06:33 ST
[EVENT] Choose Your Own Adventure: official thread
Deadline Extension

It has come to our attention that there were a number of you who thought the deadline was the 20th rather than the 18th.  As such, we are allowing participants to submit Prompt 1 up until 11:59 ST (Server Time) on the 20th.

However, the maximum amount you will be able to earn is 2 points for Prompt 1 if you are submitting your entry between now and the 20th.  This will still give you minimum participation and keep you in the running to earn the event coat color.

This is the only time we’re doing the extension; we will not be doing an extension for the other two prompts.  The deadlines for each prompt are in the first post.  You have 12 days to respond to each prompt, not a full two weeks. :)

I hope this clears things up, and allows for those of you who have been working on Prompt 1 to submit something if you haven’t so far!  I’m really enjoying seeing everyone’s entries—keep up the amazing work! <3

Posted 02/19/15, edited 02/19/15
Aw man. I had misread it thinking we had until the 20th to submit. I guess I’ll finish it up for the minimum anyway D:
Posted 02/20/15
Real sorry if I missed this or if it’s painfully obvious, but for feedback, will we need to make a separate thread for each entry or are we allowed to reuse our old ones?
Posted 02/20/15
separate ones i believe
Posted 02/20/15

You can go ahead and use the same feedback thread :)

Edit - If you’d like to opt out of receiving feedback for specific parts, please say so in a new reply to your thread AND in bold at the top of your first post.

Posted 02/20/15, edited 02/20/15
Awesome, thanks!
Posted 02/20/15
Part 2 is now up!
Posted 02/20/15

Oh gosh, I’ve just realised that the second part is up. I totally forgot it was on the 20th. D8
Hopefully I’ll be able to come up with something nice. I would love to make another game, but I haven’t got enough time, awwh. ;3;

Anyway, the options are really interesting again, can’t wait to see what people create. :D

Posted 02/20/15

Quick question-

Is it crucial that we have our character interact with the NPC characters? I was purposefully trying to avoid them in my first prompt, as I’m really uncomfortable RPing someone else’s characters, but this one seems like you do actually need to use them as a plot point. If I just tackled the mystery of the flowers or statue without including the NPCs, would that be okay?

Posted 02/20/15
Ishliayaq - You need to respond to the prompt and somehow show your character(s) helping either Seelby or Mim. If you can do this without interacting with either NPC, that’s fine, so long as your entry clearly revolves around one of the two options.
Posted 02/20/15

I see.

Thanks for the answer.

Posted 02/20/15
can we possibly get some information on mim? i might have to try writing her in my entry, so if she has an established character, it’d be cool to know what she’s like. otherwise, should i just make up her personality and try to build off of what i see of her in the two existing prompts? (same for seelby, although i know she also shows up in the Story too so it might be easier to fish out some personality stuffs, but it’d still be nice to have some concrete info?)
Posted 02/21/15

Mim doesn’t have an established character. She was created just for this event and likely won’t make an appearance again, so go ahead and make up a personality for her :)

You likewise don’t need to worry about staying true to Seelby’s character in the story; we won’t be grading you on that at all. For those of you who’d like to know anyways, though, she’s a practical sort of Ineki who’s still trying to find her place here in the Cave. She’s confident enough now to help lead an expedition into unexplored tunnels, but it’s a slow and uncertain process. She also really likes plants.

I hope this helps!

Posted 02/21/15
OK, thanks for the answer!
Posted 02/22/15
i have a question about roleplaying for entries. it says that only your posts would be counted, but i’m wondering how that would work in roleplays that build off of each other rather extensively? doragon and i are putting some extensive planning into plot and such and working together to make it cohesive. so it might be that their character executes a certain piece of the plot that i came up with, and vice versa. i’m just not sure how that would affect scores on creativity and how well the prompt is addressed ^^;
Posted 02/22/15


Are the people who missed Prompt #1 still permitted to participate in the event by beginning with Prompt #2?

Posted 02/22/15
springdragon: yes, you just will not be eligible for full points for the event!
Posted 02/22/15

baekhesten:  If you’re roleplaying, we expect that things will be intertwined with your partner’s posts and your graders will almost certainly have to read the roleplay in its entirety to understand what is going on in your posts specifically.  What the graders will be looking for is that they can tell which option you pick (this should be made clear in your side of the roleplay), that you are driving the action/“creativity” in some parts, that you’re writing a reasonable amount (aka your partner isn’t doing most of the work with you just throwing in a couple sentences of responses), and how your writing looks in general (have you proofread and corrected most spelling/grammatical errors?).

Springdragon:  What dora says is true; you can definitely still participate!  You can earn up to 4 points for Prompt 2 and up to 4 points for Prompt 3 (if you do that one as well) which you then could spend on the event items.  The only thing you aren’t eligible for would be the Lily of the Valley coat color because you need to reach minimum participation in all three prompts in order to receive the event coat color.  :)

Posted 02/22/15, edited 02/22/15
Just checking but, we have till March 3rd to get the entries in right? Not just that part 3 will be posted later that day or next day?
Posted 03/01/15
That is correct :) Part 2 ends on March 3, and part 3 will be posted on March 5.
Posted 03/01/15
I just wanted to ask if I could do some of it as a comic, but finish it up by writing it. I… kinda had a little accident and hurt my hand, so it’s difficult to draw now :c
Posted 03/01/15
Oh my gosh, this ends on my birthday <3
Posted 03/01/15
Aloulore, that’s fine :) I hope your hand heals up soon!
Posted 03/01/15
This is a reminder that Part 2 closes tomorrow on 3/3 at 11:59 pm site-time. Remember to finish and post your entries by then!
Posted 03/02/15

Er, regarding feedback, are we allowed to give feedback on old threads or entries? As in, right now, am I allowed to give feedback on prompt #1 entries or only prompt #2 entries?

EDIT: Also, to get extra points, do we have to do two feedbacks on each part, or can we get two points by offering feedback four times on one part?

EDIT: Thanks for the answer, Prose!

Posted 03/03/15, edited 03/04/15
No, you can no longer give feedback on entries for part 1. You can definitely offer feedback four (or even six) times for part 2, though! There aren’t any restrictions on which part you comment on, as long as the entries don’t all belong to the same player :)
Posted 03/03/15
Part 2 is now closed

You can no longer submit or edit entries for this part of the adventure. Stay tuned for part 3, which will be released on 3/5! In the meantime, you can continue to give one another feedback up until the 10th.

Posted 03/04/15

Ah, that was ending tonight, I forgot… I got super busy and didn’t get to finish part 2. ;_;
-sits in corner of not being able to properly fully participate in last two events ahhh- X3;

Posted 03/04/15
I have questions about feedback. For the threads we create, are we supposed to make a new feedback thread for each prompt or put them all in the same one? Or does it matter? I made a second thread because I wasn’t clear but if it’s supposed to be all in one thread let me know so I can ask to have it closed and move it to the first thread?
Posted 03/04/15


We can use the same thread! =D I don’t think it’s mandatory, though.

>> https://www.mycenacave.com/forums/viewthread/1/2956/3#post_e32eb8a2e6

Posted 03/04/15, edited 03/04/15