I got a moonbow trout but clicked past the catch notification like a fool :D;;; Should I just post the screenshot of it in my inventory or am I out of luck unless I fish up another before the event’s over? edit: APPARENTLY I EITHER HAD ONE LAYING AROUND OR I GOT TWO TODAY. :|
Posted 08/21/19, edited 08/21/19
Posted 08/21/19
Question: For the quests, can we send a love note or haiku to an npc who has a pet representative on the Bone Monster’s profile, or do these need to be to another player? Also, can gifts be anonymous, or does the player we send them to need to know who sent them? Not sure that I am asking for myself, but I wondered since I know a lot of lurkers or new players may feel intimidated sending to other players they don’t know. I know I was back when I was new.
Posted 08/24/19
raus Nyfeaena (Sorry for the delayed answers to these - I’ve been doing house stuff all weekend >:| so much paint…)
Posted 08/25/19, edited 08/26/19
Posted 08/25/19
Posted 08/26/19
Bone Monster Oh, as you should be. Been first place the past five days and working on today. I’m coming for your entire hoard baybeee!!! >:D (Also that means my luck is getting worse by the day which is absolutely believable LMAO)
Posted 08/27/19
I just finally got a potion, but I was in such an auto-pilot mode I skipped screen shoting it ._.;;; (I’ve been maxed out potions 3 or four times this event in an attempt to get a potion, and now this XD) Edit: Also…my Treasure hunter appears to be kinda glitched? I played yesterday, but when I went to play today, the score from yesterday was blank, and today’s score had what yesterday’s was in it. (At first I thought this was my fault, and I’d somehow missed yesterday and already played today…until I realized I spent the entirety of the day since roll-over sleeping/at the dentist.)
Posted 08/27/19, edited 08/27/19
How do you see the rounds after Round 1 for any past day on Battle Brawl? I think my brain might be just flaking but no matter what day I click it only shows me Round 1 and won’t show me the winner. I think it used to at least show me who won? screenshot from day 1, round 1. I made it to round 3 this day, so surely I should at least be able to see how I did?
Posted 08/28/19, edited 08/28/19
Jacq Whenever the red timer pops up for the next brawl it seems that players are unable to access previous rounds of former brawl days. You’ll be able to see previous rounds once the timer goes away. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Posted 08/28/19