So. Out of curiosity, what do we do if our Santa-ee hasn’t been online in several weeks? I mean, I have some backup gift ideas just in case (as I can’t find much of a wishlist for them). But if they haven’t been on by the time the deadline draws near do I just message Glitch to let him know I’ve sent the gifties? I don’t want to be marked as a bad Santa because they’re not on to mark it received. D: (EDIT: As a note I haven’t sent anything yet as I’m HOPING they’ll get on at some point to let me know what they’re really wanting, but if it gets too near and there’s been no sign of them?)
Posted 12/06/14, edited 12/06/14
Eviiana I know what you mean about typing style. I feel like certain smilies in particular give me away, along with the overall flow of my sentences. But maybe I’m just being paranoid c: I have no idea who my SS is but I suspect they’re trying to type generically on purpose to remain anonymous. They seem nice though, and we’re both fans of Toothless so that’s neat x3 I’m hoping they’ll tell me who they are after Dec 25th, since I just now saw the part in the rules about staying anonymous indefinitely unless your Santa-ee asks who you are! I really hope my Santa-ee asks for my identity too, I kind of want them to know who I am after spending 6+ hours crafting their gift today. And there’s more work ahead tomorrow to complete it :D
Posted 12/07/14, edited 12/07/14
If you have a wishlist up, or a very inventive Santa, you may never be reached out to by your Santa before they give you your present, and that’s just fine. They don’t have to give you something you specifically asked for. On the other end, you may reach out to your Santa-ee whenever you have questions about what they’d like :)
Posted 12/07/14
I am just vibrating with excitement right now. My Santa created art for me, but instead of simply taking photos, they’ve gone and mailed it to me instead! It was the last thing I was expecting, as I live in New Zealand and postage is just ridiculous in and out of this country. I am seriously so excited, I can’t wait- aaaaah! These are going to be the longest weeks to wait.
Posted 12/10/14
The IRL part of my gift from my Secret Santa came in the mail today! :33 So not only did I get the complete December OotS set, but I also got a SUPER RAD HOMESTUCK CALENDAR! Thank you, SS! You are the beeeeeeest! ;w; *also very sneaky because you had to have dug a lil bit to find out that I love Homestuck ohohoh*
Posted 12/12/14, edited 12/12/14
My SS is a gem! I really appreciate and understand that postage is fairly expensive to our little continent in the middle of nowhere so they have given me 10 gems for now and the physical present will come at a later date! Super happy with 10 gems so now I cen get next months OotS! Thank you super secret Santa <3
Posted 12/12/14
I got my SS gift today~
Posted 12/13/14
I got my SS gifts today, such amazings!! <3 <3 *loves all over my SS* Though I had an amazing/cute thought! O.O Granted, my gifties were AMAZING. <3 But it would have been cool to have the option to wait to ‘unwrap’ a few of my gifties closer to Christmas and all. /random happy thoughts. ^3^
Posted 12/14/14, edited 12/14/14
Along the line of suggestions, I’d love for there to be a way to anonymously trade pets? Like maybe through the SS page have a transfer pet option, then the sender could just pay the one-way trade fee themselves and the pet would show up for the receiver to collect under a little tree or something. That way you don’t have to give yourself away. Would work with Skye’s idea! Instead of just having them send the items, have the transfers all done through that page so it’s like getting a gift left under the tree for them. c:
Posted 12/14/14
I got my gift today, and OMG LEMME TELL YOU, IT’S PRETTY GOSH DARN AMAZING, I TELL YOU HWAT (Yes, you’re supposed to read that as hwat, think of Hank Hill. Say it like that. In that Hank Hill accent. Yes, got it in your head? Are you laughing? No? Oh. Okay. Sorry. .___. ) NO SERIOUSLY THOUGH… Lookit herrrr. Mind the nudity! Illy’s not shy about her body! 8D;; Though.. there’s nothing there. XD JUST LOOKIT IT, THO. ; A ; LOOKIT ALL THE LOVE THAT WENT INTO IT. I guess she was made via felting? Because my SS sent felting needles with her.~ I looked it up today, felting, and it looks like a really long and work-heavy hobby. Which makes me love this all the more. ; w ; Anyway, onto the photo! Isn’t she DARLING?? ; u ; Absolutely precious. <3 I love it sososo much. ; 3; Thank you, Secret Santa!! My SS even sent me a cute lil butterfly in a bottle and some extra pearls and some pressed flowers, because Ilya likes to collect things from the surface~ And, all of her accessories are removable! This gift is just so thoughtful and sweet, and I love it so so much. I have her sitting up with my plushies right now as I type this~
Posted 12/14/14
I GOT MY PACKAGE FROM MY SS TODAY. I am sooooo happy!!! They got me such a thoughtful gift; I love it! LITTLE BABY MAPLE SYRUPS AND LITTLE CUTE LEAVES THAT WILL GO INTO MY MOUTH AS WELL AS A CHOCOLATE COACH (which I’m watching closely so it doesn’t zoom away into glitch‘s mouth!!). And sparklytissuepaper. @u@ And a cute note! It’s so perfect. Thank you, my Santa! <3
Posted 12/15/14, edited 12/15/14
... whoops. 8D;;; Firkasa: Llamabun FOREVER! *mooshes Firky onto her chocolate couch*
Posted 12/15/14, edited 12/15/14
Wow, you guys have amazing Santas! Mine is still working on some arts for one of my pets and I can’t wait ‘til it’s done. ^^ Also, my Santa-ee hasn’t gotten in touch with me yet. I’m still planning on sending them some stuff, but I don’t want to be marked as a bad Santa or something. :<
Posted 12/16/14
MY SANTA PRESENT ARRIVED IN THE MAIL! First off, holy crap for sending something all the way to New Zealand, you rock for that! I knew it would be a piece of art, but I wasn’t expecting the unholy adorable, absolutely incredibly amazing ORNAMENT of my very own Ciaphas Cain! The detail on it is incredible, but I could only take excited pictures with my laptop camera because my two year old has misplaced my camera (again). Ignore my robe and mess, the courier arrived at Ridiculous o’clock and I couldn’t be bothered getting dressed for photos. Oooh… sneaky Santa, still not giving me your name! Omg I thought it was going to be a drawing or something, not this masterpiece! Eeeeee~ His home! He’ll be going on the wall after Christmas 8D Edit: Found my camera~
Posted 12/16/14, edited 12/16/14
I just got my gift(s) from my Santa and I have melted into a puddle of squeaky delight! Not only did they give me 10CC but they gave me this:
It’s my characters Cecila and her forest spirit friend/protector/familiar Sedd and mySantaisanawesomepersonohmygod!
Posted 12/17/14
Oh dear, I have a really generous Santa. >//w//< *Squeaks happily.*
Posted 12/18/14