I wish we could get a choice of pet or mushroom, instead of just a mushroom. I already have seven mushrooms—including from the last Spring Event—that I can’t turn into pets because I can never save up enough nuggets (while also trying to occasionally get a monthly or seasonal pet, and being unable to afford most of those, too). :(
Posted 05/13/16
Fusida are you referring to your most recent ingredient collection before your post? Here’s what I see in the server logs (all times are in server time):
which indicates that you did collect an ingredient successfully, and only failed because you attempted to collect another seven seconds later. It looks like you have things open in multiple tabs, which can be confusing on android because mobile browsers suspend tabs that aren’t in focus. In any case, your timer is attached to your most recently collected ingredient, so if it goes back up then you have indeed collected an ingredient somehow or another :)
Posted 05/13/16, edited 05/13/16
glitch yes this was it. I didn’t get the “success” about the ingredient but only the error one both times. It may be my connexion who’s the problem here, or that I double clicked the kitchen image ? If i’m still getting an ingredient then it’s okay ^^
Posted 05/13/16
Shima, you should contact staff & see if they’ll let you still spend your points somehow :(. So sorry that happened to you! I actually almost did the same thing, on Saturday I had company over until late. I realized around ten in the evening that I had to hurry up & throw everything together >>. Coupled with more than a few drinks it was hard for me to get it all done /shot. Also wanted to say thanks for the event! I always enjoy click events & this one was lovely <3.
Posted 05/16/16
Heads up! Today is the last day you’ll be able to spend your truffles in Darcy’s Kitchen!
Posted 05/21/16
Darcy’s Spring Sweets Dash Wrap-Up! The Spring Sweets Dash has now successfully come to its end. Thank you to everyone who participated and assisted Darcy with her deliveries - she’s incredibly pleased with the results and is taking a well deserved break. We hope that you all enjoyed the event and collected lots of yummy prizes! As promised, we have a few more to award in our official truffle raffle now that it’s over. Raffle Results
Congratulations to all of our raffle winners! Prizes will be distributed shortly. :) 2016 Event Facts Total amount of…
Maximum amount of ingredients gathered by one player: 998 The top 5% of players collected 48 ingredients or more every day! Treat that was made most: Sweet Tart (8080) It was the day of…
Have a great spring!
Posted 05/22/16
yaayyy, fun event!! congrats to all the winners too, hope you get your fav from whichever bag you got! i did some quick math, apparently about 11% of all ingredients we got were crumbled away!! i wonder how that compares to the previous spring events? i feel like i definitely had lots more unused ingredients this year than bug poop last year (altho to be fair i ALSO feel like i got a lot more of everything than last year haha) that could be interesting to check out! also… “Treat that was made most: Sweet Tart (8080)” Sweet tarts for sweet hearts!! :D
Posted 05/22/16
Dove Is there a way to see the give/receive record page still? I think I may have been one of the highest truffle earners of the event ‘cause I remember I was at 900+ before the last two days…
Posted 05/22/16, edited 05/22/16
Thanks for the stats and congrats to the winners! I totally lost interest around the 9th or 10th and turned my bell off lol, but I was still able to get all the goodies I wanted from the event. If I’m doing my math right, it looks alike it was around 5 “gathering turns” per treat craft - or one hour, fifteen minutes per treat. That doesn’t seem bad at all in terms of effort:reward. ... Though it is not in line with my personal experience, of over 200 “crumbled” ingredients at the en of it - equal to over 2 WHOLE days of gathering! (58 hours, 30 minutes) :O
Posted 05/22/16