14:02 ST
[FORUM GAME] Flower Painting & Flower Arranging - Flower Arranging Submission Thread
Posted 06/18/16

Her colors are silver, silver and gold, she will be born into the royal family, a princess foretold. The prophecy spun round and round, written in a book, drawn and bound. The parcel was delivered to a far away land, yet instead of heeded, had been scorned at the end.

The royal family, whose colors were black and white, had no need of a prophecy that could not even get their colors right. Thrown into a box, the prophecy went and became forgotten in the past, future and present set.

5 years passed, the family was expecting. A baby was born, and to the surprise of no one, had the colors of black and white. Yet something was startling to the mother, a sliver of silver.

The girl grew and became of age, her black stayed but the white greyed. Her mother was frantic, looking through every book. The daughter didnt undertsand it, and dawned her favorite golden look.

She never learned of her prophecy, yet she fullfilled it all the same. What was it you ask? Shhh… I can’t tell you, you’ll give it all away.

Posted 06/18/16


Posted 06/18/16, edited 06/18/16
Flower by Lord:


The salt-stained flower will grow up to be a beautiful young princess. But, on her 18th birthday, an evil witch came to cast a spell on the young woman. The witch was jealous of the princess’s beauty and bitter with the way the king and queen had treated her, so she decided to cast a spell on their daughter.

The witch gave her the curse of tears. Now, our salty princess cried when she was sad, when she was happy, scared, angry, lonely, bored, and when she was eating. When she started feeling any emotion, she could feel the tears prick her eyes as the saltiness streamed down her face. Because she cried so often, much of her clothing was salt stained. That is how she got her name.

Will this curse ever be broken? Will our salty girl ever stop crying? If I told you, it would ruin the story!

Posted 06/18/16, edited 06/18/16
Flower by Gabriel:


Deep in the depths of the deepest cavern, there lies the Hellfire Circle. The Hellfire Circle is a large system of volcanos. Here, there are many beasts that live in the fiery depths, but none as terrifying and powerful as the Draconis volcanis or Volcanic Dragons. These dragons are very powerful creatures, the strongest of all fire dragons. They are immune to fire and its heat and can blast fiery breath attacks. In addition to this, they have powerful fire and lava magic. They rule the Hellfire Circle.

In the heart of the Hellfire Circle, there is a Volcano known as the Hellmouth. It is the largest, hottest volcano and many dragons flock here. It is here, in the Hellmouth that the king of the Draconis volcanis  resides. He goes by many names, Hades, Death, Morte… but most do not live long enough to call him anything because he is very territorial, and it is almost impossible to get to the Hellmouth. But, every so often, every 100-200 years, a plucky explorer will make it down the the Hellmouth and make it back to tell the tale of a run in with Death himself.

Posted 06/18/16
Flower by me (Cien)

They say that the sovereigns and monarchs of that blood-stained kingdom rule so long and with such power all because of their crown. It’s never been proven, of course, since the crown is always a different shape depending on who wears it, but the people know. And it’s true. It’s the same crown. It’s always the same crown.

Every ruler eventually grows suspicious of those around them, nervous, paranoid, violent. They outlive their children and their grandchildren. They murder their councils. They begin wars. They win wars. They suck the gold and copper coins from their towns and cities.

But eventually they’re overthrown, and a new hero puts on the crown. And the crown smiles and curtseys, appearing as a beautiful young woman. They call her the spirit of the mad crown. She grants them power and immortality, charisma and riches, wisdom and adoration. She gives them everything, and they rule unopposed. But she eats away at them slowly, oh, so slowly, and by the time they realize, all they see around them are hungry specters instead of loyal friends and family, faces twisted with the desire for their power, their riches .... their crown.

And she consumes them. The crown consumes them, until there is no more, until the crown sits upon another head, and she smiles again and curtseys, whispering promises of the world in their ear.

Posted 06/18/16
Flower by Rhyme:

Legend of the Lurker:

This is a tale told around the campfire, meant to scare young sprouts and warn them not to wander away from their parents.

