I don’t know if someone already asked about this but is there no way to know how many tickets you have? I’ve been guessing out of what I’ve done so far but it would be comforting if I had a way to confirm than turn up to the shop and realize I actually don’t have as much as I believe I do.
Posted 08/28/19
crow said somewhere that she has to tally and distribute everything manually at the end of the event, so… no, sadly there is no counter. sorry for the bad answer, Devon.
Posted 08/28/19
So, uh, I JUST found out that if you don’t meet your goal for the day in No Risk No reward you can try again. I wish I’d known that before, LOL. It wasn’t very obvious from the rules, I thought you only got one shot at it per day. I guess the button to begin still should have clued me in but somehow it did not.
Posted 08/30/19
another adventuring consideration, not critical: some way to change the background for the character icons in the thread? jasper takes on many labels, but lesbian is not one of them, haha. i tried changing it via changing my community settings but no matter what i changed it to, it still shows the lesbian flag as his background in the roleplay thread, i assume because that’s what my representation looked like at the start of the adventure.
Posted 08/30/19
doragonbaekhesten We agree, and those are both things that were commented on during the adventuring beta and on our big update list. <33 luccamajere You can play NRNR unlimited times per day during the event—I’m sorry we didn’t make that more clear!
Posted 08/30/19
Oh.. that explains why poor Schmen suddenly had spooky ghosts behind his avatar in one of the adventure runs. XD; And this is a bit late asking, but is there a way to get confirmation on how many tickets we currently have? o: I haven’t seen a thread for posting links with our entries, but I I was trying to math out how much I’d have to spend when the shop opens and worrying I might not have enough for all the items I coats. @-@
Posted 08/31/19
Posted 08/31/19
Hey! I dunno if this has been asked or not, but if you make a mistake (or three…), as in, I forgot to select an option from the drop down menu, in my adventure thread, is it okay to ping a mod to delete them? Also, if I claim another creature tonight after midnight (the thread says you can claim one every day after midnight), I’ll be at 15 creature drawings, even though there’s only 14 days to the event? ^^;; I’m not sure how that happened. I just wanted to bring it up cuz I don’t wanna get in trouble!
Posted 08/31/19, edited 08/31/19
Tamako If you need a post or thread deleted, the fastest way to get that done is to report it with a deletion request since that will notify all mods (though pinging is also fine). And yes, for Creatures Fantastic you can get up to 15 tickets because the event will have run for 15 days. :D
Posted 08/31/19
Did something happen to Day 6 on No Risk No Reward? My score disappeared and fairyneko‘s did too.
Posted 08/31/19, edited 08/31/19
Jacq You never had a score on day 6. Since this involves your private logs I will echo you the details on when you completed your No Risk No Reward games.
Posted 08/31/19
With the Faire officially over, the merch area is officially open! A couple things worth noting:
Posted 09/01/19
Azurrys that’s actually a good question… I’m pretty sure there’s meant to be 14 days same as No Risk No Reward. I’ll double check what’s going on later today when I can get to a computer.
Posted 09/01/19, edited 09/01/19
It looks like the BattleBrawl scoreboard never updated with the last day (because technically the event was over). The issue has been fixed, so day 14 results are now available. That also means that if you participated in the day 14 brawl, you have another ticket that wasn’t counted before :) Thanks for alerting me to the issue!
Posted 09/01/19
Bonus tickets!
In true Faire fashion, we have some bonus tickets to award for some truly stellar participation! Noodliest Brawler Our first category is the Noodliest Brawler award, given to the BattleBrawler who was knocked out in round 1 most often. Congratulations to WindyFox, you earn a bonus ticket! You were defeated in round 1 11 times. That’s more than anyone else. Ouch. Staff Crusher Our second category is the Staff Crusher award, given to the BattleBrawler who defeated staff most often. Congratulations to anhbon921, you earn a bonus ticket! You defeated a member of staff 8 times. That’s more than anyone else. This time it’s us that say “ouch”! Unluckiest Potionmixers Our third category is the Unluckiest Potionmixers award, given to the three players who mixed the most successful potions but never actually got a potion drop. Congratulations to Firkasa with 2,008 games, congratulations to Primarina with 2,054 games, and congratulations to Promise with a whopping 2,100 games. You all earn a bonus ticket! Your bonus tickets will appear on your ticket tally page under the category “Bonus”.
Posted 09/02/19, edited 09/02/19
R4gn0r0k oh my. The bonus categories were selected to be things that people wouldn’t have been able to knowingly aim for, in order to avoid any “if I’d have known there was a bonus I would have tried more” type situations, but OH MY. So I’m sure it will come as no surprise to you that you played more No Risk No Reward games than anyone else. Second most was 263 games, third most was 213 games, and everyone after that played fewer than 100 games. You, in case you were wondering, played 1,191 games of No Risk No Reward. ...I take it you liked the game?
Posted 09/02/19
glitch Yes I loved it! It’s a great game for someone like me, my adhd can’t focus on the other games as much as it could this one since it was simple. Plus I don’t know why but I had sheer determination to see how high of a score i could get. LOL I don’t really know why I liked it so much but I played it whenever I was bored and couldn’t focus on anything else Edit because I thought it but forgot to add it: thank you for the statistics it amuses me GREATLY. XD I didn’t want extra points from it, the game itself got me most of what I wanted since I was most interested in the ineki and dras, but I was wondering if anyone noticed. XD
Posted 09/02/19, edited 09/02/19
Posted 09/03/19