18:42 ST
[EVENT] Choose Your Own Adventure: official thread
The CYOA points have been awarded!

if anyone thinks a mistake was made in your grading or feedback points, send an echo with both Prose and Myla as the recipients and one of us will investigate! :)

Welcome to the Mycena Cave Choose Your Own Adventure!

Winter winds and snow might make it difficult to run around outside, but that’s no reason you can’t stretch your creative muscles!

Welcome to Mycena Cave’s own Choose Your Own Adventure creativity event! The prompts provided will all be written, but you’re welcome to submit any sort of creative entry that you’d like.

How does it work?

The event will be split into three parts: the beginning, the middle, and the end. You’ll be provided with a prompt for the first (beginning) part to start, with two or three options at the end of each prompt to choose from. Pick an option and write, draw, or otherwise create an entry that shows your response to that option.

Once all the entries have been submitted for the first (beginning) part, staff will take a tally of how many people chose each of the available options. The option with the most entries will be the overall choice and will decide what the second (middle) prompt is, and the entries for the middle will decide the third (end) prompt. This means that this story, along with the new official chapter that will follow, hinges on your decisions and will change depending on the choices you make.

You will have 12 days to complete your entry for each part. The first (beginning) prompt will be released on February 7; the second (middle) prompt will be released on February 20; and the third (end) prompt will be released on March 5.

The schedule will be:
Chapter 1: February 7 through end of February 18 — DEADLINE EXTENDED - February 20, 23:59 Server Time
All entries submitted after February 18 can only receive a maximum of 2 points each, but will be able to reach minimum requirement!
Chapter 2: February 20 through end of March 3
Chapter 3: March 5 through end of March 16


1. You must work on your entry by yourself. The only exception to this is if you’d like to submit a roleplay scene, though in that case only your own posts would count towards your grade.
2. Create a new thread in the Entry forum for each entry that you submit. Each thread should be titled PART - USERNAME. For example: Prompt #1 - Bone Monster.
3. At the top of each thread, copy and paste the option that you are choosing. This helps make sure that your entry counts towards the correct option for the prompt.
4. You may only submit one entry per part.

Grading and Prizes

All entries will be graded by staff members using a simple rubric, which mostly looks at how well your entry answers the prompt, if the work is detailed and original, and whether or not it seems like a reasonable amount of time was spent on it. Once your total grades have been tallied at the end of the event, you’ll receive points, which can be spent in a shop that holds several new items. Users who reach the minimum participation requirement for all three parts will also receive the Lily of the Valley pet or mushroom*. Minimum participation is any completed piece that is at least somewhat related to the prompt, with some evidence that time was spent on the work (e.g., not a plain stick-figure drawing or a single limerick).

You can receive up to four points for each of the three parts of this event, which adds up to a total of twelve possible points. Users with the highest-scoring entries will also be entered into a raffle at the end of the event, with the chance to win a breeding or a glowing changingshroom.

* The Lily of the Valley coat will also be for sale as a pet or a mushroom for 10 gems or 36000 nuggets for a limited time after the event.


We strongly believe that feedback is important to artistic growth and that part of being involved in a creative community is encouraging each other and helping one another improve. If you’d like to receive feedback on your work from other players, create a thread in the Feedback forum with your username as the title. This will let everyone know that you’re open to comments about your entries and also give them a place to post their feedback to you.

To help keep things balanced, only users who open their entries to feedback may give feedback to other people*. For every two comments that you give to other users, you’ll receive an additional point to be spent in the event shop, provided that your feedback follows the structure laid out in the feedback guide. Please give feedback to different users and not all to the same person. You can receive up to three points for this, which will be added to your total tally at the end of the event.

* Staff members are exempt from this, so please don’t be surprised if you see some of us popping in with a word or two!

Useful Links

* Prompt #1 - Introduction

* Entry Forum
* Feedback Forum
* Feedback Guide

* Event Shop


Q: In what forms may I represent my character?

A: Quad, Anthro, or Human!

Q: Do my entries need to be canon?

A: Because this is an event that will eventually become part of Mycena’s lore, please keep your entries canon! You do not need to use a pet or character you already own, but do keep in mind that most of the cave’s residents are of the four-legged variety, with only the occasional human here and there.

Q:  Does my character need to be the second person ‘you’ in prompts?

A: Your character doesn’t need to be the second person ‘you’ in the prompts. That is, you don’t need to create your entry from the point of view of a newly Awoken Mycenian, though you’re certainly welcome to!

Q:  In the first prompt, am I supposed to put something specific down the tunnel (e.g.  A monster, since you hinted at a monster)?

A:  The prompt gives you an idea of what you could find down the tunnel, but it isn’t necessarily what has to be found!  Maybe that growling noise wasn’t a monster, but a chocolate factory’s gears turning.  Use the ideas in the prompt, but feel free to be as creative as you want!

Q:  If we are doing an entry for each prompt, do they have to connect or relate to each other somehow?

A:  No, they do not!  In fact, it would likely be hard to make them relate to each other since subsequent prompts may not follow along your course of action.

Q:  Does my entry have to be a written entry?

A: No, an entry can be basically in any medium you can dream up.  It can be a painting, an interpretive dance, a Minecraft world, a lego scene, a cake etc.

Q: Do entries have to be of a certain length, or contain a certain element?

A: There is no length requirement or maximum. Your entry should somehow show your response to the option you pick. For this first part, that would mean actually travelling down the tunnel that you choose, regardless of whether or not your character actually makes it all the way through. Part of your grade is based on how well you answer the prompt!

Q: Can I take part in part 2/3 if I did not participate in part 1?

A: Absolutely! You need to reach the minimum participation requirement in all three parts if you wish to receive the Lily of the Valley mushroom for your participation, but you can still collect points to purchase the event specific items by solely participating in part 2 and/or 3!

