09:03 ST
[EVENT] Marcy's Finally-Actually-Happening Harvest Festival (Oct. 28 - Nov. 10)

I am concerned by the dancing scholarcrow.

Edit: On an unrelated note, I wanted to send the word “swamp” to someone but there isn’t a single pet on this site named Shrek. For some reason I am both saddened and pleased by this.

Posted 10/28/16, edited 10/28/16

The Festival Fairgrounds are now open! While you’re waiting for your timer to count down, come and play some of the games that the Scholarcrows have prepared for you! :) There are prizes to be had, including the Autumn Stroll, which is exclusive to the Fairgrounds games.

Further, if you have yet to appreciate the Scholarcrow ritual dance, we strongly recommend giving it a view! He’s a little quiet, but he’s got a few friends who have more to say about it than he does. They’ll stop by every 48 hours to help explain things!

Posted 10/28/16, edited 10/28/16
I’m puzzled by the Scholarcrow dance thing, it says it was solved already? (Though not by me, I don’t understand it at all. I don’t understand the “48 hours” thing either. :/ )
Posted 10/28/16
I don’t get the dancing ‘crow either.
Posted 10/28/16
The crow is a code of some kind. But it makes so sense, because all I get when I decode it is a jumble of letters that don’t make sense, even when rearranged.
Posted 10/28/16

*wiggles* It took 2 hours but finally I can stop staring at the hypnotic scarecrow XD
Not 100% clear on the event but hopefully the new scarecrows will bring more fun puzzles with them?

Posted 10/28/16
o3o what was the deal with the scholarcrow dance? should i still try to answer it?
Posted 10/28/16
I keep trying to send Halloween as a word, but I get the error that Halloween is not a valid word?
Posted 10/28/16

Our apologies! It looks like we had a bit of an oversight with that one - since Halloween is a proper noun, it’s not in our dictionary. We’re going to see if it can either be added to the dictionary or changed out for a different word. We’ll let you know what’s happening as soon as possible!

Posted 10/28/16

Okay. Thank you!
I was all I got the letter but it don’t work! D=

Posted 10/28/16
I just want to say, I love Moon Phase and Monster’s Minion >.>
Posted 10/28/16
Moon Phase is fantastic, that’s the one I’m aiming for. Plus a scarf and latte… It’s perfect.
Posted 10/28/16
I loooveee the ineki coat this year, so beautiful!! Gonna be skipping on the other two probably but Omen is just spurring the character ideas <3
Posted 10/28/16
i just wanna say that its also a really nice tough that the link to the extra challenge links to your post after you posted… no more rummaging through the board haha
Posted 10/28/16

Halloween should be a valid word now! :)

Posted 10/28/16
Salem I didn’t even notice that! Thanks for pointing it out! I think it’s a nice touch as well. :D
Posted 10/28/16
I keep mistaking my “q” for an “o” because the tail is hidden under the 10pts. ;o; (I should just know that there’s no way an “o” is worth that many points lol)
Posted 10/28/16
Is there going to be any hints for the dancing scholacrow? I am very confused as to what I’m supposed to be doing!
Posted 10/28/16

Thank you so much! It works like a charm now.

Posted 10/28/16

As the Scholarcrow Dance page notes, the challenge has been cracked and our winner justly rewarded! He will continue to dance for the duration of the event should any tenacious players wish to continue to try to solve his riddle, but no further awards will be given… unless you count satisfaction!

Keep your eyes peeled, however, as more crafty ‘Crows may come forward before the Festival is through!

Posted 10/28/16

I am being told that “yay” isn’t a word but I want to send it to Mylas pet “YAYYY” perfect
Was that also an oversight or is yay just not cool enough q.q?

Posted 10/28/16

Sorry if I’m missing it, but could you explain that you mean with this, or point me to somewhere that has the instructions for the scholarcrow dance / prizes? I don’t see anything about it on the event “Instructions” page.

Posted 10/28/16
I am so overly confused with the Dancing Scarecrow…there’s not hints or instructions.  Every time I try to spell something, I get jumbled letters.  But half of the stuff it does, I can’t tell what it is :(
Posted 10/28/16

The Scholarcrow Dance was a hidden Cave Challenge, which is why it wasn’t mentioned in the event instructions.  Even we were surprised at how quickly it was solved! We were planning to release little bits more information progressively through the event… but our players are just too clever!

Still, we had a back up plan of releasing at least one other puzzle if it was solved more quickly than we expected, so you can look forward to another mystery puzzle at some point during the event!

Posted 10/28/16, edited 10/28/16

Thanks for the response. That makes more sense!
If it was a Cave Challenge, that means the prize was a Gold Medallion, right? Is it the same prize for the second one?
I look forward to seeing the next puzzle. The first had already been solved before I even saw it (good job, whoever did it!).

Posted 10/28/16, edited 10/28/16

Jacq Tagging in again since Crow just left for work. :) That’s correct - the prize was a Gold Medallion! The prize for the second one will also be a Gold Medallion.

We were shocked at the speed as well!

Posted 10/28/16

Another mystery puzzle…?


-rubs hands together-

Posted 10/28/16

I feel like I’m in a sitcom and you both keep switching jackets lol.
Best of luck to everyone for the second puzzle!

If that gets solved too quickly maybe we’ll get to hear glitch’s poetry after all

Posted 10/28/16

Might I petition for Ahi to be added?  It’s a type of tuna fish that is frequently served in our local restaurants c=


Posted 10/29/16
I’m pretty sure I try to use “AHI” every scrabble event. Then I realize it doesn’t recognize it and get mildly disappointed xD
Posted 10/29/16