Hina I didn’t have an I at the time to try that spelling, but if I get the letters again I’ll try it that way.
Posted 11/01/16
Salem I think “Death’s Embrace” the Fall 2016 Mushroom. It’s in the Fungamental Magic Shop. Marcy says the Greenish and Stout Gourds can contain a Halloween Mushroom.
Posted 11/05/16
AestheticAcoustic Oh thanks I cant believe i overlooked that lol it usually does say it there too
Posted 11/05/16
Is there any way some English words in long time use, and found in every established dictionary, could be added to the mycena cave dictionary, even if it’s after this event is over? So far this event, I’ve found these words inexplicably not accepted: Yay And Brusk isn’t accepted in it’s hundreds of years old, alternate form (am assuming brusque is).
Posted 11/06/16, edited 11/07/16
I don’t think there is a “Mycena Cave dictionary”. Yay, yum, waif, and nil are words I can guarantee are accepted by Spellstones—this activity uses a different dictionary. (I don’t know why—maybe to disallow inappropriate words, like certain body parts?) This event’s dictionary is a little disappointing and is definitely smaller than that of Spellstones, at least as far as I can tell. Not small enough to prevent me from enjoying the activity or anything, but small enough to be annoying, because it rejects common words multiple times a day.
Posted 11/07/16
A small, grubby piece of paper has been pinned to one of Marcy’s barns. It’s been placed just below eye-level, as if to avoid drawing attention, but with a closer inspection a discerning Mycenian might recognise the scholarcrow’s scrawl. It reads as follows: I know you’re all just trying to save face by ‘forgetting’ about my little game, but Marcy insists I leave this little message. Says it’s only fair. So, here it is: I’m seeing a number of untouched lists amongst my challengers, and that means you haven’t got a hope of besting me. If your words don’t have a strike through them they won’t count, so you better check your lists before the event’s out!
Posted 11/07/16
Tsaiah I’m running into the same problem… Encountering LOTS of words that should be acceptable but aren’t. I’ve since stopped caring. @Lovely staff next time you do something like this, can you please just use a standard (or better yet, international) Scrabble dictionary rather than whatever you’re using currently? :/ Vely You’d be surprised at the number of supposedly “inappropriate” words this game accepts, so I don’t think it’s that. xD; But I agree, it’s really annoying!
Posted 11/07/16
Maybe part of the survey this year can be what words should be added to the dictionary? so i remember, words i have tried and havent been able to use I also I know Qi doesnt work but that one might be too OP
Posted 11/08/16, edited 11/09/16
>>>>When Marcy’s Barn closes, your unused Magic Seeds (capped at 25) will be entered into a raffle to win: I know this will be different than the other raffle that’s soon to happen, because Marcy’s raffle has different prizes to the MC raffle, but I can’t see when does Marcy’s raffle happen? Crow Dove Myla ...randomly pinging because I wasn’t sure who to ask xD
Posted 11/12/16
Posted 11/12/16
If you forgot to buy your Harvest event items and had 60* or more leftover seeds, we just auto-bought prizes for you :) With that done, we’ll draw the leftover seed raffle shortly! * 60 because we didn’t want to affect people who intentionally kept some seeds around for the raffle. The raffle tickets were capped at 25, and so any more than 59 seeds meant that you could have bought one more Stout Gourd and still maxed out your tickets (suggesting that you had kept your seeds by accident)
Posted 11/20/16, edited 11/20/16