Wait, what if you make things and you don’t know if it’s worth $10? Because I’m broke but I would like to send stuff too \o/
Posted 11/18/14
yeahhhhh 2013 looks just like 2014. Registration problem has been fixed!
Posted 11/18/14
I’m also close to broke, but I could Probs either save up enough to get something nice for them in time, OR I could art something for them, maybe. :D *Being cheerful and optimistic cause Christmas time and happiness and stuff*
Posted 11/18/14
I’ve signed up! This looks like so much fun, I’m excited ;u;
Posted 11/18/14
8) Signed up! I find it really cool that we’re having an official sponsored Secret Santa on here this year! <3
Posted 11/18/14
I think you are more than welcome to send art that you made. The $10 amount is listed to give you an idea of the value you should be shooting for. We’re not going to tell you how much effort you need to put into it, but don’t just spend five minutes sketching something unless your name is Pablo Picasso.
Posted 11/18/14
Totally signed up. I hope I get someone who wants something IRL because I have a great idea for it. x3
Posted 11/18/14
I signed up! :D I cant waaaaitt ahhh!!!
Posted 11/18/14
Woot woot! Signed up and excited~
Posted 11/18/14
Hi everyone!
So far, about 1/3 of signups prefer to receive digital presents only. So, to try to match people as well as possible we’ve added a new preference that you can set before registration closes.
If you select this option, when we match Santas to Santa-ees we will try to match you with someone who will not restrict you to digital presents only. We can’t of course guarantee that you’ll be matched according to this preference, but we’ll do our best!
Please select this option only if you actually do have a preference of sending a physical present, in case there are more people who prefer sending physical presents than there are people willing to receive physical presents :)
Posted 11/19/14, edited 11/19/14
Signed up~
-Quietly flops out of the thread-
Posted 11/19/14
Eeeeee! This is very exciting! I hope I get someone I can send something physically to (won’t be art though… Fairly artistically challenged ^^”)! Great idea everyone c:
Posted 11/19/14
I’m so excited about this! Can’t wait to find out who I get to give a gift too :D
Posted 11/19/14
Also excited!
I love giving gifts~
Posted 11/19/14
-signs up-
Just to make sure, our addresses are publicly posted right? XD not insinuating anything negative, just making sure its only going to be given to the person who we’re matched with :3
Posted 11/19/14
Toxxy, I wondered about that too XD
I like the new option of sending only physical gifts and I was tempted to choose that, but I can just as easily send a physical sculpt, or draw digitally and compliment it with a nice MC item. I’ll just leave my options open for giving and receiving and hope my present isn’t an impromptu visit from an axe-wielding Santa fiend (joking, btw, I trust you guys) x3
Posted 11/19/14, edited 11/19/14
I was going to accept physical gifts (because that would be really cool!) but then I realized that I will not be at my delivery address for a lot of the event :( So I wouldn’t be able to tell if I got it or not. So.. Digital it is!
I have a question about the digital delivery of the gifts. Will there be a way to send it from santa? Or will they be sent anonymously? What if you are sending a pet, would there be a 3 gem charge?
Posted 11/19/14
Toxxy and Auswren: This is correct. Names and addresses are stored securely, only displayed to your assigned Santa, and will be permanently purged from Mycena Cave on January 1st.
The question of gifting pets and/or custom credit has come up a couple times now, so to publicly post our official response thusfar:
There is currently no “dedicated method” of transferring things between accounts for this event — the current plan is for digital gifts to be sent either via santa-mail in the case of a link to something, or via anonymous transfers (Mycena Cave currencies and items). Unless that changes, custom credit and pets themselves are out of scope for Mycena Cave Secret Santa, since they cannot currently be transferred or purchased anonymously.
We are considering ways around this, but have not come to a final decision yet. If the situation changes and CC / pets become viable, we will post an update before you are matched to your Santa-ee :)
Posted 11/19/14, edited 11/19/14
By digital gifts, would it just be Mycena Cave stuff? Or would digital include things like online gift cards?
Posted 11/19/14
I believe it would mean anything digital, Pine (so gift cards included). Anything you don’t have to physically get off your chair to send to someone.
Posted 11/19/14
As far as I am concerned, “digital” means “anything that don’t need your name and/or address” :)
Posted 11/19/14, edited 11/20/14
OwO I’ve registered! This is going to be fun!
Posted 11/20/14
Signed up! :D Though I hope my person doesn’t absolutely have to have a physical gift x-x *is going to be broke once I do my kids’ christmas shopping*
Posted 11/20/14
The address field appears to be just a blank, so can we add instructions in there? For example, if we’ll be at a different address for the very tail end of December, would we be able to supply that address too and indicate the dates we’ll be at that address (so that if someone wanted to send something physical they’d have a good chance of reaching us right away)? Or would that mess up/complicate the system too much?
Posted 11/20/14
Ooo I would rather send a physical gift, glad that option has popped up. c: I live abroad from most of you guys so I’d love to send goodies from my country to someone! <3 (Hope you like Cadburys mystery person).
Posted 11/20/14, edited 11/20/14
Please only use the address as an address field, and do not add other “notes” to it. You will be able to communicate these notes to your santa once they have been assigned.
Posted 11/20/14
Signed up! This is a completely brilliant idea! Now I can spread the christmas cheer about even more! Plus I actually have ten bucks set aside for this event, so it’s perfect~
*Quietly lurks until my giftee is given to me*
Posted 11/22/14
Just under one week left to sign up!
Posted 11/24/14
I’ll be signing up but I’ll be putting my brother’s address. I had an issue with cyberstalking, and while I totally trust you guys, you never know if maybe that person is here kinda lurking and stalking me and I don’t know about it, so… Better safe than sorry! u n u;; So, I hope that’s fine. I asked permission and everything, so hopefully, me signing up with my brother’s address will be okay. ; w ;
Posted 11/26/14
Ahh, I actually have an issue. Due to circumstances beyond my control, the address I provided will no longer be relavent after the 20th to reach me at should my gifter want to send me a physical gift. @____@ I will be leaving the state I live in currently to move to another all the way across country. Should I just leave it as-is and talk with my Santa about it?
Posted 12/01/14, edited 12/01/14