THIS IS AN EMERGENCY NOTICE FROM THE CAVE ALERT SYSTEM Just this evening, several low magnitude earthquakes have shaken residents of the Cave out of their sleepy summer stupor. Damage appears to be minimal, but please practice caution when traversing even familiar tunnels in case of aftershocks. Our teams of first responders have already sprung into action to assist in clearing up cave ins, sweeping away rubble, and uncovering the full extent of these tremors. We ask that all Mycenians remain calm and that any further seismic activity be reported immediately. Stay safe, everyone!
This event will be somewhat similar in composition to the Shimmers in the Water and Lost Necklace events from previous years. The event will begin at 00:01 on August 14th and will conclude on August 28th, though players will have until 23:59 on September 4th to complete it.
Similar to Shimmers in the Water, this event will be broken down into two main parts: activity days and community days. Activity days will require the player to complete a challenge of some sort, while community days will be more focused on small, creative, forum-based activities.
The hub for this event will be the map that you are helping Kerric to fill in. It will contain clickable links to each day’s text, which will then guide you to that day’s activity. Although they will be unlocked on a daily basis, these challenges do not have to be completed in order, and there is no reward for completing them on the day they’re released.
Prizes will be distributed at the end of the event by Kerric, who will be setting up an Adventurer’s Outfitters shop for our brave explorers to peruse. The shop will open on August 28th — however, all prize items and their costs will be shown from the beginning of the event, so that players may make plans as to what they intend to purchase.
Players will receive 1 Unusual Rock for each activity day completed and 2 Unusual Rocks for each community day. Those who complete all 14 days of the event will be awarded an extra 2 Unusual Rocks at the end.
All players who complete 10/14 days of the event will receive a copy of the event coat — a Drasillis. Additional event coat mushrooms will be available for purchase in Kerric’s prize shop.
- Be mindful of other players’ experiences
- You are welcome to make a player organized help/speculation thread or chat room, but please be mindful of spoilers in public venues. This includes solutions to any of the daily challenges
- You are welcome to help each other with the challenges posed by activity days unless otherwise stated
- Community Day activities must be completed individually
- Follow all of Mycena Cave’s rules
- Multi-accounting is not allowed
- You may not participate in any part of this event on an account other than your own.
Posted 08/08/16, edited 08/28/16
.... :< no scrabble Summer event?
Posted 08/08/16
We are shaking things up a little!
Posted 08/08/16
Ooo! Excited! Never taken part in an event before :)
Posted 08/08/16
*looks around* Since when did we get a inter-cave PA system xD?!
Posted 08/08/16

The Shimmers in the Water and Lost Necklace events were a couple of my favorite events, can’t wait until this one starts! :D
Posted 08/08/16
I can’t wait!! Last year I was incredibly intimidated by the community days but now I’m actually looking forward to them.
*passes out hard hats* Safety first!
Posted 08/08/16
Crow -makes me think of playing pass it on. xD!
Posted 08/08/16
Ohh, sounds neat! And I don’t remember the shimmers/lost necklace events taking too much time out of the day, which is good since classes start up on the 23rd for me. o:
Posted 08/08/16
I’m honestly a little nervous that this event looks to be biased towards the community days being more important because the forum challenges gave me the hardest time during Shimmers in the Water, but I will reserve full judgement until I see it in action c:
The premise soes sound near though and I’m excited to see the items!!!
Does this mean there won’t be any way to get previous summer event stuff in this event, though? D:
Posted 08/08/16, edited 08/08/16
The activity days outnumber community days in this event, so no worries if you are uncomfortable or otherwise concerned about the idea of community days!
And unfortunately there are no previous summer event re-releases this time around.
Posted 08/08/16
I’m curious if Halloween will be a click event instead to spread out the heavy time investment events.
(Since I always thought spring then summer was a lot of clicking in a short amount of time.)
I think I was anticipating scrabble too, but I’m sure this will be fun c:
I’m a bit nervous about our next click even anyway, with busy days in the lab making it impossible to check back every fifteen minutes >>u
Posted 08/08/16, edited 08/08/16
Oh thank lord it is not timed event like I was worried it would be. I have some things coming up during the event time that would keep me away from the Internet for a bit.
Posted 08/08/16
Aww no clicky event…RIP me
Posted 08/08/16
Considering I moved to Christchurch a few months ago, I’m a little nervous about all this earthquake talk. /heh
Posted 08/08/16, edited 08/08/16
School starts up again the 15th D: I was hoping the summer event would happen while I was still on break, heh. I’ll have to wait and see how much I’ll be able to participate, then.
Posted 08/08/16
Lol thought the evnt started today… WEll, guess its good to give a headsup 8’D
though I gottta admit my sleep brain got rly confused whensuddenly reading Shimmers in the Water and Lost Necklace , as it made me thik that it was only for old members who had been in those events and knew how to do and what to do.. Which I still dont exactly know after reading this trough serveral times. .__.’
Posted 08/08/16
[@Celyon] It’s okay — there will be more instructions for each event as it comes around!
Posted 08/08/16
EVENT! EVENT! EVENT!!!! Sooooo excited!!!! =D
Thank you for putting this up, and giving us a chance to read through and get an understanding of how it will be laid out, timing, activity/community days, prizes, etc ^.^ I love how each new event is different but so well thought out! <3
Posted 08/08/16
HYPE. This sounds like it’ll be a lot of fun, with the two different kinds of challenges. I wonder what they’ll be… Guess I’ll have to take my laptop with me on my vacay after all B)
Posted 08/08/16
I wonder if the event coat will look anything like Kerric :o Probably not, but…I just really like that coat.
It’ll be interesting to see how this event plays out! (I’ve never been around for anything like this before. :P)
Posted 08/08/16
I was upset at first because I’m gonna be busy half those days, but then I read there’s no requirement to do them on the day they’re released… I’m gonna shoot for the dras! I wasn’t around for the other events like this, but it should be fun!
Posted 08/08/16
Eee! This sounds cool, I had fun with Shimmers in the water, so I’m sure this will be super fun too
Posted 08/08/16
I can’t wait! This sounds like fun!!
Posted 08/08/16
WOO! The Shimmers event was one of my favorites I’ve been here for, because it included just enough forum-based activities to not overwhelm me, and enough individual puzzle activities to keep me busy without interfering with real life. My summer class ends just in time for the beginning of this event~!
Posted 08/08/16
YEEEES! I love Mycena’s events!
Posted 08/08/16
I might try the community event this time..!
Posted 08/08/16