11:20 ST
[UPDATE] Introducing Paw Prints: A Revamped Custom Currency System
Corvani; I’m not on top of all the specific details about which edits you can & cannot update, but in the case of a missing pose preference, you can absolutely shoot Myla an echo to get it fixity fixed. Informing the artist that picks up your order also works c: (My pose preference is also missing, I just noticed, ahah!)
Posted 12/18/15, edited 12/18/15

Corvani Juney:
Missing lineart preferences have been restored :) Thanks for the heads up!

Posted 12/18/15
Juneyglitch Thanks for the help! c:
Posted 12/18/15
To send PP do you have to buy it? I have PP I want to send to someone, but it tells me I have to buy it. Is that the only way to do it?
Posted 01/03/16

Like CC, PP is account-bound, so once it’s applied to an account it cannot be transferred elsewhere. In order to send another player PP you would have to buy it specifically for that player.

Posted 01/03/16

I have a little bit of feedback, after being the first to be hit by the 1PP:4g conversion (which I will call the “PP Tax”). One is kind of a general UI/UE complaint, and the other is a little criticism of the bad exchange rate (which I estimate to be only about 40% sour grapes ;) ). Since my specific situation with PP this time is pretty fringe, and involved offsite trading (which is unsupported anyways), I’m trying to avoid specifics.

1. Purchasing PP is confusing. This problem existed under CC as well, but having to purchase two different currencies on two totally different parts of the site, using two sorts of interfaces, is kind of unpleasant. (this is in addition to previously-beaten dead hrose of mine called “fees and multiple transactions”).
A possible solution might be some kind of “cart” system? Let me purchase PP and gems by adding it to a “Cart” and only charging me once. This also would make it easier to, for example, give many users small amounts of PP (e.g. for a raffle) without making people put their information in a bunch of times.
Caveat: EU users will still need to do two transactions if wanting to purchase gems and PP at the same time. This is no different than the way it works now. However, I believe EU users can request to purchase both gems and PP via a single paypal transaction anyways?

2. The 20% PP Tax doesn’t solve any problems.
In this thread (I read it again to make sure), there were two problems the tax was intended to address:
A.  “too much PP floating around.” I think that making PP order-bound, rather than account-bound, seems to have handled this neatly. By being attached to an order, PP now has an intrinsic expiration date. At the very MOST, any single amount of PP turns into gems in less than a year (assuming the full 6 month hold + 100 days in queue = 280 days). IE - It’s already going to turn into the crappy currency, making it turn into even less of that currency seems like overkill.
B. “PP being the most desirably currency”, it seems like the issue there had more to do with the limited/cyclical nature of the CC shop. PP will always be intrinsically more desirable than gems, because PP buys cooler stuff, and is only obtainable for some players via trades. BUT, it’s only been a few weeks since the PP shop shop became “always open”, and already people are buying and selling all three currencies (with gems, as always, the most disfavored). On page 1 of trading post right now, based on thread titles, there are 4 threads explicitly selling PP, and 1 buying. Nuggets are once again king of the castle, is what I’m saying.

I honestly can’t see or think of any problems 1PP:4g addresses that making the PP shop “always open” / making PP order-bound doesn’t already solve better. Am I missing something?

The new system seems leagues better than CC already, and I’m curious to see how it works in the longer term (and how it changes or evolves). At the end of the day the money taken is going into the pockets of people I like and support anyways. :)

but please give me a cart.

Posted 01/06/16, edited 01/06/16
Poking back in here to say I love the points Jacq made. I’ve bought both PP and gems now and I would also benefit from having a cart.
Posted 01/06/16

I do like the idea of a cart! I was technically buying $15 dollars worth of PP for my giveaway but since it was for 3 different people I had to pay the paypal fee for 3 purchases under $5 and I had to enter my info three times.

Not really too big of an issue for me, but It can get tedious!

Posted 01/06/16