22:17 ST
[EVENT] The Stoneskin Outbreak (Nov 10th - Nov 24th)
Will this event have a mechanic similar to other collect every fifteen events with a “ding” noise mechanic? I can’t seem the find the option to enable that on mobile.
Posted 11/10/19
Gosh, the full-size collection image is POSITIVELY stunning
Posted 11/10/19

Thanks so much for changing the ingredient numbers needed. Seeing all the healers in chat get instantly turned before they could gather the first ingredient and knowing they need to somehow still collect TWO ingredients and craft a potion was… disheartening lol

edit: I want to second Dora below in that it felt REALLY bad to be instantly infected at the start of the event before I could do anything. I think it will get easier when people are switching all the time but it wasn’t fun.

Posted 11/10/19, edited 11/10/19
Nyfeaena I can confirm there’s no bell on PC either. I too would like a bell, though
Posted 11/10/19

less than a minute ago: Griselda (Bone Monster) has cured you of the Stoneskin Curse. How kind of them!

DX! Why is the bone monster playing. DX

Also, Jacq, chat is totally empty for me? Is it bugged?

Posted 11/10/19
I second Condor —I’m incredibly impressed by the collection image.
Posted 11/10/19

We forgot about the timer, but glitch is working on adding it! We also changed the healing salve ingredients to one little brown mushroom instead of two.

Glitch is keeping a close eye on how the balance is playing out—he had to do one mass heal (if you got healed from boney’s account, that was why).

Posted 11/10/19

Oh wow the banner image is amazing. :O Haven’t seen the collection yet!

Glad that being infected/healed doesn’t reset the timer :)

Posted 11/10/19
Is it possible to get a timer added for the grace period as well?
Once a Cursed individual is healed, they switch onto the Uninfected team, and are unable to be cursed again for 2 hours while the Salve’s effects linger.

I just wanna know how long I’m safe for lol

Posted 11/10/19

is there a way to opt back out of this event? it’s bad for my mental health to keep getting infected before i can actually do anything as a healer.

otherwise i think i might have to just not go on mc til the event is over.

Posted 11/10/19

I’m super nervous about being able to get everything I want from this event, especially considering that I’ll be working and sleeping for a good majority of it. The bag/item direct buy prices seem really high compared to the effort + time required to earn achievement points.

I have to say this is a really cool concept! I’m absolutely floored by the art for this event, it’s stunning 8D

How much of the information from the initial post has changed? It seems that there’s no grace period anymore but I’m not sure if that’s because there was a balance tweak after it had started.

Posted 11/10/19

Jacq Whoops, we did say that! We found that balance seems to be better without it so we removed that feature entirely, but forgot to update the post. We’re continuing to monitor the various aspects of the event and will be continuing to change things to reduce the number of times Griselda / the curse itself needs to come out of the woodwork and randomly heal or curse people.

doragon No problem, I’ll find a way to roll back your activation. It’ll take me a bit because I need to make sure removing some entries won’t break anything else, but that shouldn’t take too long. I’ll reach out to you privately once it’s done :)

Purr At this point the only changes that have been made are to remove the grace period and to reduce the cost of the basic salve from 2 mushrooms to a single mushroom. We’ll do our best to keep it up to date, or at least notify everyone when changes happen!

Posted 11/10/19
Thanks glitch! c:
Posted 11/10/19

I mean im no expert, bur right now the event seems HORRIFICALLY broken in facour of the curse? I got cursed before I could even collect a SINGLE ingredient bc the timer started at a (weirdly arbitrary) 9 minutes or so rather than letting me immediatly go, cursers get a larger pool of ppl to pick from, and cures are hard to come by so the pool of cursed is just gonna keep growing FAR faster than healers can keep up.

I dont know how this looks from the back end, and I appreciate that you’re continuing to monitor the situation, but so far it just Feels Bad Man (tm). I love the concept and am dead set on getting a Dedicated Healer (since i wrap a lot of my time up in healing in any videogame that lets me) or I’d also ask to be taken out, for similar reasons.

Posted 11/10/19
Here’s a random question: I remember during one of the livestreams Hush worked on a flower bulb becoming consumed by the curse, presumably as the event openable. Whatever happened to that?
Posted 11/10/19

For those who started as healers, raise your hand if you got infected before you could gather your first ingredient at the start of the event and it felt bad (edit 2: Or even just had your role change before you could do anything)? Because that’s feeling I had and it kinda soured it for me.

(I agree with a lot of what Elfe and doragon said.)


Posted 11/10/19, edited 11/10/19

Getting cured every single time my timer’s about to run down makes it feel like infecting people will be impossible at this rate. Can we please have a grace period between getting cured again? ._.


less than a minute ago: Griselda (Bone Monster) has cured you of the Stoneskin Curse. How kind of them!

