09:18 ST
[EVENT] Marcy's Finally-Actually-Happening Harvest Festival (Oct. 28 - Nov. 10)
Corvani a few people have commented to this effect, so we’ve repositioned the points indicator slightly, to make Qs more recognizable :)
Posted 10/29/16
glitch Oh! Thank you! That’s very helpful. c:
Posted 10/29/16

speaking of words that should totally be included….

amusingly unconventional and idiosyncratic.”

im surprised i couldn’t use zany!! also disappointed because dang no 16 points for me haha

edit: wow but zanier works! how interesting haha how ZANY you could say!!

Posted 10/29/16, edited 10/29/16
Sorry for the 10-minute delay getting the poem up! Had some audio issues, but we got them sorted out :)
Posted 10/30/16
Thank you glitch. I needed this in my life :’)
Posted 10/30/16

I just don’t understand how anyone was smart enough to solve the dancing Scholarcrow thing, the poem (which has itself already been solved) only makes it even more confusing for me. I don’t mind not getting a prize, but I feel dumb not understanding it. It’s not acrostic…and that’s all I can figure out.

Am I the only one who really doesn’t get this type of riddle…? Or is this site full of geniuses? :/

Posted 10/30/16, edited 10/30/16

Those Cave Challenges are done before I even realise they’re there, lol. A little bummed I don’t even get the chance to try, but they’ve been above me so far, anyway.

On another note, I’m drowning in u’s and i’s. Getting a little nervous they’ll take over the whole board, since there are already 10 of them, heh :’)

Posted 10/30/16
I’m in the complete wrong timezone to even consider being able to take part in the challenges, they’re uploaded early morning and solved before I’m even awake. Laughs. To be fair I probably wouldn’t be able to solve them anyway, rip.
Posted 10/30/16

I have pretty much given up on the cave challenges and find them to be a general disappointment personally, since they’re invariably solved within like an hour, maybe two of going up. And since I usually need to be up by 6 AM most mornings, I don’t tend to stay up until like 1 AM (my local time) when they’re uploaded to the site. Sleep is something I’ve learned I kind of need if I want to remain functional. :P

I’m also not THAT good of a brainiac to be able to solve those sorts of things at the speeds other people do. I mean, I understand that according to testing I’ve got a high IQ and I do like a number of logic puzzles…these just aren’t ever really my sort of thing. So, oh well. Congrats to the people that got them! :D

Posted 10/30/16, edited 10/30/16

i’m still crazy confused by the dancing one haha is he supposed to be making letters with his arms?? can we enlist the help of the community for hints? i just like to complete things i dont mind not being first but that dance was sooooooo far over my head hahaha and i read and listened to the poem but i feel like this meme:

Posted 10/30/16
Miranda  Yes, you’re definitely free to discuss them with each other. :)  Just put discussion under spoilers so that players can choose whether they’d like hints or not! <3 They’ve both been solved already, so it won’t award anything, but it’ll let you know if you’re right or wrong. :D
Posted 10/30/16

Miranda We had a “hint faucet” set up that would slowly dribble out hints over the course of a few days (in order to mitigate timezone issues — but I suppose that didn’t quite go according to plan). The poem puzzle was actually the first hint to come out of the faucet: it wasn’t originally planned as a challenge in its own right, but simply as a clue towards solving the dance. So all this is a long way to say: if you’re still working on solving the dance puzzle, note that the answer to the poem puzzle is a big hint!

Since the poem puzzle has been solved as well, we might as well release the planned future hints — feel free to look at them, or not!

André would like to help you interpret Claude’s dance. (poem puzzle)

François wants you to know that good poems can be read in multiple ways.

Pierre keeps interrupting readings of Plexed Caution by shouting “FINLEY BREESE!!”

Luc laments the perfidy of prefixes.

Jean thinks that Claude’s dance is inspired by an animal
Posted 10/30/16, edited 10/30/16
I wasn’t fast enough to get a screenshot, but I just collected the word “DIE” from the garden. O.O;;
Posted 10/30/16

Jacq, I think the scholarcrows are trying to tell you something… <_<

*guards your back*

Posted 10/30/16, edited 10/30/16

I just got Hex ._. *goes to hide behind foxcat*

Posted 10/30/16

*puffs up fur to look bigger*
=^>__<^= Gurrr!!!

Posted 10/30/16
That feel when you’ve gotten more Qs than Ks… I have words I need to complete, darn it! I don’t need to have multiple Qs on my board at a time!
Posted 10/30/16, edited 10/30/16

Dracogryph Seconding what you said about the cave challenges. I’m generally not around to catch them before they’re solved anyway due to my work schedule. 9-hour shifts starting at 3AM tend to ruin everything, you sleep all day and then wake up to do it all over again :/ Though I suspect even if I was awake at the time of the challenge’s release I’d be too exhausted and/or befuddled to think my way through it anyway. The scholarcrow challenges are gibberish to me, I have absolutely no idea what to do with them so I’m just going to gracefully bow out of that bit of insanity, haha (while feeling like an idiot all the same).

Jacq Totally just harvested “PIE” from the garden c;

Posted 10/30/16
MOONLIGHT COLLECTION!! OMG I’m not sure if I just missed the announcement or if this is a surprise, but everything is SO CUTE. I love everything, excuse me while I spend aaaaaaalll my nugget!
Posted 10/31/16


Posted 10/31/16

Ahhh these are so cool!!

Posted 10/31/16

Not gonna lie… gonna need like, 20 of those moons

Posted 10/31/16
I LOVE THE COLLECTION. -Continues to scream and buys a million for her monster children-
Posted 10/31/16
There will be a third and final cave challenge for this event! We’ve done our best to make sure it won’t be solved right away this time, and that at least a hint or two (coming out over the course of the next few days) will be necessary… but just in case we’re switching up the timezones and releasing it at noon server time tomorrow, instead of at midnight :)
Posted 10/31/16, edited 10/31/16

The moonlight collection is amazing <3

...and finally something that i can buy multiples of without breaking the bank (those have to be the cheapest items i’ve seen in a while lol

Posted 10/31/16
As much as I like Scrabble type events, I really do wonder why certain things aren’t considered words? I tried to send hejab and it didn’t work. It’s an article of clothing.
Posted 10/31/16
Yoshi it might just be spelling. Did you try it with a i? Hijab as opposed to hejab? Some words that can have more then one spelling need a specific one to be recognized just like in spellstones
Posted 10/31/16

Myla glitch

Sorry to ping you guys ovo;; but I had a question regarding the current scholarcrow dance challenge. If it isn’t solved in a day or two, will there be hints released for it, like the original plan? (Also, am I allowed to ask if I’m on the right track?) |D

Posted 11/01/16
Celestine  Yes!  There will be a hint released 48 hours after the initial puzzle release if it isn’t solved by then, and so forth. :)  We can’t tell you if you’re on the right track or not though, hehe. >u>
Posted 11/01/16

Ooh okay! Thanks Myla :D

Posted 11/01/16