03:35 ST
[EVENT] The Stoneskin Outbreak (Nov 10th - Nov 24th)

As fun as that potentially sounds, will there be a way to opt out of that at the end of the event? I really don’t want to be spammed with you’ve been cursed/cured/cursed/cured every time I log in.

Edit: That and I would like to change my forum representative, unless we can do that at the end of the event regardless. (I still don’t want a wall of notifications…)

Posted 11/23/19, edited 11/23/19

What happens to extra salves/supplies/cures? Will there be a raffle or extra points awarded, or is it a waste if time to keep gathering/healing when we’re cured if we have no more achievements we can or are likely to get?

Posted 11/23/19

Yoshi the expectation is that this will add somewhere between 30 and 120 minutes to the event.

Ashlar unused components and salves will not be rewarded.

Posted 11/23/19

As pretty as the collection image is, I’m getting real tired of looking at it. I’ve spent the majority of my time being cured and I’m sure if glitch posts an updated image of where most people have clicked, the exact spots I’ve been clicking will be fairly bright cause I’ve clicked so many dang times lmao. I’ve tried to remain “nameless” cause up until now I really haven’t cared if I was cursed or cured, but I finally changed my name today to try and stay cursed to attempt to get some more of those achievements in (the elusive wigs are not my friend so I want every last opportunity to try and get at least one), and I’m still getting cured.
To the people who’ve been named “Cure Me” or “Curse Me” like the whole time, has it really helped at all?

Posted 11/24/19

Personally I’ve been trying to abide by people’s names, but I know some people have also specifically targeted those with name requests. And then there’s people who are just always using random…so while I haven’t put a request in my name, from what I’ve seen the answer seems to be: It’s fairly neutral/depends on whose online.

Posted 11/24/19
I only started using the heal me/curse me requests by the end since I’m a few points short of what I need, but from what I noticed it seems like people do try to abide by your requests to some extent, or if not they do have the tendency of clicking on your name more often than usual. There still seem to be a lot of people just hitting random tho (I don’t believe that there’s anyone out there maliciously targeting peeps with requests to give them what they specified they do not need) so depending on your luck you might end up not getting what you needed anyways, but personally if I see a list with regular names and one person with a specific request I’ll try to help them if I could so I can only hope the same extend to others.
Posted 11/24/19

What a neat ending this’ll be. Here’s hoping everyone ends up cursed at the end of days~

+hopefully I don’t forget about it and end up with a ton of extra cures. >>

e/ Oh, actually the latter won’t matter. I’ve apparently maxed out both standard and stage 2 cure achievements. Only 12/30 of the stage 3 achievements though. Apparently I need to work on my curse game. (Cursed 345/370 to max that. Smh.)

e// Amusingly, I’ve hit a similar point of apathy as raus in the comment below me. Not much point to keep going if I won’t be earning any achievements. Specifically in regards to curing stage 1 and 2 infected.Guess I’ll just be seeing how many ingredients I can gather by event end? Thought there was a cap implemented but I never hit it so maybe it broke or got removed, so shrug. Still annoyed by the bell dinging twice sometimes.

e/// I did math, it’s physically impossible for me to get any of the three achievements I have left with the time we have left. RIP perfect score. Ah well, can still help end the world at least. >:3

Posted 11/24/19, edited 11/24/19
It’s kind of cruel I’ve been stuck at 17 points for over half a day because I haven’t had the time to keep checking the timer and at this point it’s too far away for my obtaining the rest of the items I need to be seen as an achievable feat. I also have been crawling toward either next achievement because the mechanics of the game mean I’m forever being flipped to the other side than what I need to gain points. It’s disheartening, especially when I wanted to enjoy the event. I found that I was constantly crestfallen as someone swapped me to the other side and it killed my momentum. I’m not excited to see an event like this return as it only gave me negative emotions for over half the time I spent on it. Thank you for all the effort on this event, the art is lovely and the whole concept is nice, but it’s disheartening at best. I feel like my efforts don’t actually matter no matter what I do. Especially if I for sure won’t get any extra points. Why bother keeping at it?
Posted 11/24/19

I try to abide by names too. I always click random, but if there’s a name in my list that says to not cure/curse them, I’ll randomly choose someone manually so the random generator doesn’t accidentally pick them. I can’t tell people what to do, but like you guys said, I’d hope some people are at least being mindful of the names if they’re picking them and not targeting people specifically. That’d just be kinda rude. Need two more people cursed to get the next achievement so here’s hoping with my limited time I can be online I’ll get there before the end D:
(PS thank you to the secret admirer who sent me a wig, THANK YOU my character finally has the perfect hair <3)

Flipping so often really put a damper on my enjoyment of the event, especially when I’d finally get cursed and then immediately be cured and remain cured for several turns before getting cursed again. Repeat. I’m hoping they open a feedback form for this like they do for events, cause I definitely have some suggestions for if it were to return. I think the biggest thing that might’ve helped is extending the “safe” limit for when someone got cursed/cured, so they could remain in that stage for more than one timer round to get more out of their curse/cure. Alternatively, I think this event would be super fun if there weren’t points or prizes involved. Rather, make it more of a community thing, red team blue team, and the winning team gets bragging rights or whatever. Sure you could throw in some small prizes here and there, but it just doesn’t seem to be the right style of game for a full blown event like in the past.
Still appreciated the event and at points had fun, and like raus said, I greatly appreciate all the effort staff put into it. The artwork is beautiful, and the active participation from the coders and moderators to help the event run smoother was wonderful.

Posted 11/24/19
yeah, i have to agree that i reeeeeally don’t want to see another event like this again. i appreciate the effort put into rebalancing it, though, and the art and such was incredible, as it always is. it just… wasn’t fun at all, and i found myself more irritated at the event than having fun. there are all kinds of event systems that i’ve liked from this site, but this ain’t it, chief.
Posted 11/24/19
I actually really liked this event! I thought there were a lot of good mechanics, and the flipping made it so one person wasn’t stuck as cursed or cured for the entirety of the event. The prizes were really cool, and the points system was fair.
Posted 11/24/19
We could just coordinate it so that neither side wins and add another couple weeks to the event so everyone can get more points. I’m sure it’ll work out well for us probably.
Posted 11/24/19
polygone LOL. Right now it looks like it’s down to the stage 3s to keep the curse going.
Posted 11/24/19
Praise the fact there is no moss. xD
Posted 11/24/19
I’ve got all the moss, just no water to do anything with it xD
Posted 11/24/19

mycena forums doesn’t have emoji support, so just imagine the upside-down smiley here.

Posted 11/24/19
Oof. I’ve the opposite problem where I just never got any moss so I couldn’t get the stage 3 cure achievements, rip. Plenty of water though.Here’s hoping you get your last heal Jacq~
Posted 11/24/19
In retrospect, I think adding the bonus time at the end was a bad idea (it was mine :P). It seemed cute on paper, but in practice it just meant that people were competing with each other at the end, and that’s something we typically try to avoid.
Posted 11/24/19

I crafted by last salve but there was no one to heal, since the cheevos are dependent on other players being there to be acted upon.

Posted 11/24/19