to use it to help other Mycenians. She does this in a handful of ways, including:
However, she only has so much strength, and is limited to how long she can manipulate the cavern’s magic for each day. It is for this reason that she set up the Paw Print system. Essentially, it is much like bartering — for each favor that an individual does for her, they gain a certain number of paw print stamps, which she keeps track of in a ledger. Favors can include bringing her food and other things she might need, since she doesn’t have much time to gather these resources for herself. Her ledger is full of Mycenians who have requested a turn in the cavern, and each time she allows one of them inside, she tries to ensure that they get enough of her magic to correspond with all of the favors that individual has done for her. She welcomes individuals to do favors in another Cave resident’s name, as Mycenians as a whole are fairly community-oriented. Ambrose, for example, might bring her some research notes and tell her that he doesn’t need her magic, but he’s fairly certain that Seelby is thinking of visiting. She would then put the paw print under Seelby’s name, in case she does come calling. It is for this reason that players are able to apply Paw Prints to another player’s order. General overview Instead of USD being attached to a specific account as with CC, it will now be attached to a specific order. This allows players to collect only what they need at a certain time rather than encouraging players to stockpile CC on their accounts. Since it was unnecessarily complicated to have two methods of paying for an order (CC and/or USD), we have decided to consolidate so that all custom, sprout, and edit payments will be made in Paw Prints. One Paw Print will cost $5, and to further streamline the process, all orders will be priced in Paw Prints instead of USD. The edit pricing guide will be updated before release in order to reflect this change. If you’ve ordered a custom, sprout, or edit in the past, the overall process remains very similar, with some added options and tweaks. Below is a walkthrough on how the process will work. Order walkthrough
A note: Players will have the option to convert their Paw Prints to gems at any time at the 1 Paw Print to 4 gem rate. Some Q&A
What will happen to the custom credit that’s currently on my account? How will this change affect ‘artist freedom’ orders? Why do my unused Paw Prints turn into gems instead of carrying over to my next order? Why are my extra Paw Prints coming back to me at a 1 Paw Print to 4 gem rate? What is the purpose of a six-month maximum hold time, and having to click a button to actually get into queue? **Note: The hold time was originally set to three months. However, there was some concern that this would not be a long enough period of time for players to save up PP towards their custom. This is why we decided to change it to six months instead. Why are you using only Paw Prints instead of a mixture of Paw Prints and USD, like with the old system? If I have as much PP as I need for my current order, can I make trades with other players in return for their promise to buy PP for one of my future orders? Summary We are introducing a new currency for custom, edit, and sprout orders called Paw Prints (PP). Paw Prints will be bound to a specific order, rather than being attached to a player’s account. Players can purchase Paw Prints with USD (1 Paw Print costs $5) for their own order or for other player’s orders. There is no limit to how many Paw Prints can be applied to an order. Once purchased toward an order, Paw Prints cannot be transferred between players or applied to new orders. In the past, created orders were automatically submitted to the queue. Now players can hold their orders out of the queue for up to six (6) months if they wish in order to save up Paw Prints. If an order has leftover Paw Prints, they are converted to gems (1 Paw Print to 4 gem rate). Unlike CC, there is no overall site Paw Print limit, so players can trade for and buy Paw Prints for orders freely. Many of these factors were designed with player’s feedback and requests in mind, and also designed to help Mycena Cave’s economy stay strong and stable! Overall, we are very excited about this new system. We feel that it addresses many of the problems we’ve been facing with CC and that it will do a much better job of serving our growing community. As with all new updates, we ask for your patience and understanding as we work out any kinks and adjust to these new changes together. :)
Posted 12/13/15, edited 01/01/16
Love this for a new system! Really good way to balance the amount of PP (rip CC) a single user can have, while also not making PP the ONLY currency people want. Needless to say, I’m really impressed by how effectively balanced this sounds. Also, will the powerful sorceress get a pretty custom one day, like the other NPCs? I’d personally love to see her!
Posted 12/13/15
Posted 12/13/15
Loving this idea! If we have more CC currently than what our current custom costs what will happen to the extra CC? Can it be applied to the next order (let’s say a sprout) until it is used up or will it be converted to gems? Can we buy PP with gems or will it still be a trading thing like it was for CC? What happens if we have a custom order and then change our minds while we are in queue to a different order, like if I decided I wanted to wait on Malis and get my Arakkoa concept instead. Can we stay in queue and just adjust the specifics? Or maybe if we find out we can afford slightly better edits part way through, is the custom locked down entirely upon entry into the queue or is it after it reaches artist acceptance? Sorry if it was already mentioned. Reading from the phone so it was a little confusing.