...Seriously!? -_-

Posted 11/10/19, edited 11/10/19
*raises hand* me, jacq! Incase that wasnt clear from my last post…
Posted 11/10/19
I started as a healer and immediately got cursed..which I don’t mind.But I do mind cursing players that wish to be dedicated healers…could there perhaps be a list of players that I shouldn’t curse.. I managed not to curse Jacq the last time around..
Posted 11/10/19
Hyasynthetic As sometimes happens during the process, those were scrapped in favor of a different container. The art still exists and may or may not get used for something else down the road but I think the new containers were definitely the right choice! They’re much more dynamic and better suited for the event. I was lucky and got to collab with King on the new ones, too!
Posted 11/10/19
Yeah, I’d like to echo the concern about not having a grace period between getting cursed/healed. I was also cursed before I could grab my first ingredient. Right now, this feels really unsustainable because the turnover is just too fast and it seems like the only way to get anything done is to be camped out on the event page 24/7, waiting for the rare opportunity to take an action. That doesn’t seem feasible, especially with how high some of the event goal numbers are. I don’t really know what the solution is, but, at the moment, this system seems unbalanced. :P
Posted 11/10/19
PrayingMantis I’m hoping to not get healed myself. I’d like to last till stage 3 at least once even if there is no achievement for it (though whoever would heal me would get one I’m sure). I renamed my rep “Please Don’t Heal Me” in hopes people will respect it for now at least. If someone put something similar in their pets name temporarily asking not to be cursed I think that would definitely be easier to let me know to try and skip someone who wanted to play healer for a bit than having to have to check a list before I have to curse someone.
Posted 11/10/19
Changes incoming:
  • The curse timer has been changed from 15 minutes to 16 minutes
  • The forage timer has been changed from 15 minutes to 13 minutes

We’re continuing to keep an eye on how this is playing out, and will continue to adjust mechanics, achievements, point values, time between stages, etc. as necessary.

Posted 11/10/19, edited 11/10/19
Just because it’s not information I’ve seen here, I was cursed to start with, had a timer, and got healed before doing anything. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ If it’s how the game works, it’s how the game works. Give em time to figure stuff out, this is all new.
Posted 11/10/19

Haha honestly I greatly enjoy the chaoticness of this event. I’m not attached to either side so I just curse or cure as Boney chooses. The fact that the timer stays at consistent countdown between side switches makes it bearable.

Which btw, that random button is the best QoL change. I love it and I hope we keep it for events going forward!

But, I too am curious if anyone will have a chance to reach Stage 3. The turnover rate is extremely fast with the lack of cooldown and advancing in Stages require someone an uninterrupted 24-48 hours of being cursed which is extremely unlikely at this rate.

Posted 11/10/19
Feedback is part of how you work things out tho, imho. Hence why I decided to give it.
Posted 11/10/19
Personally I feel like every time I’ve been infected I’ve gotten cured within 3 minutes, which has been a little sad since I’d like to progress to stage 2…
Posted 11/10/19

I’ve been wondering if it would be better if a person’s curse time accumulates when they’re in stoneskin mode as opposed to resetting after every cure.

On one hand, that would make advancing in stages a more feasible concept. On the other hand, that would hugely wreck balance in the later stages of the game.

To mitigate that, we could lower the requirements to make higher grade heal potions/reduce cooldown times for foraging even further/increase the curse timer for higher stage stoneskins.

Food for thought. :o

Edit: Another option within the line of curse as an accumulation: we could have another set of potions.

1 set with low requirements to quickly heal a stage 2/3 stoneskin

1 set with higher requirements that heals and resets the accumulation timer of exclusively stage 2 or 3 stoneskins

Posted 11/10/19, edited 11/10/19

Apparently requesting to not be cured has gotten me cured twice in 8 minutes… lol

Yeah I don’t think anyone is going to get to see stage 2 let alone 3

Posted 11/10/19

I agree with Arin. :/ It’s frustrating being almost immediately cured without even a chance to infect people while it sounds like so many others already have a bunch of zombie achievement points. And the added stress of people not wanting to be bitten and not knowing who is safe to bite or not, is really not fun. The random button is a nice idea, but I’d much prefer to be able to put in names, so I didn’t have to worry about upsetting someone. And because there’s a points cap, there’s no reason for me to heal anyone until I get the stage 3 zombie ones done, since I can’t risk losing out on points if I use up my ingredients now.

And yeah. >.> Also I am kind of doubting I’m even going be able to get to see anyone at stage 3 at this rate, let alone have time to cure 40 of them.

Posted 11/10/19, edited 11/10/19