19:37 ST
[EVENT] Choose Your Own Adventure: official thread
It’s up to you, Metalhawk! It would be easier for the graders if you keep everything in one thread, but like Scorpio said, it isn’t mandatory. If you’ve already made a second thread, don’t worry about combining them :)
Posted 03/04/15
Thank you kindly! Should have thought to ask earlier, but now I know for future events like this one. Big help, don’t want to make things harder on you guys!
Posted 03/04/15
Part 3 is now up!
Posted 03/05/15
What’s the rule on swearing in this?
Posted 03/15/15

Paradise:  Our site rules also apply to this event.

2b under content rules states that “Mature” content (swearing, adult themes, etc.) is okay so long as you have the [M] tag in your title.  Thus, you can have swearing in your entries, just mark it with the [M] tag! :)

Posted 03/15/15
Okay, cool! Thanks Myla!
Posted 03/15/15
This is a reminder that Part 3 closes tonight on 3/16 at 11:59 pm site-time. Remember to finish and post your entries by then!
Posted 03/16/15
Should we have all our feedback responses in by tonight as well for Prompt #3, or can those be posted as long as it is before 3/24?
Posted 03/16/15
You’ll have another week to post feedback, so as long as your comments are posted by 3/23, you’re fine :)
Posted 03/16/15
Part 3 is now closed.

However, you can continue to write feedback for other players up until 11:59 pm ST on 3/23. Points will be tallied and distributed shortly afterwards.

Posted 03/17/15
Crap. I went by what the headline said and thought today was the last day to submit. It said 17. Oh well.
Posted 03/17/15, edited 03/17/15

I’m sorry to hear you didn’t get your entry in in time :( Which heading are you referring to? The notification thing under the MC banner read:
The Choose Your Own Adventure creative event is in full swing! [February 7 - March 16]

Posted 03/17/15, edited 03/17/15

I didn’t post anything about receiving feedback, but I don’t have prompt three up. Stopped writing it when I realized it was way after deadline.

Would it be all right if I posted my feedback thread and gave feedback even though the first two deadlines have passed?

Edit: This is so I can get some points since I was late on first prompt and completely missed third.

Posted 03/17/15, edited 03/17/15
You can go ahead and put up a feedback thread, Chibi; just add a note at the top saying that you’re looking for feedback for your second entry.
Posted 03/17/15

Are we going to receive a fourth installment to wrap things up now that it’s ended (and once the choices have been tallied for part three)? I’m interested in seeing what might have come after the third choice as an ending, even if everyone made their own endings.
Also, I’m curious about whether the unchosen paths were written already or whether the next parts written after players chose the winning paths? (If that makes sense?)

Posted 03/18/15

Yes, there will be a fourth installment to wrap everything up :)

The two potential paths were drafted up and roughly outlined, but nothing was actually written until options were tallied and we knew which path would be taken. Does that answer your question?

Posted 03/18/15

Yes! Thank you very much!
Ah, I have one more question. I kind of developed the personality of the ineki I used to write my entries with a heavy influence from this event. Is it alright if I kept the stories and characters for reference later as part of his background, since they are characters created for this event? I wouldn’t want to mess with them if they’re going to be used by staff for anything else, and they aren’t my creations, just my interpretations. ^^;

Posted 03/18/15
Are we allowed to copy and paste our entries to a musings thread? It’s not that I want the nuggets so much as these were some of the first drabbles I wrote from the point of view for these characters so I want to reference them in the future for characterizations sake. I want to save them in a place where I can readily find them before the event forum disappears for good.
Posted 03/19/15

raus:  I think it’s awesome that you were able to do some character development.  You can definitely keep your posts/character that you created. :D

:  Yes, re-posting your works to the musings forum is fine!

Also, The event forum will disappear from the forum listings page, but nothing will be deleted or removed from it.  As long as you save the link somewhere or remember the forum ID, you’d be able to go back and view your (and everyone else’s) entries if you didn’t want to re-post it in Musings.

Posted 03/19/15, edited 03/19/15
That’s wonderful, thank you very much! This helps a lot. :D
Posted 03/19/15

Question! Sorry ^^;

I got super busy and didn’t get to participate in part 2 or 3. I had a feedback thread up for part 1… Would I still be allowed to give feedback on part 3 now, or no? Just wondering if I would have a chance to get feedback points, if I have time. ^^;

Posted 03/19/15
You can go ahead and give feedback, Blemy!
Posted 03/20/15

I’m really impressed that I managed to successfully complete all three parts of this event, but it was really fun nonetheless. Haha.

I do have a question, though. When the shop opens, are the items going to cost more than just a point each?

EDIT: I see; thanks Myla!

Posted 03/20/15, edited 03/20/15
Paradise:  The price on the items will not change.  One point each! :)
Posted 03/20/15

The first post said that the Lilly of the Valley pet/shroom would be for sale for gems as well as one being given to those who completed all three prompts, is that going to happen after the points are tallied? And will those who completed all three prompts also get a chance to buy an extra Lilly of the Valley if they want or are only the ones who didn’t complete the prompts getting to buy one (limiting it to one mushroom/pet per account from this event regardless of how they were acquired)?

I hope those questions make sense…

Posted 03/22/15
Nephele; Yes, they will be for sale after the points are tallied — it wouldn’t be fair to anyone to make the gem-purchasable shrooms available before or after the points are distributed. As for your second question, I’m not completely certain if a decision was made in that regard yet :)
Posted 03/22/15
Earning a Lily of the Valley is independent from buying one — so if you earned one through the event you can also buy one and end up with two :)
Posted 03/22/15
Thank you!
Posted 03/22/15
-rolls around impatiently- I’ve been so excited to get a Lily
Posted 03/23/15
This event is now over!

A fourth part will be posted within the next few days to wrap up the story. Points will be distributed later this week, and the final raffle will be drawn around that same time, so stay tuned :)

Thank you so much for coming along on our adventure! We hope you had fun and enjoyed creating your entries as much as we enjoyed looking at them!

Posted 03/24/15