02:29 ST
[EVENT] Darcy's Spring Sweets Dash (April 30 - May 14) - Raffle Drawn!

Food event? FOOD EVENT! *runs around in circles and runs headfirst into cave wall*

...OW. *falls over* FOOD! YAY! ^_^ <3

(Bell should totally be a thing for baking event.)

Posted 04/21/16
Ok, note to self, no matter how hard I wish, repeatedly clicking the event page will not make it open before it’s time. But the truffles are SO CUTE, I can’t wait!
Posted 04/22/16

OH YESSS! COLLECTING STUFF! And it’s sweets themed! <3
The truffles look so tasty…*U*

Posted 04/22/16

Haha, that makes two of us.  Makes for the perfect celebration though, right?  :)

Posted 04/22/16

I’m so excited for this omg. I’m doing the same thing Losty is XD
This’ll be my first event on this site! So glad I joined in time for it, those truffles look utterly delectable and this is just so great~

Posted 04/22/16
LAsDarkFireWolf ;O; I…I am supposed to be on a diet….but truffles. And sweets. And—*eats the entire kitchen*
Posted 04/22/16
Those truffles are beyond adorable /hoards them all. Very excited for the event, click events always consume me ;3.
Posted 04/22/16
I am so ready for this event! :D Make all the yummy treats!
Posted 04/22/16



I’M EXCITE!!!!!!

Posted 04/22/16
Plasma We were cursed the day we fell in love with chocolate or anything yummy! And I know, I’m supposed to be loosing weight before I see my doctor but, I’m seeming to gain it >.>
Posted 04/22/16


Two kinds of truffle (traditional chocolate ganache and a ‘no-bake’ one made of crushed oreos and cream cheese), and the topping are (from left to right):  chocolate Caramel drizzle, white chocolate rainbow sprinkles, wh. chocolate with caramel and sea salt, Caramel Macchiatto (chocolate, caramel, and coffee powder), pink chocolate with the worst red minty stripes, chocolate with chocolate sprinkles, chocolate with stars!!, peanut butter with walnuts.

they could have turned out better They are super tasty and I learned a lot making them this time. I’ve made fudge before, but never truffles. Also the “chocolate buttons” I bought don’t melt smoothly or at ALL like the baking chocolate I’m used to in Canada. There’s definitely a learning curve here.


(ignore the ones that melted lol)

The planning stage / shopping list

ok i’m ready for the event now *grabby hands*

Posted 04/23/16, edited 04/23/16

Jacq I’ve just become aware someone must have used a truffle monster mushroom on me.


oops no more truffles now. insta-overeating-sick.

Posted 04/23/16, edited 04/23/16

Jacq Those are so fantastic.

Sadly I’ll be almost literally doing this exact thing for the next two weeks. Working everyday until after mothers day in the kitchen. Only with fruit and chocolate instead of pastries, cakes, and chocolates. I really enjoyed making molded chocolates though over truffles. The pain of getting them round and trying not to wind up with a chocolate foot at the bottom as the chocolate set up was so frustrating. I have pictures around…...... somewhere.

Posted 04/23/16

mellomyst Sadly, you say.


Maybe you could send all of us shipments of real fruit/chocolate/tasty things to bribe us out of our Mycena Cave truffle points.



Posted 04/23/16
I actually had the same idea for the truffles, wanted to use them as inspiration if there was ever another baking contest. Needless to say, well done! They sure do look tasty. /grabby hands
Posted 04/23/16

Ahaha, is that you in the corner of the picture in the spoiler?
That’s a face of someone who’s secretly plotting to eat them all and then regret getting a stummy ache after 8’D

Posted 04/23/16
Jacq  AHHHH THIS IS AMAZING.  You are awesome! OuO
Posted 04/23/16

Jacq So, how many nuggets would I have to bribe you with to get a set of those lovely things shipped to my house? ;p
Really, though, those look great! I might have to try and make some of my own sometime~

Posted 04/23/16

mellomyst I might be convinced to accept RL pastries in lieu of event points…

Posted 04/23/16, edited 04/23/16
I’m hungry.
Posted 04/23/16

awww thanks everyone i love attention 8) *still buzzing from sugar*

Juney Ack! No monsters! *whaps gently with rolled-up newspaper*

mellomyst Even though making tasty stuff might not be fund when it’s so much work, I’d love to see the pictures of your treats! I was not a very-good chocolate wrangler so lots of mine have feet like slugs lol. I’ve never used a chocolate mold but I always stare at them wistfully at the shop. I third (fourth?) the suggestion to be bribed out of url treats with irl with treats.

Ally I think you should absolutely do that! You could do them much more justice than me, and I bet your flavour combos would be tasty and different too :D

Akira lol, fortunately not. THAT Scruff mcGruff is Andrew, my partner in crime and his face in that pic is because I told him I only had enough for me and didn’t make enough to share <.<

Myla no u <3

MasterShortpants If you live in nz please come and eat them for free and save me the sugar coma. If not… ahhh, they really are “easy” recipes with few ingredients. Chocolate ganache is just chocolate and heavy cream and vanilla, cooked over a double boiler / bain-marie. The oreo ones are just a pack of cookies and a block of cream cheese blitzed together in a food processor <.<

ohhhh mycena-kun, are you craving my mcTruffies Joke removed by the Good Taste Department.

Posted 04/23/16, edited 04/23/16

I am super excited for this event. :D

I am loving the delivery concept as well It looks like a well planned event.

Posted 04/23/16

Jacq    O.O   DRRRRROOOOOOOOLLLLLSSSSS!!!! O.O The stakes have just been raised for this event.  If they didn’t have us at ‘chocolate’, you sure as heck did with those phenomenal goodies O.O

xD did Andrew just shove you aside and eat some anyways?  I’m sure that would be the response in our household!  Chocolate!  All bets are off =D

My cousin used to make ‘ugly’ chocolates just so she could eat those ^.^  like no one wants a mishapen chocolate or truffle, rriiiiiiight e.e

Posted 04/24/16


Whenever I go to the choclatiers (is that the name?) I also look for the “offcuts” or “seconds” goodiebags. I don’t care how it tastes as long as it’s in my tum!!

I ate nothing but these for about a day and now I feel sick but at least I will be recovered in time for the event :D

Posted 04/24/16, edited 04/24/16
Jacq  ahhh the ways of the wise!  =)  tummy ache from chocs ....sooo worth it xD
Posted 04/24/16

*dances in the Magic Puddle ;)

Posted 04/25/16

whoah lookit all the new goodies *u*

and that fox is toooooooo cute. I’m gonna need a box of them.

Posted 04/25/16, edited 04/25/16
I’m gonna eat the truffox
Posted 04/25/16

Woah! The new items are so cute! *u*
I especially love backgrounds and Darcy set. OvO *Eats ALL THE FOOD*

Posted 04/25/16


wow such need

very sweet

Posted 04/25/16