07:20 ST
[EVENT] Winter Holiday Fun Book - Dec 22 - Jan 4

Flarp, I missed the echolocation one
Had no clue what the highest score was or how to find it ._.

Completed 10 pages though so that’s cool :)

Posted 01/05/15

“Nephele; Already told you in chat, but for public knowledge: 5 people completed all 12 pages, and one of those got everything correct :D”

/ whistles innocently
I wonder who completed all the pages and got them all correct…

Posted 01/05/15, edited 01/05/15

The only page I didn’t complete (well I did do it but I didn’t get minimum participation) was that dang trivia. XD The Echolocation question made me mad since I had no idea how to score on it (I’m REALLY bad) and couldn’t guess the answer.

But I still got 11/12 pages done/correct so that’s exciting!

Posted 01/05/15
We missed a really easy one because of a herp derp mistake. XD Oh well!
Posted 01/05/15, edited 01/05/15

The echolocation one is tricky! Most people get 26 or roughly around that. Where you actually find the answer is the bottom of the Instruction page:

“Select where you think the wasps are by clicking a box in the grid. Once you’ve selected four locations, click the “Complete” button that appears. If you got all four of the locations correct, you win! You earn points (and nuggets) corresponding to how many fields around the nest are still “X"es. If you get any of the locations wrong, you get no points (and no nuggets!) so be careful. ”

There are a total of 32 boxes (8 on each side)! :D

Posted 01/05/15
You can also hop over to the games page and under Echolocation Statistics it has the maximum winnings listed n_n; /aka I didn’t want to math or count 8D;
Posted 01/05/15, edited 01/05/15
Idc how well I did, as long as I get the mushroom. XD Boney said I met the minimum participation requirements, so yaay! 8DD
Posted 01/05/15

oh! ouo Well dang, I didn’t think to look at the games page (and I didn’t know it existed?) And thanks Ama! That makes sense now. o-o When I was looking at it while trying to answer the question, it soared over my head. x3 Must be too much cold medicine hehe.

But yaaaay for minimum requirements, Tama! 8D *high fives*

Posted 01/05/15
The titled light bulb on Spot the Differences was actually the first thing I found. o-o But I missed the stripe on the back wall. xD;
Posted 01/05/15

I missed number eight in the trivia due to a derpy typo which is super embarrassing ^^; I put June 2, 2013 instead of June 21, 2013.

And I did a similar cheaty Mc-cheatingtons thing as Rhyme for Find the Differences. Just stacked the two images in photoshop and flipped the top image on and off. The differences are glaringly obvious that way.

Posted 01/09/15, edited 01/09/15
Cant wait til the prizes are handed out :D This was super fun, if not a little stressful for me because I was out of town and having to to almost all the pages on my phone xD
Posted 01/09/15

That was really clever Auswren :o Wish I had thought of that lol

Glad you were able to finish pages Foxcat :)

Posted 01/10/15

Minimum participation prizes have been sent out! I’m looking forward to seeing TONS OF SQUIRRELY’S pop up over the next few days :D!

Wrapping up:
- 100% Correct Puzzle rewards will be given out on Monday (to those of you that haven’t filled out the form yet: Please do so before Sunday 23:59 ST!)
- Raffles for the most unique entries of the art/writing pages will be drawn on Monday
- The Feedback Survey will be launched on Monday as well!

Posted 01/10/15, edited 01/10/15


My capsule had the Enchanted Wings! Now I no longer feel bad about selling them.

Posted 01/10/15


You opened a Cave Capsule 2014 to find a Fairy Dust Mushroom!

D; I already have two fairy dust inekis! *drowns*


Makes sense

Posted 01/10/15, edited 01/10/15
Pffft. I got a Boss of the Cave Hat. XD Really have no opinion about this item. ^^;
Posted 01/10/15

Important note: I accidentally gave two mushrooms to some users. Please do not sell or trade the extra, I’ll remove them again as soon as I can. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Edit: This has been resolved :)

Posted 01/10/15, edited 01/10/15
I got Whipped Cream from my cave capsule :3 But I thought I had two each of the event items coming and only got one of each? Maybe I misunderstood? ^^;
Posted 01/10/15
I got a Faerie Ring in mine! That’s just what I needed for Shay!
Posted 01/10/15
Auswren: only minimum participation prizes have been given out so far :)
Posted 01/10/15
I got a Cordyceps Shroom! I already have one, was hoping for one of the two monthlies I missed in 2014, but still happy! :D
Posted 01/10/15

Loooot! Thanks guys!

You opened a Cave Capsule 2014 to find a Winter Dragon Mushroom!

That was nice to get! :)

Posted 01/10/15

You opened a Cave Capsule 2014 to find a Pumpkin Pie Mushroom!

*dances* neat!! :D

Posted 01/10/15
I got a tribal flame shroom! I really wanted this coloration!! Thanks so much for hosting this! :)
Posted 01/10/15
I got Fairy Dust Mushroom, I wanted it so much omg. *w*
Posted 01/10/15

Got a Winter Dragon Shroom, not sure whether I’ll be using or selling it. *3*

Aand I’ve used my squirrel shrrom on Saskia. :D

(Now I need to drift the perfect colour, today’s was an ugly yellow. XD)

Posted 01/10/15
Got some flappy mushies! I liked that item so I’m definitely not complaining.
Posted 01/10/15
Spirit Dove! 8D how appropriate ahahaha
Posted 01/10/15

You opened a Cave Capsule 2014 to find a Bleeding Tooth Mushroom Mushroom!

Was hoping for a faerie dust but it’s not terrible :)

Posted 01/10/15
I will keep this capsule. I will love on it and put it into the Shizudragon hoard. NEVER TO BE SEEN AGAIN.
Posted 01/10/15