Posted 12/13/15, edited 12/13/15
Very excited for this change in the system, will definitely help us that rely on others to obtain customs. Also, love the lore behind it. Can’t wait when it’s fully implemented. /wiggles
Posted 12/13/15, edited 12/13/15
Huh. I gotta admit I was pretty scared when I saw things were changing drastically, but this system actually sounds pretty fair. I really like the idea of only getting as much as you need, instead of people just hording CC whenever the can. Though I am a little bit intimidated by the idea of not getting all the PP I need in time :< I make it so sparsely. However! I’m assuming that, with this system, the ability to buy PP would never be closed off? I don’t think I saw anything about that, so I apologize if it was mentioned :‘D But that should help dramatically with not being able to get my hands on enough in time. Either way! Good job y’all. I know this has been a big problem for the staffers and I’m really impressed with how you managed to work it out :>
Posted 12/13/15
It is a long post with a lot of information, and initially it sounds somewhat more complex then needed. But in the end I think it does a pretty thorough job addressing several problems. To be honest, I kind of like the hold instead of just jumping straight into the queue. The current queue time is pretty long. It can admittedly be a rough wait. But even so there have been people in that time having trouble getting the needed CC to pay since they can’t use RL funds. This hold sounds like it will address two issues; giving players who need more time the chance to get what they need, and a decent shot at keeping the wait down by trying to prevent backlog in the first place. With fewer people stuck with the tough decision of canceling and order or trying to rush in a week to get PP orders should be able to be finished quicker, artists can claim more orders and keep things moving. I do have one question I might have missed in the wall of text. If PP are order locked and you need to cancel the order before it’s claimed or even hits the actual queue, are they automatically converted to gems or can you retain them still? I can understand converting one or two extra after. But if your order never got that far and you had 15 already gathered it seems a shame to loose so many
Posted 12/13/15, edited 12/13/15
Nephele Malis You may still edit your custom order at any point before it’s accepted by an artist and that final price is set (which is essentially when you get to the front of the line). :D
Posted 12/13/15
Condor We’ll move forward with this implementation by Tuesday at the latest, though it’ll likely be sooner.Crow
Posted 12/13/15, edited 12/13/15
Condor: “We’ll move forward with this implementation by Tuesday at the latest, though it’ll likely be sooner. ” So very, very soon!
Posted 12/13/15
Hawkins I am a little bit intimidated by the idea of not getting all the PP I need in time :< If you rely on nugget/gem trades to obtain the required PP for your order, you could always choose to save up towards those PP trades for a while before placing the order, if that makes you feel more comfortable :) Once it’s placed, you also have the up-to-three month hold period plus however long it takes to make your way through the queue itself in which to collect PP on your order. If PP are order locked and you need to cancel the order before it’s claimed or even hits the actual queue, are they automatically converted to gems or can you retain them still? If you cancel your order, any PP applied to the order is converted to gems at the 1 PP : 4 gems ratio. So you are advised to only start collecting PP on orders that you are reasonably sure you want.
Posted 12/13/15, edited 12/13/15
Posted 12/13/15
*throws all of my YES onto the thread* 8DD Ahhhh, I’m excited for this to be implemented! And I like that this will make it feel more like a site currency like gems/nuggets - CC felt like just another name for USD haha. But yay because I’ll be able to get my sprout soon! And for having PP purchases available at all times from now on! (and hopefully this system will declog the custom queue a bit, though I personally have no immediate plans to use it, but a friend of mine does)
Posted 12/13/15
:o i think it will take me a few read throughs to parse this but it seems good, especially the devaluing of the currency due to its conversion into gems. i think i will wait to see how this affects trading and such around the site, like what kind of currency people actually value for their trades.
Posted 12/13/15
Posted 12/13/15
It’s almost certainly because I’m reading things incorrectly, but I’m having a hard time understanding how it’s possible to buy PP for others, since it’s now tied to orders. Say I was planning to get my friend an X-mas present of some PP, but they haven’t put their order into the queue yet for whatever reason. Does this mean I can’t buy it for them?
Posted 12/13/15
Losty What will happen is when they make an order there will be a direct way for you to purchase PP towards that specific order. But it’s no longer possible to simply buy general PP in hopes that your friend someday puts in an order. Addendum: “Queue” is a bit misleading to say as an order, once created, first enters a “hold” period where they do not exist “in line” yet, but can still collect PP. Once they have enough PP or are confident enough to enter queue, there will be a button for them to move from hold to queue. The only times you cannot buy PP for them is:
Posted 12/13/15, edited 12/13/15
This seems really awful and unfair to the buyer. I don’t think it’s an improvement over CC, so I think I’ll be staying away from the system I guess. Why the reduction in gems compared to PP when converted? This is just…... really not fair. As someone paying in Canadian currency, I’d be buying a paw print for 7$ and if my order would be unfiulfilled in 3 months I’d be getting 5.50 back on each PP. Sorry yall but i’m not made of money and I don’t see myself buying into this system. And because it’s now manditory, I’m happy I just paid for my custom to be done since it will probably be my first and last. to put it in perspective: a 100$ custom would cost me 20 PP or 140 (canadian)$. this 140$ investment converts to a scant 80 gems (109$ cad value). Not to mention, gems are already low value anyway. You’re converting it into low value currency at a low rate.
Posted 12/13/15, edited 12/13/15
I haven’t read the other responses, but my initial thoughts are: And two questions/merbles/vague-hand-flailing edit: Wait, something Amaterasu said is giving me….pause (eh hehehheh)
Posted 12/13/15, edited 12/13/15
Oh dear.. This is really complicated. And the fact that any options to pay in USD are no longer available is really really hard for me to swallow. I mean, CC had it’s problems - and the wait time to buy them tended to be overwhelming, but at least you could still pay for your custom with USD if you didn’t have enough CC to cover it by the time that it was accepted. But with this new system, it’s almost as if the purchaser’s being put on a time crunch in order to collect the funds for their custom. Because if there isn’t enough PP to pay for it, then that buyer is now stuck with a surplus of gems at a lower rate than they paid for the PP in the first place. Perhaps this wouldn’t be as much of an issue if PP could potentially be purchased with gems AND USD. Is there any way to possibly solve the problem of users that don’t get enough PP in time for their custom to still be able to purchase said custom? The PP replacing CC is fine - but I feel that taking out that ability to pay with USD is a really hindering decision.
Posted 12/13/15, edited 12/13/15