02:56 ST
[EVENT] Into the Caves (August 14 - August 28)

Aw man that banner is gorgeous. I think I need everything in the treasure shop too :3

Darcy’s event this spring was my first so I’m really excited to take part in a story event. (kinda reminds me of the old Neopets events when they still spent time on making good stories)

Posted 08/14/16
I’m not sure if I completed todays activity.  Is there anything special about it?
Posted 08/14/16
It took me a bit to gain traction, but today’s activities were FUN!!!!  I LOVE the banner art, and I’m so excited for the items in the shop =D
Posted 08/14/16

It looks like I picked a good time to join the site!!

I’m a little confused right now about how to proceed for day one but hopefully I’ll get the hang of it quickly. :3 Maybe I just need a little more time to get familiar with the site. =w=)b

Posted 08/14/16
Inuiza When you get an unusual rock, you’ve finished the activity! It also says “This station has been completed” underneath the Day 1 headline.
Posted 08/14/16
I, too, am a bit lost on this? If anyone could echo me and give me a few tips?
Posted 08/14/16

@Robin Thank you. :)
. .
. Than I’m officially stucked xD

Posted 08/14/16
For those clueless about what to do for today’s task:
And that something is the daily interest.
Posted 08/14/16
That is an amazing banner.
Posted 08/14/16
I need five million of the endless climbing ropes.
Posted 08/14/16

Where is the Community Day activities?
Love the event!

Posted 08/14/16
The events header/banner is so gorgeus. Looking forward to what challenges the upcoming days will bring :)
Posted 08/14/16, edited 08/14/16

Well, I guess you could say this dras’ love is pretty…. endless.

Posted 08/14/16

We’re glad to see everyone is so excited! :D

For those who are concerned about the community day activities:
Activity days outnumber community days by quite a bit, so even if you were to skip all of the community days, you’ll still be able to get your hands on the event coat & all of the prizes. :) If you’re not comfortable participating in the community days, that’s fine! If you do participate in them, you’ll be able to earn some extra Unusual Rocks to trade for prizes.

For anyone who finds that they need help:
You guys are more than welcome to help each other out! We ask that you keep specific spoilers under spoiler tags/hidden from recent posts/out of chat (though hints are alright!), but if someone wanted to organize a general hint board or would like to offer up more specific help via echo, as I see some folks have been doing, we encourage it! It’s always really great to see the community come together to help each other out with events like this. :)

There is also an Into the Caves event chat room if you are a frequenter of Live Chat! You should be able to find some help there, too!

Edit: There is now also an event forum for discussions!

Slecovia - The community day activities will take place on specific days of the event. One hasn’t happened yet, but they will be in their own forum when they do!

Posted 08/14/16, edited 08/14/16


Welcome! Do I know you from Sylestia?

I will send you an Echo about this day’s activity but it is my first event of this type so I am not sure how much help I will be after this!

Posted 08/14/16
Akira heh heh heh oh dear. It will likely be edited soon, so you had better save that screenshot for blackmail purposes later ;)
Posted 08/14/16
omg today Mycena earns its 16+ rating.
Posted 08/14/16
Wait. Why can we not see the coats?
Posted 08/14/16
Posted 08/14/16
Falkinsey Thank you very much! Your hint was quite helpful ^-^ And yes, I’m the same Rixva from Sylestia. Nice to see a familiar face! :3
Posted 08/14/16
Akira Looks fine to me
Posted 08/14/16

I’ve heard some reports that navigating the map by clicking on the stations isn’t working in some browsers. I’ll look into the issue, but in the mean time if you need to access day 2 you can do so here:

the issue has been resolved :)

Posted 08/15/16, edited 08/15/16
Thanks for the link glitch! I don’t seem to be able to activate the stations in mobile (Safari) D:
Posted 08/15/16



Posted 08/15/16
i totally thought i wasnt gonna be able to do todays challenge…its very hard(or it was for me lol!) but im glad i guessed correctly on what i was supposed to do
Posted 08/15/16
Omy, this was a though one ! I managed to do it but it took me a while !
Posted 08/15/16
I went and activated the event, and went on doing my normal dailies… and ended up completing today’s event. >> hahaaaaa oops.
Posted 08/15/16
I thought today’s challenge would be hard but it actually only took me less than 15 minutes! I’m glad I got lucky.
Posted 08/15/16

I literally have like no idea what’s happening lol

I haven’t completed any of the events, am I just supposed to click on something and a message will appear? Or do I have to look for something on a page or???

Someone please give me some pointers about the past activities cause I really wanna participate ;.; thanks

(I already looked in some places but to no avail…do I have to purchase something for the first activity?)

Posted 08/15/16, edited 08/15/16

No, you won’t have to purchase anything during the event (some players made this mistake last time XD)

I don’t want to assume anything about where you’ve gotten up to, so I’ll walk you through it (no spoilers). Under the banner at the top of the page it says “The Into The Caves event is happening!” You click the bolded ‘Into the Caves’ to get to the event page.

Once you’re on the event page, there’s a map. You can see a picture of a tree in the top left corner of the map. If you click that, then below the map the information for Day 1 will appear. I think you need to click again to activate Day 1. Then you read through the info, and go hunting around the website looking for the right page, based on what you think the text might be hinting at.

Once you successfully find something and click on it, a green bar will appear near the top of the page to say success and lead you off to the next clue!

Once you’ve completed the whole of the activity, the green bar will appear again specifically saying you have completed the day’s activity, and the picture of the tree on your map will be in colour. Then you can activate the activity for day two :)

Does that help?

Posted 08/15/16