Gather around, all of you! I have a tale to tell.
Perhaps you all have heard it? Perhaps you know it well!
The legend of the lurker, is really quite a fright.
In fact, you might not sleep, not a wink tonight.

The lurker he has talons, razor sharp and long.
He will come a slashin’ if you end up where you don’t belong.
His teeth they are like daggers, his eyes they glow bright red.
To look him in the eyes, is to accept you’re left for dead.

Do not wander off, into the deep dark wood.
Just stay here by the fire, stay here where you should.
Because the crooked lurker, he will snatch you all away.
And in a flash he’ll eat you, there will be no delay!

But now you can rest easy, you know he’ll stay away.
Just stay close to the fire, and you’ll live another day.
But remember the legend of the lurker, his cunning and his speed.
At the end of the day this monster, is nothing short of mean.

Posted 06/18/16, edited 06/19/16
Flower by Rhyme:

Story time:

You may have heard about Galactic Aurora, the space pirate fighting super hero. But, have you ever heard about Twilight Warpdrive? Twilight is Galactic’s lesser known cousin. She too is a super hero and often times can be seen with Galactic. Galactic is cunning, fast, agile and resourceful. Twilight is none of these things, but she has a heart fit for two and will not give up on her friends. Her loyalty is astounding.

Once, Galactic was stuck, trapped by the space pirates. In that situation, many sidekicks would run and hide. But oh no, not Twilight Warpdrive. Twilight bumbled into the control room where she accidentally knocked over the guard’s Space Soda all over the keyboard. This clumsy move disengaged the whole defense system, allowing Galactic to escape out of the hold and continue to save the world. Twilight is a very good listener, she can see the positive in any situation, and she is the only one Galactic truly trusts.

Posted 06/18/16, edited 06/19/16

Purple, blue, pink, white,
All these colors, so so bright,
Together make the cruelest sight.

Sparkling and shimmering, it is portrayed with such pride,
Yet deep down inside,
Something sinister hides.

She opens her crystal, fractured, broken eyes,
She smiles wide,
And something cracks, shatters and defies.

She rises from her nightmares,
And she burns where she walks,
She slices, stabs, and plunders yet it is all for not.

No one sees beyond her beauty,
Her flawlessness, her cuts,
Jewels are seen as pretty trinkets
And she is seen as such.

Is there a lesson to the world,
Hidden in this poem?
Or is it just the woes,
Of a hopeless, silly girl?

No one may ever know,
As the story usually goes,
“Beware the Jeweled Eye Girl,
Who Shines like Rainbows”.

“Opal is my name,
Murder is my game,
I may look sweet and pretty,
But inside, a soul is missing.”

Posted 06/18/16
Flower by Gabriel:


I was inspired by this flower, it reminded me of galactic adventures and space travel!

Posted 06/18/16
Flower by Hina:


Jaime is whimsical and upbeat, she cannot be tied down and flits from one thing to another. This young girl is short with blonde hair that reaches her collar bone, she has blue streaks in her hair and bright, shining blue eyes. Her favorite outfit is a red sundress with lacy patterns. On her left shoulder, she has a tattoo of a butterfly and on her ankle, she has a lacy flower.

Jaime is totally a lover, not a fighter. Often times she doesn’t even register conflict and will often respond in inappropriate ways like, patting their head or just giggling. These actions often make others even more mad, but she just flits off, none the wiser. At the end of the day, she may not be the best friend when it comes to listening. If you are telling her a story, she will nod and murmur while staring off at something else, only to snap her attention back to you with such a ferocious intensity. Then she will alert you of some random tidbit that is completely irrelevant to the conversation.

Posted 06/18/16
Flower by Knight:


Posted 06/18/16
Flower by Lady Hawkwing:

Origin/Character story:

There is a clan, deep in the highest mountains. They are known as the Crystalline Warriors. These warriors are very noble and live on a very strict code of honor. If anyone breaks the code, they are ostracized and dead to the community. Their name is never spoken again. Each Crystalline Warrior knows where they fit into the clan, they know their rank and their duties. One must always respect firstly anyone of higher rank, and secondly anyone who is older. Respect and the hierarchy are what the clan runs on.

