19:10 ST
[EVENT] Marcy's Finally-Actually-Happening Harvest Festival (Oct. 28 - Nov. 10)

Welcome, welcome! It’s that most beautiful time of year again. The leaves have turned, the crops are healthy, and the farm is in better shape than ever thanks to the Scholarcrows’ hard work! We’ve been looking forward to the harvest all year, and we’re expecting a particularly hefty yield thanks to a fertile growing season.

There is one tiny problem, though — and I hope you don’t mind my asking for your help once again. You see, ever since these magic tremors have been rumbling through the Cave, some of my crops have been acting a little… strange. Sure, we’ve got the regular fruits and veggies ripening up, but we keep stumbling over these oddly shaped specimens growing among the normal ones. Darcy says they look like letters, and I think she might be right. Dr. Crow and I have been trying to figure out what to do with these crops, and he happened to discover that when you make words out of them, they interact and leave behind some kind of magical seeds.

Weird, right? Magic sure is something.

Anyway, we’re almost ready to begin the harvest, but I’m a bit nervous about letting the magic crops intermingle with the normal ones. If you wouldn’t mind lending a hand, I’d really appreciate if you pick as many of them as you can find, make some words, and collect the seeds for me. Dr. Crow’s interested in setting up some experiments. In return, I’ve got a whole year’s worth of stuff collected in my barn that you’re welcome to look through once you’re done.

In between pickings, the Scholarcrows have set up some fun games for everyone to enjoy over at the fairgrounds. They’ll get to the bulk of the harvest once we’ve gotten rid of all the weird crops — for some reason, they refuse to touch ‘em. I figure it shouldn’t take us more than two weeks to get ‘em all picked if we work together! Marcy


Things to remember:
  • This event runs from October 28th at 00:01 until November 10th at 23:59.
  • This event is similar to Summer 2015’s scrabble event. Instead of mining tiles in space, however, you will be harvesting various veggie-letters to create words, which you will then send to others.
  • The number of points you receive per word depends on which letters you use — some letters are worth more than others!
  • Remember, multi-accounting is not allowed on Mycena Cave. You may not access multiple accounts in order to play this event, nor should you be participating on any account other than your own.

  • 10/28 #2
    • As the Scholarcrow Dance page notes, the challenge has been cracked and our winner justly rewarded! He will continue to dance for the duration of the event should any tenacious players wish to continue to try to solve his riddle, but no further awards will be given… unless you count satisfaction!

      Keep your eyes peeled, however, as more crafty ‘Crows may come forward before the Festival is through!

  • 10/28 #1
    • The Festival Fairgrounds are now open! While you’re waiting for your timer to count down, come and play some of the games that the Scholarcrows have prepared for you! :) There are prizes to be had, including the Autumn Stroll, which is exclusive to the Fairgrounds games.
    • Further, if you have yet to appreciate the Scholarcrow ritual dance, we strongly recommend giving it a view! More Scholarcrows will be arriving every 48 hours to display their various talents.
Posted 10/21/16, edited 10/28/16
Oooh this looks fun! But what do the scholarcrows know of these weird crops eh?
Posted 10/21/16

i have been waiting all october to stick my leg out for halloween event

Posted 10/21/16
Exciting! These are my favorite kinds of events, can’t wait!
Posted 10/21/16
Such excite! I can’t wait for this :D
Posted 10/21/16
Oh~ I look forward to this!
Posted 10/21/16
Oooh nice! Ix’kin would be all over this!
Posted 10/21/16
Oooh exciting! I’m interested to hear more about the games at the fairgrounds too OwO
Posted 10/21/16

MARCY!!!!  I’m so delighted to see you again!!!!  If anything your coat is more gorgeous than I remember from last year.  Of course I was so busy fighting the Scholarcrows, so easy to be distracted. 

Hmmm… weird shaped veggies indeed.  This looks like it will be a lot of fun.  I wasn’t around for the tiles in space, so this will abe new for me.  I can’t wait to get started c=

Posted 10/21/16
Ahh! I actually forgot about this, aha. The scrabble style is my favorite form of clicker event, so I’m pretty excited. as long as I can find time in between classes. >3>;;
Posted 10/21/16
Sounds like it’s gonna be fun again, can’t wait for the event to start! :)
Posted 10/21/16
The scrabble-style events are always my favorite. Yessssss. ’ v ’
Posted 10/21/16
This looks like it’s going to be fun!
Posted 10/21/16
Is that a cantaloUpe? I do love me some cantaloUpe.
Posted 10/21/16
Yes, I’ve been looking forward to this!! I’m also very curious about this new fairground thing.
Posted 10/21/16



Posted 10/21/16
Ah, this looks like so much fun. Why, oh, why does it need to fall right in the middle of my final exams? No matter. Who needs to pass anyway, right?
Posted 10/22/16

Ohh, I am so excited for that one! * u *
And it starts on my birthday, what a nice gift. >:3c

Posted 10/22/16

Looking forward to this!

However, where do we get started?

Posted 10/22/16

The link to the event page will appear in the first post here and in a banner above the navigation menu when the event goes live on the 28th. :D

Posted 10/22/16
Almost feels like a family feud thing. Mycenan families vs. the brainiac scare crows :o!
Posted 10/23/16
This is my jam, I’m so pumped !!
Posted 10/23/16
Very excited to see the items and coat(s) this year~
Posted 10/25/16

Ahhh I’m so excited :D Less than 22 hours to go!

Two truths and a lie! This event involves dramatic poetry reading by yours truly, a traditional scholarcrow dance, and endless “eat your veggies” jokes.

Posted 10/27/16
Oh, pretty please let the dramatic poetry reading be true.
Posted 10/27/16
I vote for the poetry reading as well. 8) Let your bard soul shine, Glitch!
Posted 10/27/16

Well this is Mycena Cave so I know the endless “eat your veggies” jokes one is true…  We can, and probably will, make puns out of anything. Especially during an event.

The other two seem almost equally likely though… I’m gonna go with the Glitch Poetry reading being the lie though, it doesn’t fit in with the Harvest Festival theme as well as the Scholarcrow Dance does. (On the other hand, a poetry reading does sort of fit in with a rabble theme…)

Posted 10/27/16

I wonder if I’ll get much sleep this event :‘D
This is my first time doing a click event with a full time job that, depending on the workload, that I can’t check the computer every 15 mins. In the past I had a part-time job, but it was at a call center and I could click it in between calls and I had my phone while I’m at school. As long as I can snag one of each thing, I should be satisfied.

Posted 10/27/16

Some players have noted that when they collect the letters, it’s not registering.  Glitch thinks he’s found the problem and is working quickly to solve it!

The issue should be resolved now! :)

Posted 10/28/16, edited 10/28/16

Waiiiiit, I just realized I’m not getting a timer. I thought something was weird. Help?

Edit: Yes, it’s working for me now Myla! :)

Posted 10/28/16, edited 10/28/16