Voted “Most Unique” by Staff! For some of these pages, voting was so close together that people were only off by a point or two — In these cases, we’ve also added Honorable Mentions, and we’ve decided that Honorable Mentions will also receive a Winter Holiday Fun Book item of their choice. To everyone that was mentioned as a chosen “Most Unique” or “Honorable Mention” entry, please notify us ASAP which Winter Holiday Fun Book item you would like by echoing me, the Bone Monster! (If you were chosen in multiple categories, that means you get one item for each mention!)
Tall Tales Monster “This aquatic monster seems capable of immobilizing its prey with its deathly stare. I am both impressed and wary.” “This entry is really fun! It blends in elements of eerie, whimsical, and silly all in one. It made me think of a Baba Yaga that just wants your love (for better or worse).” “This little moustache man made my mother and I smile and giggle every time we saw it. We can just imagine it running around, dangly bits dangling, bumping into your feet and keeping you happy with its smiles and chuckles.” Raffle of 3 Red Tufted Squirrel Mushrooms between these 9 users.: The Mycena Cave Dictionary Meesh‘s “Tangletailed” lollobrigida‘s “saltan/salteen” Skye‘s “Furlytwinge” Honorable mentions: Cohena‘s “Agiel Askana”, Nuncia‘s “Drasillisp” and Plasma‘s “Drasillic”! Raffle of 1 Red Tufted Squirrel Mushroom between these 3 users: The winner is: Skye! Coloring Book by Pirran “I *love* the colors and the glowy effect that Pirran achieved on the rocks.” by Asher “Frey’s entry captures the essence of what the moment is about — providing a warm cozy home on a cold winter’s night. I want to jump into that picture and curl up!” by Blemy “I really like how unique you’ve made the shading on both the ineki and squirrel. I also really enjoyed the glow around the rocks and blue wisp!” Honorable mention: Crow! Raffle of 1 Red Tufted Squirrel Mushroom between these 3 users: The winner is: Pirran! What was that Sound? Nyfeaena‘s Snoring Dracckos Hush‘s Cupboard Gremlin Songbird‘s Magnificent Raffle of 1 Red Tufted Squirrel Mushroom between these 3 users: The winner is: Songbird! Caption Contest
“This caption is short and sweet, yet manages to tie together different parts of the image. It also hits that sort of sly, wry humor right on the head.”
“Ha. Hahahaha! How accurate :D It almost sounds like you’re a (very bored) tour guide passing by an interesting exhibit, exactly the way most (very bored) tour guides usually sound!”
“Those ghosts are DEFINITELY in the mafia—you can even tell who is the evil mastermind and who is the side-kick. I would do exactly as they say, Florence. ):” Honorable Mentions: Aloulore, Sheppard and Meesh! Raffle of 1 Red Tufted Squirrel Mushroom between these 3 users: The winner is: Miranda! Doodle Page SURPRISE! We’re raffling off another Red Tufted Squirrel Mushroom for the three most unique doodle pages, because we ..didn’t know why we wouldn’t in the first place :D by Tamako “I’m very impressed with Tamako’s doodle!” and “It’s clear that a lot of time and effort was spent on this picture. The lineart is detailed and neat, and the inclusion of background and foreground, as well as varying shades of gray, give it an illusion of depth that makes a very compelling picture.” by lollobrigida ”.. Congratulations, you have scarred me for life (Bone Monster’s sticky-uppy leg though.. ahhhhh) XD!” and “Who would have thought? Of course the Bone Monster has to keep himself clean, with all that dust & grime piling up around the Cave Entrance! This made me smile big :D” by Rhyme “OMNOMNOMNOM PRESENTSSSSS! (It also looks a little tipsy with that nose, wonder what it’s been drinking..)” Honorable mention: Auswren! Raffle of 1 Red Tufted Squirrel Mushroom between these 3 users.
People we’re still expecting an echo with their chosen Winter Holiday Fun Book item from…
Red Tufted Squirrel Mushroom winners
Posted 01/11/15, edited 01/12/15
Congrats to all winners, your entries were awesome! <3 Rhyme I knew you would win something. |D
Posted 01/11/15
Additional Note to Users Who Submitted a Mycena Cave Dictionary Entry There is a chance that your word may be used in future lore or story-related content, with proper credit given. If you would prefer that your word is not used, please echo me, the Bone Monster, to let me know.
Posted 01/11/15
Congrats to everyone!! I didn’t think any of my drawings would make it up here, but I’m super glad to have provided all of the bone washing fun for everyone to enjoy! I’m also glad to see that my salty snack word got selected!! Everyone did such a great job with these, I’m glad to have participated!
Posted 01/14/15