Hey, just curious about what the drop rate is for Potions Master? I have never had a potion drop for me, not that I play all that often. I’m just wondering if it’s worth it to keep grinding to see if one will drop eventually or if I should skip this quest in favor of other Faire events?
Posted 08/18/19
Posted 08/18/19
Crow Thank you! I figured it must be on the lower end. I would like to have one drop eventually (just for a sense of personal achievement,) but I suppose I’ll focus more on other things for now. :)
Posted 08/18/19
Thank you very much for the accessible event screen. I appreciate it as I’m having a bit of a hard time with the graphical version this time around. At the risk of ruining any surprises, could I get a y/n if there are any easter eggs that are only visible/clickable from the graphical version? I know there’s been stuff in past events and I don’t want to miss out.
Posted 08/19/19
baekhesten Yes, battle brawl happens once per day, so you can sign up for the next round after the previous round’s battle resolves at noon! You’ll get a ticket each day for just selecting a choice for a total of 14 tickets if you do it every day. :D
Posted 08/19/19
FlyingSquirrely Thanks for the heads up. It looks like something is wrong with it… I will look into what’s going on and we’ll figure out what to do from there. Stay tuned! Edit: After checking through the logs I can confirm that the rankings as displayed by the little scoreboard here are correct, and that you did indeed emerge victorious in day 1 of the battlebrawl. The bad news is that I now need to figure out what’s wrong with the (excessively complicated) live results display system and fix it before noon tomorrow. I’ll keep everyone posted! Edit2: Fixed! It turns out it was a relatively straight-forward problem, but one that would only crop up under very specific circumstances, which is why I didn’t notice it during testing. Under these circumstances, the results table display code incorrectly confused the number zero with “there is no number”, resulting in the wrong name being displayed in the victor column. Thankfully, your battle in the first round was the only one in the whole brawl in which those circumstances were at play. Thanks again for letting me know so that we could catch this early!
Posted 08/19/19, edited 08/19/19
glitch Thanks for the quick reply, I’m glad that I didn’t take anyone else’s place and that it wasn’t too hard to find!
Posted 08/19/19
Primarina I believe that the tickets (with the exception of Risk/Reward and Battle Brawl) will be awarded manually at the end of the event, so there’s not really any way for the event to track how many tickets you’ve won.
Posted 08/20/19, edited 08/20/19
Primarina Hyasynthetic is correct! Since a lot of the stuff is forum-based, we have to manually tally which is easiest at the end when everyone is done editing their posts. If it’d be helpful, someone could start a forum thread where players can post permalinks/metadata for their submissions for easier tracking—or if anyone else has a good way that they are using to track their own submissions, feel free to share!
Posted 08/20/19
Myla I don’t know how feasible this is for glitch to code, but since we do have the link-based page and past events have had events that linked directly to posts made in threads (ie some spelling event with extra challenge words for the green ghost avatar bg), could we combine the two? Like the links to the main thread remain as they are, but there’s a link to a user’s entry posts. (I know I’m finding trying to find where my specific post is frustrating, esp since it’s not going to be in my recent posts due to the sheer number of posts made for the adventures.) Or just if there’s some kind of estimator on the page that shows how many points each item is worth, and users can check off or enter their own completion rates so as to get an idea of how many points they do have? (Maybe with a disclaimer because maybe some entries might not meet the effort requirement.)
Posted 08/20/19
Lala At the end of the event, I will be going through and manually tallying all participation in the forum games. This is also how I do the Creative Collective participation - I just pull up a spreadsheet and go through and tally participation from each user. It’s a little time consuming, but overall faster than relying on players to submit their own forms and essentially “grading themselves,” which I did not want to do in this case, as I wanted Faire Tickets to go out ASAP after the closing of the event.
Posted 08/20/19
I’m really curious about the Risk/Reward game scores. Having pulled in the dubious honour of coming in 2nd on the first day with a touch under 150k, I’m really impressed with the score of 2 million pulled in yesterday. I know payout scales with how long the round goes, but I didn’t think it was possible to get that high.
Posted 08/20/19
So I have a question. In the Sullie’s Costume Closet event, is it a requirement to post all the items we used in the costume, or just two we rolled as having to use? I’ve seen people doing it both ways and I started out not recording every item and before it goes any longer and I inevitably forget some of the items I used, I just want to know if I should list them in my post somewhere.
Posted 08/20/19
Posted 08/20/19