02:57 ST
[EVENT] Into the Caves (August 14 - August 28)

Posted 08/08/16
This sounds fun! super excited for the event!
Posted 08/08/16

“Players will receive 1 Unusual Rock for each activity day completed and 2 Unusual Rocks for each community day”

... >:

“All players who complete 10/14 days of the event will receive a copy of the event coat—a Drasillis.”

............ >>>>>:

Welp, this is certainly an event to come back to.

Posted 08/09/16
Well, hopefully I’ll be able to have enough internet and patience on my tablet to participate! I’ve yet to really get into an event and this one sounds fun! 0v0
Posted 08/09/16
When are we going to have another scavenger hunt event like we had for Halloween ‘14? Or an event like the one in which we got the djinn coats? I hated the shimmers event and don’t even remember the lost necklace one. :(
Posted 08/09/16
oh boy…im totally not ready o_o
Posted 08/09/16
Ooooooh, I’m super excited. I really liked the Shimmers event, that was a ton of fun!
Posted 08/09/16

Exciting :D

In case anyone’s like me and would like to look at the old events for reference, they are here and here.

Posted 08/10/16
Oooh, my favorite! Been looking forward to another one of these!
Posted 08/10/16
Oh! I always love these kind of events. *-*
Posted 08/10/16

M-my re-releases…...

But yay another event. Last Darcy’s was my first so been waiting for another one.

Posted 08/10/16
IT BEGINS. Love that banner wow art 100/100 hoooo boyyyy. This should be a blast.
Posted 08/14/16
The banner is FANTASTIC. And the Untold Treasures item? I need approximately 3700 of those.
Posted 08/14/16
The banner is drop dead gorgeous! First day’s event was fun :). Look forward to playing this event.
Posted 08/14/16

items items items items

mushroom mushroom mushroom mushroom mushroom

Posted 08/14/16
Ahh, this banner is so gorgeous!! I wish I could keep it forever. ;w;
Posted 08/14/16
I have my day 1 station active but I don’t know what to do. I’ve never participated in an event like this before.. I tried some things that didn’t seem to work but I don’t want to say what I tried in case of spoilers.  If this is a roleplay thing where should I post it?  Sorry, I’m just really confused.
Posted 08/14/16, edited 08/14/16


I have sent you a message with some advice!

Posted 08/14/16
Never mind found it. O:
Posted 08/14/16, edited 08/14/16

Falkinsey by any chance could you help me out as well? ^^;
— edit. actually think i got the hang of today’s one. But what do the community days mean?

Posted 08/14/16, edited 08/14/16

Oh, the first activity went by quickly! If the rest are like this, I’ll be able to participate in the activity days, at least :D And it was more fun than I expected, if confusing at first.

Still nervous about the community days though, heh.

Posted 08/14/16

I’m confused as well. How does this actually work? What do I dooo…

Edit: nvm the chat has saved me

Posted 08/14/16, edited 08/14/16
I looove these types of events, but I greatly prefer the activity days since I am usually quite nervous about posting on the forums, hahaha. That said, the art and items are A+ 10/10 and the first activity was super fun!!! Can’t wait to see what the event coat will be! <3
Posted 08/14/16
I really don’t understand what I’m supposed to be doing! If somebody could shoot me an echo with some general advice, that would be great…  OTL
Posted 08/14/16
I don’t understand what I am doing with this one either.
Posted 08/14/16
Woo-hoo, event! At least today’s task was pretty quick, because I’ve got to take a final exam for my computer class today…I didn’t want to miss out on the first segment of the event because I was testing, so it’s a good thing I was able to get it done early.
Posted 08/14/16


Glad you managed to work out today’s event :)

As for the community ones, sorry this is my first event of this type so I know no more than you! Chat is always helpful, though.

Posted 08/14/16
Super excited for this event since it’s my first time participating in one ^^ But I’m confused about what to do with the first activity. Any advice?
Posted 08/14/16
Im confused… Where do we go to participate?
Posted 08/14/16
Sent echoes to the two above^
Posted 08/14/16