22:05 ST
[EVENT] The Stoneskin Outbreak (Nov 10th - Nov 24th)
I’ve been letting the randomizer choose my victimstargets for me. I really enjoy having that option!
Posted 11/10/19, edited 11/10/19

I am dedicated to being an agent of chaos and any requests will lead me to opposite.

But then… what if people begin the request the opposite of what they want… in order to trick me!?

Posted 11/10/19
Agreed Kite, the being able to just random things is super helpful, that’s what I’ve been doing. XD
Posted 11/10/19

Hello, I have a few questions please!
I tried to heal a Mycenian that was in the list, but it said “Invalid selection”?  (This happened twice so far.)
I’m still “Unafflicted”, but users post they get cursed very often?

Posted 11/10/19, edited 11/10/19
Lord I felt that… LMAO
Posted 11/10/19

So far the randomizer has only selected Mycenians that were on the page for me even though the instructions page says: “Selecting a Mycenian at random does not limit you to Mycenians that you could have targeted directly.” This has happened twice, so I do want to check that the mechanism is choosing from a wider pool like I’m interpreting the instructions to mean?

Edit: I just had the same thing happen for the third time where I hit Random and it’s still a selection from the handful listed on the page.

Posted 11/10/19, edited 11/10/19

I AM A FOOL why didn’t I pick my Plague Doctor as the pet trying to cure everyone but also just spreading disease?? a fool

Time to dress up my main baby with the plague doctor stuff

Posted 11/10/19

Marina They probably got healed by someone else before you sent yours through!

Anyway, it does seem like the timers are being worked on, so I’m optimistic. It does seem like the cure rate is overtaking the curse rate, haha.

Posted 11/10/19, edited 11/10/19

Ah okay, that makes sense, also I just got cursed, haha ^^

Posted 11/10/19

Me, getting cured: Curses, foiled again!!
Me, getting cursed: Cures, foiled again!!

Posted 11/10/19

Just dropping in to say - I’ve never played zombies/Healers?? Before and this is a load of fun! And hilarious omg I seem to have an okay-ish balance? I’m getting cursed more now, whereas before I was staying healer for quite a bit.
So just wanted to say: this is another fun event, the items/pets are gold, thank you! <3

Posted 11/10/19
It might also be nice if the “random” button acted made you anonymous. Especially in cases where someone’s changed the username, where you might “accidentally” do the thing they don’t want you to do. That might mitigate anxiety a bit.
Posted 11/10/19
Looks like we overcorrected earlier. More timer changes incoming:
  • The curse timer has been changed from 16 minutes back down to 15 minutes
  • For now, the forage timer is staying at 13 minutes

As a side note, I realize that there’s a lot of discussion going on in this thread that I haven’t responded to. I’m doing my best to keep you in the loop as to changes when they happen, but along with monitoring and working out adjustments I can’t (currently) afford to take the time to read through all the posts in this thread and come up with responses whenever I do.

Also, my apologies for anyone who got balance-healed then balance-cursed just a few moments ago. I accidentally healed a random batch of people instead of cursing them, so then had to counter-correct that. When I get a few minutes I will make the balance interface a little more difficult to get wrong :P

Posted 11/10/19, edited 11/10/19
Also, just as a note for potential future one side versus the other events, could we maybe be able to select two pets? So they’d be on opposite sides and depending on which side we’re currently on the avatar would be the pet from the side. I like how the stone skin thing works, but it is an item detail which is something to look for. A whole different pet would make things a little more obvious I think?
Posted 11/10/19

There is now an event bell for the timer!

Important note: if you don’t hear it, your may be configured to disable autoplay audio (some browsers also do this by default). If this happens to you, you will need to allow Mycena Cave to autoplay audio. This can typically be done by clicking the small “audio” icon next to your browser’s URL bar, but is browser dependent.

Posted 11/10/19
Thank you for adding the bell <3
Posted 11/10/19
Thank you for the bell!
Posted 11/10/19

...Got turned and then cured again, with 30 seconds on my timer. :|

If I just don’t collect anything anymore, is it possible to get infected again and immediately bite someone? -_- Or am i perma-cured until I collect something?

Posted 11/10/19

As far as I can tell, there’s no cooldown for anything. You can get cured/infected/cured and back again within a few minutes, whether you do anything or not.

Posted 11/10/19


Thank goodness. T^T I’m just going to stare at the forage button until someone bites me. @_@ Hopefully that will mean I don’t have to wait through an infection timer.

Posted 11/10/19

Why not change how the grace period works so that instead of a timer, it lasts until the first time you either infect a mycenian or gather an item? That way folk will get to accomplish something.

Nobody’s complained about it yet, but I am wondering whether or not our items are kept when we get cursed, since our inventory disappears. If it doesn’t, it probably should. It might make curing stage 3 infected essentially impossible if the cursed grab cured folk who haven’t recently been cured, (Which would happen more often with any form of grace timer) and thus have more items.
e/ Ah, it does keep. Good, good.

Also going to echo a bit of the concern over the shop prices. Bunch of items, some are expensive to get, and the achievements aren’t the highest earning things without high enough luck in staying on once side for long enough. I suppose we’ll see about that as the event evolves though. Cool event though. Love the side-switching.

Posted 11/10/19, edited 11/10/19

Why not change how the grace period works so that instead of a timer, it lasts until the first time you either infect a mycenian or gather an item? That way folk will get to accomplish something.

^^^^^ YES THIS.

Also yes, shop prices are really high, especially given that there’s a points cap. x.x

Posted 11/10/19
Uuuugh, frustrating to wait to gather an ingredient only to get cursed seconds before I click to scavenge ingredients.  Agree that I would love a grace period to gather at least what I waited for, because it feels like wasted time,
Posted 11/10/19
Is that only my browser, or does the event page not update for everyone when we get cured and afflicted?
Posted 11/10/19

FINALLY was able to bite someone. So, for those frustrated about continually being turned, best bet is to just not click the button at all until someone turns you into what you want to be. x.x You lose out a few minutes on the next timer, but it is way less frustrating than being turned within seconds of what you wanted to do. :/

Posted 11/10/19
Marina If you’re curious of browser-specific issues, might be helpful to mention yours. I’m using Chrome and the event page definitely doesn’t do or show anything when getting cured/afflicted without refreshing manually. Only noticed since I’ve been checking around the site looking up the new items etc.
Posted 11/10/19

Okay thank you, so it’s not just for me!
(I´m using an older version of Chrome and also checked on Firefox.)

Posted 11/10/19
Oh man oh man oh man this is getting me excited. >:D
Posted 11/10/19
I’m curious if anyone will actually get to the later stages of stoneskin. It kind of feels like changing happens so fast that it’s unlikely that someone will go for 24 or 48 hours without being changed (unless I’m not understanding the mechanics ^^’)
Posted 11/10/19

Infection’s cured, everyone! Event over. :3c

Posted 11/10/19