But there was one warrior who did not fit this standard. Terra was a good warrior, she fought hard for her people and excelled battle ranks. But, she wasn’t happy. She felt empty here up on the mountain with her fellow Crystalline Warriors. One day she decided to leave it all behind. That she would experience the world and all it had to offer. So, Terra left. She left her family a note explaining what she was doing and why she left. She knew that her family would read it, then destroy the note and then continue on as if she had never existed. But she needed to go. She needed to feel alive and see what the rest of the world was like. She needed life, she needed freedom. And that’s exactly what she found.

Posted 06/19/16
Flower by King:

Character Idea:

Frillia is a bubbly mermaid, she is one of the most extroverted mermaids in the entire colony. If you are looking for the life of the party, search no further than Frillia. She is a philanthropist at heart, and networking is her job, her passion and her life. But Frillia isn’t just shallow, no she swims in all depths of the waters. She will connect with diplomats and kings and queens and also chat up the waiters at fancy expensive parties. This has given her the reputation of being a very honest mermaid. Most others recognize that her connections are genuine whether or not she has something to gain from the interaction or not.

This wonderful girl just wants to be everyone’s friend. She is as much of a listener as she is a talker (and believe me, that girl loves to talk!) She will smile and nod intently when someone else is talking, even pulling out the information weeks later when she sees her new friend in passing. Frillia believes there are plenty of fish in the sea and all of them have a story. She wants to learn each and every one of them.

Posted 06/19/16
Flower by Lord

Character design (art)

Posted 06/19/16

Flower by snafflewyrm

Character arrangement by me!

Posted 06/19/16

Regal Elegance by [@Lady Hawkwing]

Posted 06/19/16, edited 06/19/16
Flower is Peach Fizz by King:

My character design:

Posted 06/19/16, edited 06/19/16

In the Cherry Glade, every flower that falls from the beautiful cherry blossoms trees spawns a new Sprout in various shades of pink. Upon this faithful day, a single blossom falls from the largest, oldest tree in the forest, an event that occurs only once every 100 years. By law of the Glade, when a new Sprout is born of The Mother Tree, the current ruler of the Glade is to step down and the Glade the new member of the forest, not only as family but also as their new leader.

A crowd gathers to watch in awe, as the centennial event takes place…A single blossom falls from the great tree, floating ever so gently down to the earth, before landing, and in a bright flash of light, a pretty pink bloom flowers at the base of the cherry blossom tree.

Almost two decades have passed and Sakura has grown into a beautiful, strong leader. Residents of the Glade adore their charming queen, whose purity inspires those around her to aim to bring kindness to all those around them.

Posted 06/19/16, edited 06/19/16

Down in the warm, tropical depths of the Mycena Sea, a pastel pink Kelphi can be found, tending a thriving, underwater aquatic garden.

Kiki’s pride and joy is in her healthy, prosperous garden, filled with an array of exotic, fruits, flowers and vegetables, some which can be found in other aquatic gardens, others which she has specially bred herself and are unique to garden. One of Kiki’s favourite plants are her Melody Berries. These strange fruits (which she proudly created herself) result in the consumer temporarily having the voice of a professional singer. The type of voice the eater takes on is dependent on which type of Melody Berry they nom on. Kiki has also grown a variety of magical medicinal plants with healing properties that are effective in assisting with many different illnesses and diseases, she is very proud with her efforts and would like nothing more than to see her medicinal plants be used to help many sick Mycenians return to good health.

Her friend Kalisya also loves visiting her garden. The pair are currently working on writing a book on the new species of plants Kiki cultivates in her underwater paradise.

Posted 06/19/16, edited 06/19/16

Stargazer spends her days snoozing, and her nights up in her attic-observatory, looking through sparkling eyes into her telescope, gazing in wonder at the starlit galaxy. She constantly longs for when she may one day be able to venture out into the glittering expanse that she spends so much of her time staring into. Each night, she spends wishing, that somehow, some way her dream will be fulfilled, and that the mysterious, infinite beauty of space will no longer be so far away.