Q: For the raffle, how will the users with the highest-scoring entries be determined?

A: The users with the highest-scoring entries overall, over all three parts together, will be entered into a raffle. This means each user can only be entered into the raffle once at most.

Q: What are the deadlines for feedback for the individual parts?

A: Part one: February 25th
Part two: March 10th
Part three: March 23rd

Q: Will we know how we scored on each part before the next part comes out?

A: No, you won’t know how you scored for each part before the next prompt comes out. Staff has to grade each user’s entries individually, which will not be manageable in a two day timespan.

Posted 02/07/15, edited 03/26/15
Ooh! It begins!
Posted 02/07/15
-Screams- Oh my god I’ve been waiting for the Lilly of the Valley coat foreverrrrrr~ I need ten. :DD
Posted 02/07/15

exited noise !! :DD

edit: so excited that i can’t manage to spell excited right! 8D

Posted 02/07/15, edited 02/07/15
So it begins. > >
Posted 02/07/15
I’m so excited :D
Posted 02/07/15

Ohh, awesome items! And the Inekis, ahh. I wish the ribbon was an equippable item, it’s soo cute. >w<
The monster path is a perfect option for what I wanted to do. @w@

Posted 02/07/15
OMG. GOGGLES. TORCHES. I need those in my life. Now. Please. Thank you.
Posted 02/07/15

I’m guessing the Hidden Waterfall is a avatar BG even though it shows up in the magic puddle (and breaks the image lol)


Posted 02/07/15
Foxcat  Haha, yes!  I can equip it to my avatar so you can see what it looks like.  :D It’s called Hidden Waterfall because I think the waterfall will be hidden by the ineki’s giant heads.
Posted 02/07/15

CLOAK ITEM. -buzzes with anticipation-

This event looks like it’ll be really fun! I can’t wait until Monday, when I’ll have time to start! 8D

Posted 02/07/15
Looks really neat, I love the shop items!
Posted 02/07/15

I know this thread hasn’t reached even two pages yet and I’ve already posted two times, but I’m just curious about something.

I’m garbage at explaining what’s going on in my mind but… are we allowed to make three completely different entries (e.g. stories) in response to each prompt or do they have to connect somehow (e.g. something episodic)? It’s just that I have a hard time imagining how each part could go well together when there are so many ways for a response to end.

Posted 02/07/15

; The second and third prompts will be written based on the most chosen route (left/right in the first case), and will be inspired by but not logically following anyone’s individual entries. Chances are that for no one, the second or third prompt comes remotely close to what they wrote, and that’d automatically mean everyone would be creating three completely different entries :) It’d then be up to you whether you want to involve the same of your characters or not!

That said, Prose would have to confirm that later today, but I don’t think you should be worried <3

Posted 02/07/15, edited 02/07/15
*rubs the banner* its so pretty!!
Posted 02/07/15
Is that a cloak???? AND GOGGLES???? YAS
Posted 02/07/15
Maybe I missed this, but do we have to use our Mycena pets, or can we use unrelated/made-up OCs?
Posted 02/07/15

Lixi - You can tell three entirely different stories for each part :) Don’t worry about making them all connect!

Scorpio - No, you don’t need to use your own pet(s). You’re welcome to make up a new character for this!

A few points, to clarify some things:

(I would call this a FAQ, except no one has actually asked these questions yet, I don’t think.)

1. Because this is an event that will eventually become part of Mycena’s lore, please keep your entries canon! You do not need to use a pet or character you already own, but do keep in mind that most of the cave’s residents are of the four-legged variety, with only the occasional human here and there.

2. Your character doesn’t need to be the second person ‘you’ in the prompts. That is, you don’t need to create your entry from the point of view of a newly Awoken Mycenian, though you’re certainly welcome to!

Posted 02/07/15

T-T Oh no… I just drew out a really nice sketch of the human forms for two of my characters running through the tunnel.

Well. Back to the drawing board.

Posted 02/07/15
I’m so sorry, Emeralda; I really should’ve clarified that earlier. Maybe you could keep your sketch as two human Mycenians? They’re rare, but they are around!
Posted 02/07/15, edited 02/07/15


Also, I’m super happy to see the Lily of the Valley. I was wondering when that would pop up again ovo

Posted 02/07/15
Posted 02/08/15
Let’s DO THIS. -goes to make an entry-
Posted 02/08/15
Does that mean that we can’t RP our pets as Anthro (human with animal features?) o’:
Posted 02/08/15

Tamako:  You are welcome to portray/roleplay your pets as Anthro! 

As a general note: Prose mentioned earlier that you can represent your characters as human if you want as well!  It’d make a little more sense canon-wise to make them animal-y in some way since we’ve established that humans and ineki are two different things, but our bottom line is we want you to have freedom to create what you want, so human representations are fine in this case. :D

I’ll add a little FAQ section to the first post so people don’t have to scroll through everything to see if their question has been asked somewhere.

Posted 02/08/15, edited 02/08/15
Oh ok! I suppose their more anthro than human anyways~ Thanks!
Posted 02/08/15
I don’t like being restricted to the cave, so I’m going to have to pass on this one. (Understandable why it’s restricted t to the cave though.) However, it’s very nice of you to offer the Lily of the Valley available outside this event. I can still collect without feeling forced to create something that doesn’t interest me.
Posted 02/09/15, edited 02/09/15
So this doesn’t have to just be roleplay right? It can be art as well?
Posted 02/09/15
Alice:  That is correct; it can be a roleplay, art, or pretty much any sort of creative thing you can dream up! ^^
Posted 02/09/15

. A .

This seems completely trivial, but for illiteration value it’s extremely important to me…
It is pronounced like ‘Krew’ or like ‘Crow?’

Posted 02/09/15