16:10 ST
[EVENT] Winter Holiday Fun Book - Dec 22 - Jan 4
-rolls up sleeves- Time to grade! Gosh, tons of last minute entries, ahah!
Posted 01/05/15
Finishing Up!

134 people participated in the Winter Holiday Fun Book in total. 124 people completed at least one puzzle; 461 puzzles were sent in total.

Some assorted notes…
Word Seeker [115 entries]: 79 people found a backwards cat, 42 people found a forwards cat and 6 of these found both cats \o/
Sudoku [96 entries]: 2 people submitted the alternate (harder) solution in the early days, when the Sudoku was missing two numbers & was much harder than it was supposed to be
Trivia [68 entries]: This turned out to be the hardest, as only 13 of you got all Trivia questions completely correct. People got question 18 (maximum possible echolocation score) and question 1 (artist that designed the pet lineart) wrong most often: 32 and 13 times respectively!
Find the Differences [101 entries]: This was second hardest, as about 50% of you did not manage to find all 12 differences. The 2D/3D Wooden Frame around the window and the differently angled christmas Light were missed most often: 32 and 20 times respectively!
Crossword [82 entries]

The correct solutions to all puzzles can be found here, should you like to take a peek ;)

You will all be receiving an echo with the amount of pages of which we have a record for your minimum participation, and the amount of puzzles you got 100% correct. This echo will also contain a link to a Google Form which you can use to let us know which items you would like to receive for your 100% correct puzzle entries. If you believe we made a mistake and you completed 7 or less pages, please let us know which pages you believe you completed so we can look into the situation.

- If you’d like to keep the Community Tall Tales stories going, you’re absolutely welcome to!
- The last few Tall Tales Monsters are on the way; Rest assured, you’ll be able to see all of them on display soon!
- Staff members have until Sunday, January 11th to judge the Tall Tales Monsters, Mycena Cave Dictionary entries, Colouring Book Pages, What’s that Sound? entries and Caption Contest entries, after which the results will be posted.
- The feedback survey will go up Monday, January 12th.

Posted 01/05/15, edited 01/05/15

Um um I think one of the trivia questions is technically incorrect? 8l; The question asked:

Which freebie item was given out for Valentine’s Day in 2013?

The answer should have been nothing given that we didn’t open until June of 2013. The exact post with the Punch Drunk Love being given out was actually on: February 14th, 2014 at 01:04 am.

So. 8l Perhaps it was a typo?

Posted 01/05/15, edited 01/05/15
Dove; Ah, good that you spotted that. Anyone that sent in “the site didn’t exist on Valentine’s Day 2013” had the answer marked as correct. As soon as we became aware of the typo (the second or third day of the event), it was updated to 2014. Let me add that alternative answer to the list :)
Posted 01/05/15, edited 01/05/15
Oh good, I’m glad I wasn’t just going crazy LOL. Thanks for the clear-up!
Posted 01/05/15, edited 01/05/15
Will we be able to see the ‘find the differences’ picture again? Now that I know which one I missed, I want to see it XD
Posted 01/05/15

If you open it in a new tab, it’s biggerish.  I was a butt and made the second green light at a little bit of a different angel angleglitchismean. OuO ouo OuO


Posted 01/05/15, edited 01/05/15

*Eye twitch*

I spent more time than I am willing to admit searching for that one light.

Posted 01/05/15
I almost want to ask how many people completed all 12 pages, but I feel like that would be nosy…  ._.)
Posted 01/05/15

Myly, I think this is the correct second picture:

Posted 01/05/15


glarch is meaaaaaannnnnn and makes fun of mrrlrr

*flumps into nearest person and makes sad buffalo noises*

Posted 01/05/15
Nephele; Already told you in chat, but for public knowledge: 5 people completed all 12 pages, and one of those got everything correct :D
Posted 01/05/15

XD I had looked at the lights soooo many times and never noticed it. I honestly thought I was overdoing it when I noticed the slight difference in the shade of green on the wall. Instead of guessing the light, I listed the middle drawer of candy as being the difference - my screen was tilted slightly so they looked like different colours >3>;

And Nephele, I did 11/12 - I skipped the community tall tales when I realised there was no individual prize for them, since I had already done over 8 at that point. (as fun as they looked, I was just too tired to do them without a possible prize XD)

Edit: Gives Myla a buffalo treat ; 3;

Posted 01/05/15, edited 01/05/15
Aww~ there there Myla! *glares at meany-pants Glitch*
Posted 01/05/15

*gently pats the mrrlrr*

it’s okay, we won’t let the mean glitchy hurt you any more. uwu only smiles now

Posted 01/05/15
TuT *happily rubs noseboogies on Diglett, Timcampi, doragon* <3333
Posted 01/05/15, edited 01/05/15
I kinda cheated at those differences by placing one image over the other in SAI and playing with the above layer’s opacity slider. :T *Hides.*
Posted 01/05/15


Congrats on your 600th post. :33

Posted 01/05/15
*Does not mind the noseboogies and hands you a tissue* There, it’ll be alright now, like doragon say all smiles~ ^w^
Posted 01/05/15
...besides… I can’t grammar either… XD
Posted 01/05/15

...........I got one trivia question wrong. One.
Somehow it’s always a thousand times worse when that happens |:
Like missing the next grade up on coursework/exams/ect by one mark (which I’ve also been known to do XD)

Posted 01/05/15, edited 01/05/15

Ooh, thanks. |D

Posted 01/05/15

No problem. ^^

Posted 01/05/15

Whee! I’m in a minority! *dances*

I only did all twelve because I wanted to be certain I met the minimum requirements for at least 8. I need that squirrel shroom. Also a female name that starts with U…

Posted 01/05/15

@Keeper, I got two wrong. XD One of them I genuinely had no idea (I think it was the ‘who designed the human characters’ question? I mean, I took to google with that one, found some random pet site forum type place (virtualpetlist?) where someone who I thought was myla was talking about having created the human avatars, BUUUUT now that I’m looking at it again I see that she said Eluii made the current ones, and that the ones she made were placeholders. XD;; Derp. The other one I got wrong was #18, I put 26. I have no idea what the question was, there, though. xD

This was the forum where I got the human cahracter info XD Second to last comment on the thread.

Posted 01/05/15, edited 01/05/15
I got the human avatars question wrong, too. Was convinced Daffu had done those lines as well as the pet lines, for some reason XD
Posted 01/05/15
I had no problem with he human avatar question, but I’ve totally assumed that Myla was the one behind the pet lines, ahah. >w>
Posted 01/05/15

Bahaha I got the narration question wrong. I typed up the trivia on my phone, and completely failed to realize that there was an embedded audio file. I thought they meant who wrote the chapter…. /facedesk.

Also go me for breaking one of the trivia questions with the release of the white wind coat (oops!!!)

Posted 01/05/15

aww man haha i cant believe i missed that window thing! i must have stared out that window for 10 minutes total muttering to myself “there has to be a difference over here its a NATURE scene for boney’s sake there’s ALWAYS a difference with those”

instead of that i had “10. the red light spots on the wall in the top pic are a dark red border and lighter red in the middle, the light spots in the bottom picture are all dark red” for my last difference, LOL.

Posted 01/05/15

I reached the minimum requirements for all 8 pages I participated in and got 100% correct in 4 out of my 5 puzzle entries, so that’s a furry squirrelly pet and… 6 of the accessories? I was always so sure that Myla did the pet linearts and that cost me my one mistake on the Trivia. D8

On another note, I’m one of the 6 who found both “cats”, which is awesome. 8D

Posted 01/05/15