22:01 ST
[EVENT] The Stoneskin Outbreak (Nov 10th - Nov 24th)
Still nobody to infect. Keme just wants to bite someone ;——;
Posted 11/10/19
Posted 11/10/19
yeeeeeah, not only do requirements for stages 2 and 3 need adjusting, but the shop prices are also ludicrously expensive. i’d really urge a price cut for at LEAST the openable items.
Posted 11/10/19

My stats so far:

Mycenians healed: 17
Mycenians cursed: 2

Posted 11/10/19
What about taking NPCs and throwing more of them into a mix? just make it so they randomly become infected at points. sometimes with stage 2 or 3? At this rate it’ll be literally impossible to actually do anything involving stage 2 and 3 cause we keep curing or infecting everyone!
Posted 11/10/19
there doesn’t appear to be anyone to heal
Posted 11/10/19

No one to heal, please we need more curses c;

Edit: Resolved!

Posted 11/10/19, edited 11/10/19

so i think something might be a bit off with the timer

Posted 11/10/19

Is there a way to get the NPCs to not cure me? I’m attempting to get to stage three infection >_>

Also, is there a way to change the pet I picked for the event. I’m regretting picking Malis.

Posted 11/10/19, edited 11/10/19
Nobody’s really been able to get to stage 2 even. It’s supposed to take a whole day to do, and atm everyone is getting converted the moment their timer runs out pretty much.
Posted 11/10/19
Just outta curiosity, has anyone managed to get grave water or glowing moss from foraging? I’ve only found the mushrooms so far. I know we won’t need them til someone manages to get to stage 2, but I am just deeply curious!
Posted 11/10/19
I’ve found two glowing moss so far!  Hope they’ll be useful someday.  No grave water yet.  Lots of mushrooms. 
Posted 11/10/19
Losty I’ve actually had more grave water than LBMs. xD I made some level 2 salves to have around for when they’re needed.
Posted 11/10/19
DawningChimerical Thanks so much for letting me know, guys! That’s awesome :D
Posted 11/10/19
I’m just waiting on materials for tier 3 salves. Haven’t got any of the final ingredient yet. Got 12 mushrooms and 2 grave waters though. (Counting what I crafted.)
Posted 11/10/19, edited 11/10/19
heyyy, uh, please don’t heal someone who has, “please don’t heal!” in their pet’s name. :( i have that on my representative and got healed anyway — and not from an npc either. so frustrating.
Posted 11/10/19
I’m having the same issue. I have a ‘Please do not heal’ and I’m still getting healed. I’m guessing its from when people click the ‘random’ option.
Posted 11/10/19

I always do random, because I don’t like picking ^^’


I mean, if I see one in the group that has “don’t heal” or something like that, I pick a different one, not random. But I don’t know how random works, it probably picks from the whole pool of stoneskin

Posted 11/10/19, edited 11/10/19
Yeah, if people select “Random”, then it selects people randomly regardless of name.
Posted 11/10/19

Yeah random doesn’t care if your pet has a name saying to leave it one way or the other. Unfortunate, that. But if there literally aren’t any other options, then infecting someone who has “don’t infect” could be the only way to not waste time on the timer. (Though salves for healing can be saved.)

Basically you’re bound to switch back and forth, regardless of whether you want to or not. Especially with so many people just picking random. A better option would probably be to say something like “Cure me” or “Petrify me” so people can put you back on the team you want to be on asap when they see your name.

Posted 11/10/19, edited 11/10/19

I know that I’m always picking random, no matter which side I’m on.
Simultaneously don’t like picking, and indecisive as heck anyway xD

Posted 11/10/19

Is everyone infected again?

Edit: Nvm they are showing up >w>

Posted 11/10/19, edited 11/10/19

I’m getting neopound flashbacks ROFLROFLROFL

- Hoax

Posted 11/10/19


hahahaha Hoax it’s so true!

Posted 11/10/19
Yeah I’m definitely curious how stage 2 and 3 would come around bc flipping back and forth seems super common - maybe infected pets can infect each other further if there’s no healers to infect? Perhaps? That might be a complex thing to last-minute program though.
Posted 11/10/19
With the small pool of active users and the bugginess of how the event is so far, it’s really not fair to tell people not to heal your character. The infect page doesn’t rotate users for me, selecting random chooses a random person anyhow, and with NPCs needing to step in to heal/curse as needed, having requests in names is pointless.
Posted 11/10/19

Ok, hands down the worst part of being cursed is having to go a while without gazing at the collection image. xD

(I may have saved the URL… https://www.mycenacave.com/images/events/stoneskin/collect.png)

Posted 11/10/19
Hey so question—can the greater salves be used to cure a lower level cursed? Or does each salve have to be used on its corresponding level?
Posted 11/11/19

@Chimerical (#1046)

Each salve can only cure it’s own corresponding level.

Posted 11/11/19

Chimerical YES!!! That collection page image is so very good! ;;A;; They did a really good job!!

I’m super loving this event so far!! It’s a really adorable concept, and I’m enjoying the rapidfire back and forth between sides! And I’m REALLY loving how the level 1 salve is very easily obtainable!!

BittyKitty You can ping people like this:
[ @bittykitty ] <—- But without the spaces!! 8DDDD


Posted 11/11/19, edited 11/11/19