18:57 ST
[EVENT] Choose Your Own Adventure: official thread

Whoo, whoo!
I’m excited to get my points and mushroom!
I have a pretty packed schedule, so fitting in entries on top of connecting the three prompts and giving thoughtful feedback to others was a bit of a challenge, but I’m proud of myself for trying my best. I had a lot of fun writing poetry since I haven’t seriously created some since I was a senior in high school. I always like these events because they push me to improve!

Thanks for another great event~

Posted 03/24/15

How exciting! I can’t wait to spend those points. *w* *Lurks.*
The event was so much fun, I hope we’ll have more events like that in the future. <3

Posted 03/24/15

*Kermit flails* I’m so excited about this. This event was so fun, and I’ve never gotten to participate in anything like it. I eagerly await the results! Also: NEW COAT NEW COAT YAY.

Good luck to me everyone in the raffle, too! XD

Posted 03/24/15

*hypes* can’t wait to get my points and the new coat. Plus goggles - goggles are good. ouo

Also I’m curious, how many users will be chosen to enter the raffle? :o

Posted 03/24/15
I have a question, too. For people who won a Lily in the event, will they be given out as mushies or as pets? Or will we have a choce? I need to know if I need to adjust my spending plans to make room to buy more fodder.
Posted 03/24/15

:  Most likely, the top ~30 will be placed in the raffle; we’re still fiddling with our cut-off point though!

: If you reached the minimum participation goal (at least 2 points/round), you will get the choice between a pet or a mushroom Lily of the Valley. :)

Posted 03/24/15

I still super bummed because I only realized yesterday that I never submitted my entry for #3…

Oh well..

Posted 03/24/15
Sorry if this has been answered somewhere else, but is it officially too late to give feedback for points too?
Posted 03/24/15

Yes, it’s too late to give feedback. ):  You could give feedback until the 23:59 ST on the 23rd.

Posted 03/24/15, edited 03/24/15
Ah alright thanks! At least I got one in.  I somehow missed that .-.
Posted 03/24/15
When will we know how much the event ‘shroom will be? I’m hesitant on purchasing any of this months until I know how much the event one is. :O
Posted 03/26/15
* The Lily of the Valley coat will also be for sale as a pet or a mushroom for 10 gems or 36000 nuggets for a limited time after the event.from the first post


Posted 03/26/15

From the first post:

The Lily of the Valley coat will also be for sale as a pet or a mushroom for 10 gems or 36000 nuggets for a limited time after the event.Bone Monster

Hope this helps! :)

Posted 03/26/15

Woops! Thanks. I must have skimmed over that. XD

Edit: Too much stuff to read and keep track of. No wonder why I missed it.

Posted 03/26/15, edited 03/26/15
The CYOA points have been awarded!

They can be spent in the CYOA shop :) Be sure to scroll to the bottom of the page to see if you qualified for the free Lily of the Valley or the event raffle! Also, anyone wishing to buy a Lily of the Valley pet or mushroom can do so from the CYOA shop as well.

Note: I initially announced that the Lily of the Valley would be for sale for your choice of gems or nuggets, but ended up only putting it up for sale for gems because (a) it’s easier for me, and (b) if you wanted to buy it for nuggets all you have to do is first buy gems with those nuggets and then buy it for gems :)

Posted 03/26/15, edited 03/26/15

Eeee, finally! *w* *Adores the uncarved Lily of the Valley.*

Hmm, since it says breeding flowers and not breedings, does it mean there will be one flower per pair nevertheless of whom the other pet(s) belong to? (Either way I’m excited, cause more babies. >w<)

Posted 03/26/15, edited 03/26/15

-tightly winds around raffle and vibrates-
Ahhhh, very excited, I didn’t know so many breedings were going to be offered!
Hoping for Raveena babies ;_;!

Posted 03/26/15, edited 03/26/15
Oh my gosh I qualified for the raffle :D. So much excite! -crosses fingers-
Posted 03/26/15
I’m just happy I earned enough to buy one of each item. 8)
Posted 03/26/15
That sound that that just burst all your eardrums was my excited shrieking. This has made my day. I made enough to be in the raffle! And points and lovely new items and EEEEEEEEE. My face right now. For real.
Posted 03/26/15
I made it into the raffle, I am so unbelievably happy!
Posted 03/26/15
since it says breeding flowers and not breedings, does it mean there will be one flower per pair nevertheless of whom the other pet(s) belong to?Rhyme

It means there will be 8 (or possibly 9) flowers, but the usual rules for the number of flowers apply.  So like anywhere between 4 and 8 breedings, depending on the karasses.

Posted 03/26/15, edited 03/26/15

Oh, that makes sense, thanks for answering! :3

Posted 03/26/15

Hey girl. I heard you liked goggles so I got you some goggles to go with your goggles. 8|

Posted 03/26/15

Well, at least I got enough points to make Keir look spiff’d.

Posted 03/26/15, edited 03/26/15

I love those new items. >w< *Sits on a pile of goggles.*

Posted 03/26/15

I may or may not have bought eight pairs of goggles.

Posted 03/26/15

O: It’s a snazzy pet party

Posted 03/26/15

*giggles uncontrollably*

edit: *GROUP PIC! :D

Posted 03/26/15, edited 03/26/15

just curious - how many people were entered into the raffle in the end? :> I know myla said ~30 up there but that was before everything was finalized XD

edit: also, what was the point cut-off used? o: and are we allowed to know the average number of points that that each participant was awarded? :>

(shhh I like numbers
omnom numbers)

Posted 03/26/15, edited 03/26/15