Work is still clearly ongoing, but all in all, it appears that several of the fields that surround Marcy’s farm have been transformed. Several booths line the carefully graded pathways, though they stand in varying degrees of completion - some mid-paintjob, others awaiting finished roofs and flooring. Most of the work has stalled for the evening, and the song of the first few crickets can be heard reverberating through the fields.
Marcy stands proudly before the fairgrounds, the tiredness from a long day’s work evident on his features. Still, he smiles and makes a motion to the carefully carved wood sign that hangs high above the walkway.
“It may not look like too much now,” he says, “but soon enough, I’ll be happy to welcome you to Ye Olde Midsummer Faire! We will be opening the gates on August 18th at noon ST, and are looking forward to spending the following two weeks providing hypothetically historically accurate entertainment to all denizens of the Cave!”
- This event runs from 12:00 ST on August 18th through 12:00 ST on September 1st (this is noon, not midnight Server Time!).
- The event consists of several different activities and an adventure for players to complete. Stylistically, it is most similar to our previous years’ Winter Watch events.
- Completing activities for this event will earn you Faire Tickets, which can be exchanged for prizes in the prize shop at the end of the event’s duration. Outside of the game-type activities, Faire Tickets will be awarded manually at the end of the event.
- The prize shop will be open from September 1st through September 14th, but will be viewable throughout the event so that players may plan ahead their purchases.
Posted 08/12/19, edited 08/13/19
REN FAIRE REN FAIRE REN FAIRE I’m so hypothetically excited :3c
Posted 08/12/19
OOOOH AND AN ADVENTURE THAT GOES WITH IT?! That’s super clever tying in the adventure system with events!
Posted 08/12/19, edited 08/12/19
Yowzers looks like I rejoined at the right time.
Posted 08/13/19
Oh yesss I can’t wait! :D
Posted 08/13/19
#inhales sharply…...RRRREEEEEEENNNNNFEEEEEESSTTT!!!!!! O,O YAH BABY!!!! DIS IS MAH JAM! =D Super duper excited to see the activities and upcoming event! *runs in circles!!!!
Posted 08/13/19
I love the theme so much for this event! I can’t wait for it to start *_*!!
Posted 08/13/19
yay i’m so excited~! this sounds like it’s going to be so much fun! :3
Posted 08/13/19
I’m so exited for this, I’ve been waiting for an event so long! Sounds like a lot fun (:
Posted 08/13/19
Ooooohhh, I joined at the perfect time!
Posted 08/13/19
How exciting! Can’t wait!
Posted 08/13/19
Ahh gosh this will be my first event! I’m so excited!
Posted 08/14/19
Hmm? Oh don’t mind me, just stalking the item list in hopes of seeing event items uploaded…
Posted 08/14/19
This will be my first event, too! I can’t wait!
Posted 08/15/19
Ooooh! Naz might be interested in this one!
Posted 08/15/19
So excited! This’ll also be my first event! :D
Posted 08/15/19
Just posting to say I’m so excited for the new pets!! They’re all super cute and it’s rare for me to like all the pets from an event ;o;
Posted 08/17/19
I’m so pumped for that blonde wig and that lizard dras and unikelph !!
And the toggled off tabby squire looks soo much like my recently passed baby </3
god I need one of each pet this time, tomorrow can not come fast enough
Posted 08/17/19
I just saw the three event colorations and I’m super excited to get my hands on ALL of them. Especially that unicorn kelph!
Posted 08/18/19
That unicorn kelph is calling me, too. *o* I mean, I need them all… but kelph is priority number 1.
Just a couple more hours!!!
Posted 08/18/19
I’ve been waiting on a unicorn kelph ever since I found out that the kelpi was originally going to be one. Worth the wait *_*
Posted 08/18/19
These coats are amazing, I am so hyped to obtain them! >:3c
Posted 08/18/19
When it comes to Battle Brawl, if you head over there at noon you can watch the tournament drawn live every day. It takes about 5 or so minutes depending on how many participants there are, but it’s worth taking a gander at :)
Posted 08/18/19, edited 08/18/19
For the adventure thing, is it fine to roleplay as humans/humanoids? Or does it have to be canon? :o
Posted 08/18/19
Gabriel Human / humanoid characters are fine, as long as they have a Mycenian representation on site! :)
Posted 08/18/19
Yoooo Bone Monster’s no risk no reward is so much fun :D
Posted 08/18/19

Posted 08/18/19, edited 08/18/19