If Star isn’t in her observatory you can be sure to find her in the library, researching about space. (Of course). Many of her friends insist it isn’t healthy to have such an obsession with a world so far away, one that seems unreachable. This, however, does not discourage Star, rather it encourages her dream further. She will one day reach space as she has always dreamed, and prove to everyone that her impossible dream is not as out of reach as it seems.

Posted 06/19/16

Flower by heresy

Posted 06/19/16

Flower by thegermantaco

Posted 06/19/16

Filigree by Kippie #4242

Ranked amongst Courtain’s favorite wielders, Alston combined a good sense of tactics with physical fitness. Traits that unfortunately were rarer than Courtain would have liked to admit as time went on and the direction of the world changed. He’s actually one of the wielders who Courtain watched over alone. Alston inherited somewhat young from his grandfather—from a young age, he was a fairly serious child, perhaps from the weight of his expectations for himself and the future. His father died when Alston was fairly young, and although his mother later remarried, Alston remained in the guardianship of his paternal grandfather.
More a product of his times with limited imagination for the future, Alston was capable of stewarding his lands and protecting his people, but his political ploys were somewhat lackluster and his general legacy is undistinguished. He was not particularly progressive—he believed that people had their places in the world. His was as the lord; thus his place was just under his king’s, and thus his place was good—why care for the other roles? Although Alston was a relatively good lord—he was reared in strict adherence to noblesse oblige after all—he was a disinterested one whose reverence for duty and responsibility came from his regard for his own consequence. Not particularly a blockhead, but not particularly bright. He becomes just another picture on the walls.
He is, however, the physical basic model to whom Courtain defaulted his manifestations afterward. The resemblance was always more on the features, as the coloring of the two seemed vastly different.

Posted 06/19/16, edited 06/19/16

Peach Fizz by King
Lucilla is more commonly known as Lucy, and for good reason! She’s not particularly fond of her rather antique and dreary moniker. She’s a bit of a light-hearted girl, and she considers herself “too brightly pastel in coloring to be a Lucilla!” Usually she’d preen a bit with her softly spring green eyes and flash a dimple or two and (this is the mystery) blush a fetching shade of rose to match her strawberry blond hair while she says it. If that description of a routine she’s practiced in front of a mirror for countless hours didn’t sound a warning or two: Lucy is incredibly vain. She’s been petted and cosseted for years about her looks and coloring, so it may not be so surprising. There isn’t any real malice to her—well, none more than is usual in an indulged and spoiled girl. She’s a bit short-sighted (both literally and figuratively) and petty. Interestingly her petty behavior usually centers on her elder sister, Eleanor. Generally though, Lucy is a bubbly and airheaded young miss. She likes to daydream of frivolity and flirting much, much more than she likes either in reality.

Posted 06/19/16, edited 06/19/16

Ace of Lace by Lord

Posted 06/19/16


Posted 06/19/16

“Forest Glow” by TheGermanTaco

Posted 06/19/16

Laurel Leaves by Losty

Elle likes to dress simply and elegantly in comparison to her more frivolous younger sister. It’s not as if she particularly thinks about being the one in simpler dresses—to her simply means she has the better range of movement and less to worry about. In general contrast to the way that they dress, Lucy and Elle are about equally practical. Elle dresses the way she does because of how impractical additional frills and bows are, but Lucy dresses in accordance to society and expectations. Elle is the one who balances the household accounts; Lucy is the one who creates economies in ways Elle can’t imagine. They’re not the most intuitive of partnerships, but they are united in trying to make things easier for their younger brother.
Elle, as the eldest, feels that duty most keenly. It may be the product of her era, but she feels that a woman’s world is neither vast nor unlimited. Thus she doesn’t actively seek to change her horizons.

Posted 06/19/16

Fun fact: Being true to the flower’s name, my tablet stopped working halfway through this painting and I resorted to mspaint to finish it. Cursed? Maybe?


Posted 06/19/16