[EVENT] Darcy's Spring Sweets Dash (April 30 - May 14) - Raffle Drawn!
So do the bags contain one item per? (like a surprise?) or if you wanna buy seperately you can kinda thing?
Like say with the Yum.Yum Cookie bag,
Buy that and you get a sugar cookie or Tea set, ect?
Posted 05/03/16
Yup, it’s a gamble! One item per bag, it can be anything from that tier. If you don’t want to risk it you can buy the item separately c:
Posted 05/03/16
Yassss I got a Dogepan from my first bag *____* now i can grab a bunch of the lil items and not have to worry about my most expensive want
Posted 05/03/16
I’ve managed to get 10/13 items so far, so I’m not too worried!
The pets are the most, but I’m slowly working for the first mushroom bag and have 172 truffles on hand, so I think I’ll be just fine! ^^
Posted 05/03/16
I absolutely love the items and can’t wait to get them all…hopefully. 8’D
Posted 05/03/16
Gosh, all the items are so cute !! Gotta get ‘em all >:)
Now if only those chocolate chunks would come out from hiding…
Posted 05/03/16
score, i got a dogepan shroom from the bag :D exactly what i wanted. now i can focus on the smaller goals…
Posted 05/03/16
My Haunted Hound 2spoopy4u has been very popular haha! Thanks to everyone thats been sending to him. I’m doing mt best to send treats back :)
Posted 05/04/16
Ehehehe I made my profile deliciously taiyucky taiyaki-themed to match this event… :D I love all the art for the recipes! Very well done!! I’m having super fun with this event ♥
Posted 05/04/16
That’s freaking adorable *^*
Posted 05/04/16
I have 28 soft cheese….ah come on!!! T^T
Posted 05/04/16
dark mycenacave, give me the illegal mixed berries
Posted 05/04/16, edited 05/04/16
looks like i will be having plenty of time for this event now that i am on doctor’s orders to keep my flu-ridden behind planted in bed until monday @_@
Posted 05/04/16
omg i have this wall of ppl i want to send treats to but my pantry seems devoid of mixed berries and soft cheese >_________>
my RNG has been mean
Posted 05/05/16
I’m drowning in Soft Cheese and Chocolate Chunks. Where are the Mixed Nuts and Berries?! *flips table*
Posted 05/05/16
Aaaaa I just bought a Delicious Cookie Bag hoping for the wings and they actually dropped! ;w;
Posted 05/05/16

Huey’s getting into the spirit of the event with a spring feast picnic with his little friends!! :D
(T-there is a hamster somewhere in the midst of all that food, right?)
Posted 05/05/16
Huey, where are you?
HUEY?! ;_;
(He has so much food. That Pumpcake is perfectly placed hahahahha. He is going to be a very happy hamster for days. *_* <3)
Posted 05/05/16
Anyone else noticing the horrible going around?
Who has done this to us? Why?
Posted 05/05/16
OMG ~ Huey’s custom is soooo CUTE!!!! <3
Posted 05/05/16
I like to think the pets who receive lots of treats like HAVE to eat them to be polite so they just end up like

Posted 05/07/16, edited 05/07/16
Okay, dumb question: The site say’s that the event will end on May 14th, but the kitchen say’s it closed on May 21st, when does it close?
Posted 05/07/16
May 14th is the last day for collecting ingredients to make truffles, but the prize shop will remain open through May 21st! Zonemod
Posted 05/07/16
Dove ahha. thank you! there was some confusion, I’m newish to the site xP
Posted 05/07/16
ok so i have a question about the raffle tickets
“Any unused ingredients will be exchanged for truffles at the end of the event, and leftover truffles will be used as raffle tickets for more prizes, with a maximum of 14 tickets per person!”
so since i have a huge pile of 15 whipped creams and 12 custards that i am unable to exchange because i keep getting more whenever i go to collect more items.. how many raffle tickets are these worth?
if i am still unlucky and keep getting more of the same item and I’m unable to make it into a pastry will i still only get 14 raffle tickets and what is the ratio of item/raffle tickets? is it 1/1?
Posted 05/08/16, edited 05/08/16
Your ingredients will turn into truffles at a 1:1 ratio! So your 15 whipped creams and 12 custards will turn into 27 truffles. These can be spent in the event shop :). You’ll have time after the event gathering period ends to buy any last minute items and grab bags!
Any truffles you don’t spend in the event shop will be turned into raffle tickets at a 1:1 ratio, and you can get a maximum of 14 tickets, so try to have 14 or less truffles remaining!
Posted 05/08/16, edited 05/08/16
oh great that means i won’t have any wasted truffles since the cheapest bag is 15. i was worried there for a moment
Posted 05/08/16
This is the first event I participated in since I joined Mycena Cave and am loving it. I got most of the items for each baggie.
Posted 05/08/16
Mostly trying to get the Capelet from the Delicious Cookie Bag. I have opened 13 of them so far, have 4 each of the Parasol and Satchel, 1 of the Candyfloss Wings, 2 of the Cafe, and 1 of the Underwater Cafe… PLUS have managed to get a Spring 2016 Mushroom. I’m starting to think I should just buy the Capelet itself at this point so that I can move on to trying to get some of the items in the Yum-Yum Cookie Bag, too, since I haven’t bought any of those yet.
I am having so much fun though, and I’m glad that I’ve been able to stay pretty active for most of this event so far.
EDIT;// Opened two more bags and got the Capelet on the second bag. So, it took me a total of 15 bags opened to finally get the Capelet. Oh well. At least I’ve got it now!
Posted 05/10/16, edited 05/10/16